The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 11 Chapter 74: Mediate

Chapter 74 Good offices

Gonscher looked at Saruman a little timidly, and presented a box. (_ 彩 & 虹 & 文 & 学) {Rainbow Literature Network m} Obviously he is not optimistic that this thing can impress his lord.

After getting the box, Saruman's eyes flashed for a moment, and he touched the surface of the box with his fingers, wondering:

"Residual breath on it, why ... am I so familiar?"

Saruman closed his eyes slowly, his fingers traced across the surface of the box, it can be clearly seen that although the back of Saruman's hand looks a lot of wrinkles, the palm side is smooth and delicate like a baby, A series of intoxicating and crazy sounds came from Saruman's mouth:

"Ah, wait, this familiar dark atmosphere, such unwilling anger and growl ... It's like the feeling of the guy named Dole! But why is his origin related to this box?"

Saruman immediately opened the box slowly-it seemed to be guarding against possible magic traps-and then his eyebrows frowned. , Because the box is empty!

This feeling made Saruman quite uncomfortable. It was as if a child saw a favorite candy and hurriedly peeled off the outer wrapping paper with a look of anticipation, but found out that there was a stone inside.

"what happened?"

Saruman's four words were balanced, and he couldn't hear his anger and sorrow, but Gangshedor, who was familiar with his character, suddenly fell on the ground and stunned:

"Sir! The contents of this box look very ordinary, but after I get it, a lot of weird things will happen to me. Really ... I dare not bring it directly! In order to avoid disturbing adults, so I only dare to present this box stained with its breath. "

Sarumanchi said:

"A lot of weird things will happen ???? It's really interesting, I'm getting more and more interested in this thing, and people will bring it over! No, you'll take me there right away!"

"Yes, sir," Gangshedor panicked. He hurried back a few steps, and then led Saruman out of the tower in front of him.

The two had just arrived by the carriage in Gangshedor, and they saw a guard who was dying on the spot, eyes opened, and there was a terrible wound between his throat, as if someone was using a red-hot knife It's like going in.

There was also chaos nearby. A tall horse riding under the sheriff's foot broke free from the shackles. Some of its skin was torn, and the swollen muscles and blood vessels were exposed directly. The hungry beast was so ferocious, chewing on the palm of the dead master's palm with a squeak of flesh and blood.

Saruman didn't care about these scenes. He strode into the carriage and immediately felt the thick dark atmosphere. At this time, Saruman turned his head fiercely, because the strap he used to bundle his hair turned into a mottled bi-headed snake. The tongue in his mouth was black forked and was about to hiss. Come over. Saruman pointed with his finger, and the tape immediately turned into black gas and floated away.

"Able to assimilate all the objects with dark nature around the infection ........." Saruman said with a little sigh of admiration: "Gangschedor, I must praise you, you have brought me a great deal What about surprises, fragments? Where did you put him? "

Gangshedor suddenly said:

"I just put the new box with the pieces in the drawer of the carriage, and then told the guards to keep their eyes wide open and pay attention to all weird things."

At this time, a guard ran over in horror and said loudly:

"Sir, our horse has just gone mad and started attacking Casey, and the leather of Warcraft on the carriage suddenly wrapped around Sher's neck ........."

"Shut your mouth! You just need to tell me now, where is the box I handed over to you!" Gangshedor said fiercely.

"In the midst of chaos, a very weird-looking Chauden man jumped onto the carriage and extended his hand towards the drawer. We cut off one of his hands, but he opened the drawer with the other and grabbed it. The box, before we cut this hand, swallowed the box into the stomach and ran away. "The guard said in horror.

"Your job is done beautifully, sir!" Gangshedor furiously said. "Notify the city immediately and close the gates!"

"No need to bother." At this time Saruman suddenly panicked. He stretched out his palm and pressed it in front, releasing a "detect evil" spell. Suddenly, the chalken man escaped. The route seemed to be soaked in ink and appeared very clearly to everyone's eyes.

"I'll see the box in ten minutes, or your head-of course, remember to clean the box."

The iron arm and order that Saruman built in Isinger's hand showed its power, and his will was carried out after five minutes.

The armor shard Dole's armor pieces were so wet in front of Saruman, because this thing was just taken out of the unlucky Chadden's stomach, so no matter how it was washed or carried It smells bad.

"This shard ... didn't disappoint me! Well, Gangshedor, you stupid guy, it seems that it has been suppressed by the powerful force of nature before, so it can only accumulate energy, When it is delivered to your hands, the natural power to suppress it disappears, and the accumulated dark power begins to burst out, causing so much chaos. This is really a perfect piece of metal, a perfect gift! "

"Well, sir." Gangshedor stopped talking.

Saruman impatiently said:

"What else do you have to see, isn't it confusing enough in the city? What are you still doing here? Quiet the citizens as soon as possible."

Gangshedor boldly looked at Saruman's face:

"In fact, all of your reactions were guessed by that person ...... so I venture to bring you a word from him."

"That person?" Saruman said suddenly.

"That's the gem merchant, the original owner of this shard." Gangshedor boldly said.

Saruman groaned:

"He has nothing else to say."

Mysterious Word of God Gondor:

"He said he still has something more appealing to you ---- 唔, for this sentence, he will pay me an additional two thousand platinum coins -------- if If nothing happens, then I retire. "

There was a ray of light in Saruman's slender eyes:

"This person is really interesting, so okay, go tell him, based on the surprise he gave me today, then I decided to give him a chance. After half an hour, I will see him on the magic tower. I am I have received a very good gift and hope he can continue to surprise me. "

Under Saruman's account, Gangshedor's work efficiency is still quite high, so Fang Senyan and his party have quickly arrived in Saruman's meeting room.

Of course, due to security considerations, Fang Senyan did not bring Wuge girls, because it is difficult to say whether the pretends of Wuge girls will be seen by Saruman, and the disguise of the ring of gas, Villa, is not a panacea. Once discovered, the consequences can be imagined!

At this time, it was only about an hour from the completion of the task. Fang Senyan believed that since Saruman was so concerned about the armor shard of the Spirit Knight, then the phantom bone crystal of the elves obtained by the three of them was against Saru. Man is even more attractive.

Even if Saruman turned his face, but with the huge temptation of the elf's magic bone crystal, at least three people will be able to support for at least an hour. When the task fails, they will naturally return to space, and the three will eat at most. The pain of torture.

As for the kind of word that immediately goes in and out of the red knife, that is the behavior model of the strong orc Luzi, it is absolutely impossible to apply it to the old monster who has lived for thousands of years. His thinking must be inevitable. It ’s the first thing to think about, “Why is killing them good for me ……… ..”

After the three entered into the Ozark Tower, they did not notice any special changes-or Saruman was not willing to let them see any special changes, and then in a waiter's I was led into the magic laboratory of Saruman, and I saw this guy who was called "evil male" ~ ~ Fang Senyan was even more surprised to find that the layout here looks familiar, and it looks like it The rough interior of the rough mage tower in the orc city in the misty mountains is very similar. The tall, majestic, and burly powerful wizard glanced at them, and then said blandly:

"I heard that you have something to see me?"

Fang Senyan stood out and smiled:

"I am a sailor and a follower of the Supreme God. There is a saying among us that there are no eternal friends and enemies, but only eternal benefits. With some coincidence, we have obtained some of the Middle-earth world that are said to be precious and mysterious. Things, and then my friend told me: the gray dwarfs outside Angmar may be interested in these things, but the bids of those guys are really not satisfactory to me, so seek a higher and better price for these goods That is our main purpose when we came to Isinger. "

"Well, it is a believer of the Supreme God." Saruman nodded slightly, then said gently: "So please sit down. I have to thank you first for giving me the piece of armor full of darkness and evil, this It was a wise decision. "

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