The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 11 Chapter 73: Guide to Saruman

Chapter 73—Saruman Raiders

Essinger is one of the major towns in the Middle-earth continent. Its geographical location is very critical, and it is also the accompany capital of Luo Khan. In the country are similar to the existence of Tianjin, Shanghai and other municipalities in China.

Twenty years ago, King Hyoden of Rohan gave this place to his best friend: Saruman in white robes to take care of the latter, which had been disguised well until he would be jealous. Gandalf's imprisonment was considered to be his true identity-this incident should have happened more than six months later.

Saruman gets to Isinger

Finding the Crystal of Reality in the Ozark Tower

Due to Shen Mí's long-term use, Sauron's will can gradually corrupt him and change him.

At the same time because of his passionate research on the knowledge of the Lord of the Rings

He also plunged into the quagmire of power expansion while studying the dark forces. He was not allied with Sauron because he was enslaved like spirit abstinence, but because of his ambition!

The true purpose of Saruman is, without a doubt, to get the Lord of the Rings and then replace Sauron to rule the entire world.

The reason why Fang Senyan, who has lost the opportunity to complete the main task, came to Essinger is to find Saruman!

At this time, Saruman had not violently identified himself, so in the eyes of the rest, he was still the noble speaker of the White Parliament and the sacred white robe mage. At the same time, it must be acknowledged that under the rule of Saruman, Isinger was still very prosperous, and the people under his rule lived in prosperity and happiness.

This means that it is not too difficult for Fang Senyan to see him. Secondly, Saruman should not break his face at this time to show his identity. Or, Fang Senyan is not worth it at all. Let him tear his face --- then it means that Fang Senyan is not in danger.

As for the risks brought by the previous conflict, Fang Senyan also considered it, but only the strong orc Luz met him. Fang Senyan did not believe that Saruman would be bold enough to see Luz as a human being. Bring it around. Then I'm afraid he's been ruined for a long time.

The gems that just passed from Eliador to Isinger are really valuable. It is estimated that at least tens of thousands of platinum coins have been burned. After the four people emerged from the teleportation team and walked outside the hall, there were taxes. Guan Bin politely registered their names, and when they learned that they were buying merchants selling jewels in the dwarven territory, they received a small amount of money and did not count, and were approved to enter the mountain. It's up to Isinger.

If you look down at Isinger from above, it feels mysterious, huge and vicissitudes, but after you approach the city, although there are still a lot of monuments and ancient singularities everywhere, it reminds tourists of the ancient and distant here, but the bustling streets and lively The citizens have added an indescribable vitality here.

The knights patrolling the streets are all with somber faces, and they are walking slowly with the horses. It is natural to say that the knights are tall and strong, and more importantly, their horses look very strong and strong, walking. At that time, the white gas sprayed from the nostrils was about one meter long. When walking on the hoof, the solid mass muscle ròu wriggled elegantly under the skin, showing a powerful explosive force.

It can be seen that these patrol knights have a good relationship with the merchants on the street. From time to time, many merchants even take out food to feed the horses. It is eye-opening that the giant horses under the knights are almost What to feed and what to eat, jī eggs, bread, cereal, hay, smoked ròu ... …… ..

The girl from Fog Song has been staying in Rivendell and hasn't come out. She just experienced the gentle, enthusiastic and charismatic, and witnessed the cruel and harsh Eliador. At this time, she came to the bustling and unorderly Ai Singh was also very surprised.

Feeling the orderly operation of the city, watching the vitality and order of Isinger, Fang Senyan nodded after thinking about it, did nothing else, but directly asked someone to ask, went straight to the largest Jewelry store.

"Well, there are about 4,000 strangers who came to Essinger today. There are 67 strangers arriving through the teleportation team. Of these 67 people, three people need to pay close attention to surveillance. Six will be dispatched tomorrow. Group surveillance. "

"Wait, why are there only three people? I remember a group of people is also very suspicious. They are four people in total. Two of them seem to be warriors who have fought in battle, and one person should be a mage. Shao nv seems ordinary, but there is a powerful natural force in the long bow on her back, which is likely to be a treasure of jīng spirit. "

"This group of people has investigated and confirmed that the reason they wrote to enter Isinger is to sell gemstones. In fact, they did. After entering the city, they visited six gemstone shops and magic prop shops and took them out. Gem is indeed a rare jīng product. "

"This does not wash away the doubts on them. I suspect that the source of their gems was snatched from Eliador, and the sāoluàn that appeared there has not yet subsided."

"I know, but a jewel from this group of people has caught the attention of Lord Ganshedor. It is said to be a stone with a strange soul. Since Lord Saruman's chief wizard has noticed them, There is no need for them to spend limited manpower on them. "

"You're right, sir."

The Lord Gangshedor mentioned in the secret spy's mouth was now in the Ozark Tower, and stood respectfully at the outside of the magic laboratory. The screams of roar that were faintly heard could not make him at all. Move. Because he knew that if he wanted to stay longer in the presence of Lord Saruman, he had to learn to forget what he should not see or hear.

Gangshedor is not the most powerful among Saruman's subordinates, but he is the most cautious and the most severe of his mouth, which is why he can sit in this position for a long time.

Gangshedor waited for half an hour, but his respectful expression remained the same, even the width of the waist was the same. After a while, the lab's mén opened, and a silent shì stood in front of him:

"Master Lord will have afternoon tea in ten minutes. You can have a minute to have a great stream with the great Saruman."

Gangshedor nodded, straightened up and walked into a room nearby.

After he pushed open the room mén, there was a corridor in front of it. The smooth marble pillars on both sides of the corridor were like soldiers on both sides of the arch. The long chūn vines of the purple vine climbed around and cleverly formed a garden. There is also the sun, and the leaf shadows betting on the ground were stained with red blood by the sun.

From time to time, there were servants in the corridor. Many of them were orcs, tall and dark brown. They didn't have that bad smell, but they used their máo hair to buckle the animals. It was tied up, and it was dotted with some pale bones, its expression was numb and dull.

At the end of the corridor is another big mén sculpted to praise the gods and angels. After pushing the mén away, he came to Saruman's reception room. This is a comfortable space, and the floor is black Brown sè oily bearskin, stepping on if it is in the warm grass.

The scent of pepper, cinnamon, licorice, and rosacea is permeated in the air --- these can effectively help the mage's mind and strength to recover, Luohan depicted by stained glass inlaid around the living room With the rise of the kingdom, the angel sconces on all four walls gave off a gentle light.

This is the magical magic tower laid out by Saruman, which can be enjoyed as an emperor.

Gangshedor knelt down on the bearskin on the ground, did not dare to look around with his eyes, and remained humble all the time. After a few minutes, a mage with unusually tall body and white hair flying away strode away. When he got up, he was wearing a spotless white robe and his eyes were as deep as a hawk. He sat on the luxurious sofa in the middle, took the mahogany pipe next to him, lit himself a bucket full of tobacco, and deep Take a deep breath into that luscious breath, and after a while I said:

"Tell me what you're doing."

Gangshedor simply took out a jīng beautiful purse, and there was a jingle sound of metal impact, and then fell on the ground and said:

"There are three thousand platinum coins in this purse, my lord, this is what a guy who claims to be a gem merchant pays me for just asking me to do two things."

Luhman took a sip of green smoke, closed his eyes and said, "I appreciate your loyalty and frankness, but I am tired of the topic this time, so I will reduce the time of this meeting to one minute."

Gangshedor took out another bag:

"This is the first thing that person asks me to bring an adult ~ ~ He said that the gems inside are from another world-yes, it is the world, It's not the country, and I'm very clear about it. "

Saruman waved his hand, and the bag fell off. A piece of transparent crystal, the size of an egg, darkened heartily, slowly rotated before his eyes.

"It's funny, I heard the fragile soul crying in this crystal. It really is not a product of Middle-earth continent, but the soul in this soul spar is too weak, and I have no interest at all- --------- You have fifteen seconds left. "

Gangshedor nodded:

"The man said that if the adult is not interested in the first box, then please ask me to give you this box, and no matter what the adult's reaction is, the platinum coins in that pocket are mine."

"Where is the box?"

Saruman impatiently said:

! @ #

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