The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 12 Chapter 69: The sin of lust, the sin of overeating!

> www.pfwx.Breakthrough Literature First After the Cardinal said these words, Fang Senyan and Aziz suddenly realized that it seemed that time stopped at this moment, and even the surroundings could be clearly seen. The sun is shining into a dark room, and you can see a lot of clear dust floating around. What is even more weird is that all the nearby scenery changes like water waves and looks blurred.

The two changed suddenly and wanted to react, but if they fell into a deep nightmare, their bodies could not respond at all, and they could not move at all!

"This is ...... attribute suppression!" Fang Senyan immediately came up with such a sentence. "Another * **** illusion!"

Immediately after the two of them, if they were playing a movie, the illusion of scene after scene appeared, all of which were replays of life events! !!

Soon, the shining illusion condensed behind Aziz suddenly settled in one scene after another. Fang Senyan took a closer look, but all of them were clips of the bed scene of this cruel guy and woman.

It seems that Aziz's energy is very strong. Among the illusions behind him, all the women who like him are full of **** and fat, and the skin color is black, white, yellow, wheat, and so on. There are even some perverted clips such as Shuangfei. Just casually look at them, at least fifty or sixty different women!

"Humble sinner!" A voice seemed to come from outside! Majestic, sacred and magnificent! The Cardinal said calmly, "You have fallen into sin, and cleanse it with your own pain and blood."

"Sin?" Fang Senyan responded immediately. Isn't it the sin of the seven deadly sins in Catholicism? At this moment, Fang Senyan realized that the former Cardinal was completely against him in his weakest aspect!

With the end of the Cardinal's words, a huge milky cross suddenly appeared behind Aziz!

On the cross, the Hebrew text representing "" is engraved! Full of ancient, vicissitudes, and there!

Next second. Aziz was out of the illusion, and surging magma and flames appeared beside him! The pungent scent of sulfur envelops him. At this time, Aziz regained the energy of action, flashing again and again with agility, and had escaped the range of magma and flames, but those flames and magma suddenly gathered , Wrapped together, forming three or four angry flame giants. Aimed at Aziz and left.

And their battlefield. Amazingly in the bustling New York City! The flame giants strode forward one step at a time, and the brutal guy's eyes only had the only idea to complete the task!

Immediately after, Cardinal looked towards Fang Senyan again. Fang Senyan narrowed his eyes and tried his best to avoid touching his eyes, but in the end, the vision behind Fang Senyan also began to settle slowly. If you look carefully, it is actually that he is tasting various foods on the dining table and eating heartily: oysters, dog meat, red bean ice, lobster, mixed chicken ...

"The spreader of the plague." The Cardinal's voice was particularly angry, because Fang Senyan had once broken one of his arms, for such a great sin. He has never forgotten! "I convict you of sin (gluttony)!"

With the Cardinal's ruling, there was also a huge milky cross behind Fang Senyan. On the cross, Hebrew characters representing gluttony were engraved!

The cross turned into a giant palm the next second, holding Fang Senyan's neck fiercely, and then, there were several disgusting rats out of thin air. Toads and snakes are going to drill into Fang Senyan's mouth.

Looking at the squealing gray-haired mouse and toads full of Lai, Fang Senyan was desperately struggling. As long as he is a normal person, who wants to be forced into it! At this time, he could almost confirm. The cardinal's strength at this time really stems from the seven deadly sins: because overeating is one of the seven deadly sins!

Although Fang Senyan was struggling madly, at this time he was pinched by the giant palm. The head hurts a lot, and Jinhua is in front of her, like a bang on her head. There is also a strange hallucination in front of her, like being imprisoned by ruthless power around her limbs, all over her. Lost control!

It was easy to wait for him to be able to control his body slightly. The other giant palm had pinched Fang Senyan's mouth relentlessly. It seemed that he wanted to force the other side to forcibly ingest. If it was so infused, then there is no doubt , Fang Senyan will be delaminated without death.


Fang Senyan screamed wildly. All the muscles on his body were protruding, his tendons were tightened like iron, and the blue blood vessels appeared to burst out of the skin. A sharp light flashed on his nightmare mark. A pattern of clenched fists and shields staggered!

His eyes at this time had been raised because of lack of oxygen, filled with red silk. If the eyes of the dead fish twitched all over his body, his throat was rattling, and his feet were stomped and the ground was scraped alive. pit.

Suddenly, the illusion of the exploding sun staircase behind Fang Senyan, the black tentacles fluttered wildly, and fiercely beat on the illusion giant holding Fang Senyan! At this time, all the forces on Fang Senyan's body felt the threat of death, all twisted together, and burst out! !!

Finally, the surface of the giant palm appeared pieces of cracks, like ice cracks on the porcelain, Fang Senyan was desperately struggling, the giant palm must also use greater strength to counter it, the more the ice cracks became apparent, finally Kaka Kaka shattered, and go with the weather.

At this time, Fang Senyan's lips had touched the skin of the toad delivered to the mouth, cold, uneven, and with a pungent stench, Fang Senyan flicked it with a slap on his back, and then landed. The sight in front of him suddenly became real again, and he returned to the bustling Manhattan district.

However, the toad, gray-haired mouse, and the venomous snake that were entangled by him furiously bite together. In the end, it was the toad who won, and quickly saw the wind and turned into a huge monster. Fang Senyan swooped in!

"This ability is a hallucination! This **** guy even learned this trick!" Fang Senyan gritted his teeth.

The essence of this horrible and powerful ability of the Seven Deadly Sins is the illusion ability, but the cardinal in front of him has already advanced this illusion ability to the truth, and the truth is true! It can be said that the combination of the power of faith, his own strength, and the power of space is terrifying.

The so-called realization of the illusion may sound a bit mysterious, but it is not difficult to understand. For example, in many myths and legends in China, there is someone who lowers the demon, and then imagines the magic of the heavenly soldiers and the Buddha to suppress the evil.

This is actually an illusion created by their combination of faith and their own abilities, but if you are a truly advanced person, you can move the heavenly soldiers to heaven! This is actually the realisation of the illusion. Rely on your own abilities and powerful beliefs, turn the illusion into a real flesh and blood creature in a short time! This is the real horror of illusions!

At this point, Aziz was chased by several lava monsters, and Fang Senyan encountered such a vicious toad monster again! The two were chased so terribly that the poor and innocent citizens were only hit by a big deal.

The monsters in the red priest's appearance are very vicious. Although the main goal is to chase two people, they will never obey the traffic rules by the way. They abide by the laws of the United States of America. The deaths and injuries of the citizens are extremely high. The monster swallowed it!

After Aziz realized this, it was very vicious to lead monsters into the pile of people. His purpose was naturally very shameless. The more the citizens died, the more serious the situation developed, and the speed of official intervention will also increase. The sooner it is, as far as possible to attract the remaining participants, it is already that if you drink to quench your thirst, you won't be able to care so much.

The toad that attacked Fang Senyan seemed to be obese and bloated, reaching up to two floors, but it was very agile, especially his tongue, which was retracted as soon as the shot exited, and the time taken would not exceed 0.1 seconds. , Can be called a sparkle fire.

Fang Senyan has been hit by his tongue three times in a row. It is not that he does not want to avoid it, but that he cannot avoid it!

Each time the tongue hits Fang Senyan, the toad's tongue is very powerful, just like piercing Fang Senyan's chest stiffly. Not only that, the mucus attached to it is toxic, and it will continue to stain the skin. Keeping blue makes the skin ulcerate. Although Fang Senyan is immune to toxins, the impact of licking makes him vomit blood. Once he was caught by his tongue, he almost swallowed his belly. If it was n’t for a beast of eclipse, It is really impossible to stop it.

Fang Senyan fleeed tens of meters after fighting and retreating ~ ~ Fortunately, he finally came out of range. I did not expect that the giant toad suddenly fired a sudden bounce, and a ten-story high building immediately behind It shook violently a few times, and then collapsed. This toad had risen into the air with a fat body, and Fang Senyan felt a kind of astonishing feeling of Mount Tai's top!

He hurried away and crawled away, but unfortunately a nearby Ford Raptor was stung and was squashed by that horrible weight! Fortunately, no horrible detonation was caused, otherwise, Fang Senyan will be seriously injured!

However, a young man who was running in the street was unfortunately recruited and was pressed to a thickness of three centimeters. The mutant toad rolled into his belly with his tongue.

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