The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 12 Chapter 70: Furious Sin

> .. After the giant toad smelled the **** gas on the corpse, it immediately called greedily twice. If the tongue popped up like lightning, click on the corpse to stick it. It was very easy to put The corpse swallowed it, and the dead white throat wriggled, and then swallowed it into the belly, looking at its expression, the food should be extremely delicious. ⑤①o.

The ordinary citizen next to him saw such a terrible scene, and immediately sent out a fierce exclamation and fled. The giant toad looked at Fang Senyan who was escaping. It suddenly fell down, and the glands on the back moved violently. Immediately, if a high-pressure water gun spouted two milky white venom from the poison gland, there was an accuracy. It smashed into Fang Senyan's body incomparably.

The unlucky Fang Senyan was immediately smashed into a free bucket, but he immediately took a roll and continued running, and his appearance looked as if he had just been poured with milk. This is the advantage of the sun ladder. Venom came to him. The only threat is that Fang Senyan may be drowned after reaching a certain level ...

Obviously, this toad is inconceivable for its venom. It couldn't help but sprayed two more out, but this time it was all lost. The milky venom fell on the concrete floor and made a creaking sound. An indescribable stench, and passers-by who were affected by the innocent side didn't even scream, immediately dissolving like ice cream in a microwave oven. (, (.)

After such a delay, Fang Senyan slipped into the subway station next to it slickly, and the shadow disappeared in an instant. = 5 = 1 = o =.

The giant toad representing the sin of "gluttony" saw the target out of his sight, and immediately yelled angrily, suddenly aimed at that side and leaped past, and the airflow generated when it landed knocked several cars next to it. , Toppled to the ground.

At this moment, the subway station is a downward staircase. This toad crawled down and crawled down along the way. The tongue ejected continuously along the way. The greedy predator was passing by. It had just entered the next level. Fang Senyan fell from the upper layer loosely, silently, and clung to the back of Toad's head like a bat. His eyes glowed with a very fierce light, +7 on his right hand. West's light shone, and he silently pointed the knife at the toad's right eye and forced it in!

The blow was quiet and fierce, and it was indescribable!

The giant toad struck a fatal blow and a howl screamed. --------- m ---- Two stiff thighs kicked. Vigorously leap to the top! Instinctively wants to jump away, but this is a subway station! Fang Senyan suddenly felt dark, but the toad's back hit the concrete heavily. Several soft white glowing lamps shattered in an instant, and the electric current rang, and Fang Senyan couldn't help vomiting a spit of blood. It is also because he has thick skin and thick skin. If you change it to an ordinary person, you will be pinched to death.

However, Fang Senyan's character is fierce and tough. He suffered pain after this hit, and pulled back +7 West from his backhand. He suddenly ejected from the blind hole of the black hole the size of the water basin. A stream of dark red liquid. .⑤①ō.ńéτ

This thing coincidentally poured a pair of scared and soft-footed lovers next to each other. They immediately issued a loud scream that was louder than the sound of a dolphin, but after a few seconds they realized that they were not. What a big deal. Although the toad's venom is very domineering, the body fluid is non-toxic.

However, at this time, the skin on the back of the toad suddenly ruptured, and a strange weird snake head protruded out. It was the strange snake that had been swallowed by the toad, and the snake snapped at Fang Senyan.

Fang Senyan did not parry at this time, but a brutal attack. If his eyes were burning, he was crazy, raised his right hand, and slammed into the right eye of the toad that had been exploded! Not to the shoulder!

After this scoop in, I just felt that my entire arm was wrapped in an indescribable slippery nausea. [..]

There was a flash of sigh in his face, and the energy of the eclipsed beast exploded wildly. Half of the head of the toad was crushed and a blood rain spewed out. The cartilage and crust were all stirred together, and they were directly lifted off.

However, Fang Senyan was also swallowed by the snake's head at the same time. Half of his body was numb for a while, and then the snake's neck fluttered, and Fang Senyan was thrown away and hit the wall next to it, but the toad was After Fang Senyan's blow was severely injured, the injury was really too heavy. After taking a few steps, his body fell on the ground as soon as he crooked, and then gradually became transparent and disappeared.

Fang Senyan shook a bit, turning over hard, and after facing the sky, he was breathing with hunger and thirst, only to see that there were ghosts in front of him, and he stood up, walked a few steps and came to the side. In the bathroom, I poured some water on my face and slammed the tap water again, and then slowly recovered. ---------..---- wonderful start ---

Within a few minutes after drinking the water, he was sweating all over his body, but the sweat was showing a slight blackness, and the smell was extremely bad. At this time, Fang Senyan felt that the numbness of his hands and feet had disappeared, and he couldn't help crying out. Breath:

"Awesome snake venom."

But at this moment, Fang Senyan suddenly felt that an indescribable and powerful threat had been approaching from a distance at high speed, his pupils contracted, and he immediately realized that what he feared most happened. Alas.

Fang Senyan did not hesitate to kick to the side of the partition, and then pressed his shoulder firmly, a large piece of Sanhe board flew straight out, Fang Senyan strode into the nearby women's toilet, and then ignored the rest. Scream, broke the window next to it and ran to the subway just next to the station ......... but when he was about to enter the subway, time and the surrounding environment were frozen again, Fang Senyan again The rushed Cardinal was drawn into the illusion!

This time, after Fang Senyan's memory was read, the memory fragments behind him were slowly finalized. It turned out that he was angrily killing Xidi before entering the space, and then killing ordinary people such as Iwufu and Huashanfei. Also among them.

The Cardinal this time turned Fang Senyan's verdict into "furious" among the seven deadly sins!

Fang Senyan recovered her freedom after being convicted. ㈤㈠o. While Fang Senyan was stunned, the wind sounded suddenly behind his head. He instinctively jumped forward and raised it with his left hand to block it.

This block was immediately heartbreaking! Suddenly, an indescribable severe pain came from his left arm. Fang Senyan was splattered and flew out seven or eight meters. Looking back, a transparent long knife up to four or five meters appeared in the air!

This long knife has a strong medieval style, looks simple, thick, and has an indescribable **** meaning.

Fang Senyan looked down at his left arm. A wound with deep bones had appeared, but no blood flowed out. The dead white muscles on both sides of the wound rolled up like a fish mouth. The meaning of healing. .5㈠ο.

At this time, the transparent knife was raised up strangely, and then pointed at Fang Senyan, and Fang Senyan was ready at this time. He grabbed a steel storage cabinet next to him and shouted it. Thrown at the transparent blade.

This transparent sharp blade has no intention to evade. When he accelerated it, he fell deeply into the metal locker in front of him and stirred it fiercely!

I only heard a loud noise, pieces of luggage paper, and metal blocks falling to the ground. This invisible transparent blade is almost indestructible. The metal locker that Fang Senyan threw away was broken into pieces. Then the blade trembled, and the surface of the blade immediately burned with a large orange-red flame, swept along with it, and the sound of the sound of "啵啵 啵" bursting through the air, with wood chips and iron pieces flying towards Fang Senyan. !!

Fang Senyan bypassed the corner. At this time, he has found that the punishment for **** among the seven deadly sins was burning in sulfur and fire, and the punishment for overeating was forcibly instilling toads, mice, and poisonous snakes. The punishment for anger was dismembering. !!

After seeing this information, Fang Senyan gritted his teeth and cursed a very vicious swear word. The wolverines who crawled and crawled into the waiting room next to him, and had completely dispelled the counterattack.

Yes, a completely endless attack like this, even if it is a successful counterattack, is just to make an illusion of reality, then it is really a life-threatening death. In addition, Fang Senyan found that the transparent giant knife in front of him didn't seem to move too fast ~ ~, so he saved his mind of "consuming". After all, the Cardinal now has to deal with both Mo Gansha and himself, and it is definitely not that simple to use both.

More importantly, if all the seven deadly verdicts have passed, then in history, the inquisition court will punish the sinner. Fang Senyan does not know what it is, but knows that there is nothing good to eat. After all, he The current task is not to kill the Cardinal, but to return.

Five minutes later, Fang Senyan's back was severely chopped again, and the blood burst out, and then was absorbed by the blade! Fang Senyan went backwards and rolled on the ground, and the transparent giant sword was chopped on the side pillar. Fortunately at this time, there was a loud noise at the entrance, and a group of B's ​​mixed police finally came over.

Fang Senyan had a feeling of almost tearing at this moment. He immediately lifted the medal given to him by B and screamed at the group of people with the victim's sorrowful attitude, and the transparent giant knife was in hot pursuit! Undoubtedly, B and the police immediately aimed at this gadget and pulled the trigger. Perhaps ordinary powder bullets are not powerful, but the impact of the pulse weapon is to blow the transparent giant knife backwards.

Taking this great opportunity, Fang Senyan took a deep breath, suppressed the Venus in front of him, jumped on a passing bus and quickly left. To be continued ..

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