The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 12 Chapter 68: Reunion

> .. Seeing the savage red light of **** induction slowly disappearing from the field of vision, Fang Senyan also breathed a long sigh. At this time, he was holding four **** invitations, which can be said to be the only big BSS in the whole **** world. It is not too much to describe it with red and purple. [..] The rest of the participants in the same group really want to see it!

Fortunately, he held the gadget of the galaxy in his hands and hesitated to trade. Otherwise, it will be difficult to mobilize the guys in Group B and ask them to apply for a large number of troops to defend it. To be honest, although the participants are powerful, they have not reached the point where they can despise the regular army, let alone Fang Senyan and Aziz are hiding in them, ready to attack at any time? The combined strength of the two should not be ignored, and it is reasonable that no one dared to come. ------ Wonderful start -----. ^ _ ^ (Pinyin o).

After the **** induction receded, Fang Senyan and Aziz breathed a sigh of relief at the same time, and they were all a bit disorganized and relaxed on the sofa beside them.

Although there was no battle just now, the nerves of the two men ’s full attention were already tightened, as if it were a bow full, and if they were full, they would shoot down. It ’s the most laborious to keep tightening. .

At this time, the two persisted until the end of the long **** induction time. At the same time, they felt an indescribable exhaustion hit their hearts. This was not a physical loss, but a mental loss. Fang Senyan picked up the cold coffee in the case before, took a deep and greedy sip, let the bitter taste spread all over him, closed his eyes and rested for a while before he said:

"It's finally over. ⑤①o."

Although Aziz still sat upright, he couldn't help but take a sip of the clear water in front of him and said in a low voice:

"After a good rest, then it's time to return! The sooner the better! I don't know why, staying in this **** world, I always feel a very ominous feeling, as if the knife was on the back! "

Fang Senyan narrowed his eyes. Although he didn't speak, the strange cardinal appeared in front of him. This is the first time he has seen a person who grows flesh into a coat, and it feels very unreal. It's as if the products are processed in a factory.

Aziz began to take out the bullets, engraved on them one by one. Fang Senyan could feel the magic power wavy around the bullets. It seemed that they should be Aziz's strengthening secrets. After the two took a break in the middle, Restored to its best condition. .

Fang Senyan looked at Aziz and said:

"Let's go?"

Aziz nodded and pointed at the map:

"Now we have two return locations, namely the 17th subway station in Brooklyn and 3rd Street in Manhattan. The 11th floor of Morgan Financial Center. The rest of the return locations have been blocked. Do you think we should Which way? "

Fang Senyan smiled bitterly:

"I think I should go to the 11th floor of Morgan Financial Center on Third Street in Manhattan."

Aziz frowned:


Fang Senyan smiled bitterly:

"Because it's in my prompt. [..] The 17th subway station in Brooklyn was also blocked, so I have no choice at all! And I don't know if you noticed that the return conditions also appeared to be certain The change."

Aziz wondered:

"What's changed?"

Fang Senyan narrowed his eyes and said:

"According to the original settings. The process of transmitting back to the nightmare space was fully delayed to five minutes, and the teleporter was unable to perform any action. After being interrupted, I had to wait for an hour to transmit again ---- ------ You should be like this, right? "

Aziz nodded:

"Yes. --------- m ----"

The expression on Fang Senyan's face seemed very indifferent, but in my heart I felt an indescribable fear:

"But my current rule is that you only need to return to the space after entering the return location!"

Aziz's face also became very ugly!

The reaction of the two seemed quite strange. It seems that the difficulty of returning has been greatly reduced. Why is it so entangled? This is because both of them know that the reduction of the difficulty of return does not mean that the difficulty of completing the golden branch task is reduced!

Suddenly, the difficulty of returning to such a low level can only explain one point. The interception that Fang Senyan encountered on the road is likely to be so difficult that they cannot predict it at all! In order to maintain the difficulty balance coefficient of the entire task, the difficulty coefficient setting of the regression can only be weakened. (I want novels)

"Or can we act separately?" Fang Senyan suddenly said, "You go to the 17th subway station in Brooklyn, and I go to 3rd Street in Manhattan? In this case, might the enemy's power be divided?"

But Aziz does not approve of this, because he is a person who likes to have success or failure in his own hands, if separated. Then if Fang Senyan fails, Aziz doesn't even know how his mission failed, this is beyond his tolerance.

After thinking about them again and again, they still felt that it was better to touch the situation first, and then they used B's powerful strength. Quietly slipped out of the headquarters and mixed into the bustling New York streets. .⑤①ō.ńéτ It is amazing that they strolled the streets for an hour or two and didn't notice any abnormalities.

An indescribable strange sensation was flowing in the hearts of Fang Senyan and Aziz. During this time, the two seemed to be tightened strings without a little time to relax. Fang Senyan could not help but grit his teeth. :

"Okay, it looks like someone is waiting for the rabbit! The other party knows that I can only return when I go to the Morgan Financial Center on 3rd Street in Manhattan, so I didn't plan to expend energy to find us, but instead waited for us to come home and reach out. One swipe is also a swipe, and now I can only try it in the past!

Aziz nodded gloomily, he saw a BMW Z4 convertible next to it, and jumped on the opportunity. He struck the fire with little effort. It seems that Aziz often did this kind of thing, and then Ah Zitz kicked the throttle to the bottom. [..]

The good power of the BMW Z4 provides a very powerful propulsive force. Under the control of Aziz, it shuttles at an astonishing speed in the long traffic flow of New York. Red lights and the like are completely ignored. Several times staggered with the rest of the vehicle, a few centimeters away, and there was even an amazing madness and elegance.

When passing by in an instant, the gust of wind brought by this outstanding performance vehicle rolled all kinds of garbage to a height of several meters, and vehicles passing by it also evaded, although Several police cars are chasing after the angry ranks, but their vehicle performance and driving skills are far too fast, and it was not long before they were thrown away. ⑤①o.

Under Aziz's control, the car quickly arrived two kilometers away from the destination. Here, the twin buildings of the Morgan Financial Center are clearly visible. When Aziz stopped, there was even a cricket on the tire. Burnt smell of green smoke and rubber.

Aziz exhaled heavily:

"Let's go."

The two kept moving forward, but just as they were within a kilometer of the Morgan Financial Center! Two people trembled up and down at the same time! Because at this moment, they noticed that their mind seemed to be contaminated by something, as if the little bugs flying around hit the transparent spider web! Gentle, sticky, but hidden killer!

In the next second, a lazy and warm atmosphere rushed forward, as if it were the sunshine in spring, people felt a strong laziness and warmth, soaked so much that they didn't want to move their fingers. There was a sudden stun in their hearts:


It's also strange to say that, despite being attacked, the two have a faint sense of ease even if they are prepared psychologically. Suddenly, both Fang Senyan and Aziz felt the hotness on the left side of the body at the same time, as if they were scorched by the sunset in the summer.

The two turned at the same time, and suddenly saw a tall man walking slowly from a pedestrian street hundreds of meters away. He was wearing a suit, tie, sunglasses, flat head, and a pair of tan buruti shoes, and even diamonds. Earrings are fashionable in a graceful manner.

It's just that this person's face and eyes make Fang Senyan feel very familiar! He is just a weird creature born from the huge deformed underground reproductive system! That Cardinal! I did not expect that he would appear in such a pose ~ ~ in the presence of the two!

"Pagans, you are finally here!" In the eyes of the Cardinal, in addition to the coldness and ruthlessness that swept everything, there was a trace of cruelty and excitement! It is probably that Fang Senyan and Aziz previously chased him down and ran away, and he was regarded as a lifelong humiliation.

"God's guidance was indeed correct. We finally met again!"

At this time, Fang Senyan and Aziz had already entered the fighting state. Fang Senyan saw that his opponent was a cardinal, but his heart widened. This is also normal. No matter who it is, he is facing a confrontation and running away. When passing enemies, there is always a certain psychological advantage.

At this point Aziz had disappeared quietly, not knowing where to hide, while Fang Senyan strode towards the Cardinal and approached! But the Cardinal was standing still, with a sneer on the corner of his mouth. He suddenly raised his hands as if he were worshipping!

"Humble sinners, tremble under the light of the gods! God's eyes are omnipresent and God's power is omniscient. Confession of your sins throughout your life!" To be continued ..

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