The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 12 Chapter 71: Chase after

> .. The buses in the United States are double-layered, and there are not too many people on it. Fang Senyan rushed up in a wolf and did not attract much attention. (, (.)

There are hundreds of people in all shapes and sizes. Thieves, robbers, drug addicts, and so on abound in New York. There are also performance artists who deliberately perform strange behaviors. Fang Senyan's body is not too eye-catching. After two steps, I fell to a seat, but felt that my body was getting more and more painful, and gradually converged on my thigh!

Suddenly, an indescribable pain passed from Fang Senyan's leg, as if it was clinging to it with a hot red soldering iron, except that there was no unpleasant scorching smell and pressing force. Apart from feeling, the rest are not much different. ---------..---- wonderful start ---

Although Fang Senyan is a very strong person, in the face of such severe pain, he could not help the cold sweat dripping from his forehead, and his teeth were crunching! All the muscles on the body were twisted and convulsed, and there was a pool of sweat stains under the seat.

A couple and a black girl were sitting next to Fang Senyan. When they saw Fang Senyan, they exchanged their gazes. When he was attacked by a disease or a drug addiction, some felt scared, and some feared to have trouble. Leaving Fang Senyan far away and sat away.

Fang Senyan, like a fish leaving the water on his seat, gasped with his mouth open and greedy for a long while, then narrowed his eyes slowly and slowly, and suddenly felt relaxed, knowing that between himself and the Cardinal The spiritual connection has been cut invisibly, cold sweat was wiped on the face, and the saliva dripping from the corner of the mouth was wiped out by the way, only to realize that the bus had left the Manhattan area. (I want novels)

Fang Senyan thought for a while, tearing open his trousers tube, and found that two strange and mysterious symbols had actually appeared on his legs. Deep scorching engraved into the skin! It is Hebrew gluttony and anger! Fang Senyan looked at these two symbols, and there was a secret feeling in his heart. Knowing that this matter is not so easy to end. These two **** pattern symbols are not only imprinted on the human body, but also seem to stab the mark in the soul of Fang Senyan!

"Just don't know how Aziz is now?" Fang Senyan turned such a thought in his heart, but his eyes followed as the door opened. There were two men coming up from below, one of them looked a bit sturdy. One looks a little rude.

Among them, the tall man smiled and supported an old man, and the two of them sat silently in the car seat. It happened that Fang Senyan was sandwiched in the center.

These two are not others. It was he who tried to attack Fang Senyan's Shari and Stade without hesitating to enter the B headquarters. Under the cover of these two people, Fang Senyan did not care:

"How did you come here?"

Sari, who was sitting behind Fang Senyan, snorted loudly:

"Do you think you can escape?"

Fang Senyan said indifferently:

"Maybe I can't kill you all by yourself, but it's just that the two of you want to kill me, but it's also a dream! Fate, if he doesn't show up to kill me, it's also difficult. 千 o."

Shari heard the word "fate". Holding the palm of the bus seat guard's palm tightly, Kaler suddenly made a loud noise. Even the steel bars inside were distorted. He glanced, and said his teeth:

"You scare people with fate!"

Fang Senyan put his hands behind his head and said sharply:

"Destiny! I let these two guys kill you. How about our affairs today? You probably don't know yet, I just escaped from the monster realm, and my back was covered with five or six. A trespasser, if you want to kill me, if I'm desperate, I'm afraid it will only benefit the yellow bird. (, (.) "

Fang Senyan continued to say so at this time, really heard that Shari and Stade both became more and more flustered.

Shari took a sigh of relief, his eyes were nailed to Fang Senyan's face, the chewing muscles on his face and the muscles in his temples were bulging high, staring at Fang Senyan's chewing, the air There was a rattling noise in his mouth, like it was not air in his mouth, but a large piece of glass!

With the chewing in the sand, the muscles on his body began to swell obviously, and the skin exposed was shiny and shiny. And Stade began to rub his nails coldly, making a sound like a steel impact. (I want novels)

However, it is clear that Fang Senyan's previous words also played a certain role. At least you can feel that the attention of Shari and Stade is clearly not concentrated. Although they are facing themselves, most of the energy is devoted to In the surrounding environment ----------- As if when we were students, we often held our chins with our hands and eyes and looked up at the blackboard in the classroom at 11 am. The essence is to think that the menu in today's cafeteria has wooden and sprinkled family's favorite poached meat ... …….

But Shari and Stade were also carefully selected by their own space! They are recognized as the strongest fighting guys in their team. How could Fang Senyan lose his combat will in a few words! Naturally it means that you must do it!

As soon as Sari ’s wrist was turned over, the entire seat in front of him was pointed at Fang Senyan and smashed over. This is the chair on the bus. The two main materials are hard plastic and steel bars. The thickness of the glass below is large. The No. 2 nut was firmly tightened, and as soon as Sari reached out, he pulled it up as a weapon, and its strength was conceivable. ---------..---- wonderful start ---

However, Fang Senyan was still sitting there with a smile on his face. There was no intention of dodging. The broken chair waved by Shari would not be recognized as equipment and the attack power bonus was limited. Besides, he also fought against him before. However, it is naturally clear about the bottom of it!

There was a loud bang. If ordinary people would be knocked to the ground by the blow of Shari, they would fall to the ground, but they would strike Fang Senyan's body as if they were on a cement pillar. Plastic fragments and steel parts Flying around, sparsely scattered, Fang Senyan ate this, but nothing happened. = 5 = 1 = o =.

But at this time, Stade crossed the forefinger nails of the left hand and the forefinger nails of the right hand fiercely, dragging out a long flare, and if there is life in the air, it is like a snake squirming, and rushed to Fang Senyan, Fang Senyan underplayed Raised his right hand one block, the fire light entangled a few circles above Fang Senyan's arm, and immediately there was a pungent smell of burnt flesh in the air, but the fire light was only entangled on Fang Senyan's arm for a few seconds, and then died out. Already.

At this time, the people inside the carriage saw this kind of scene only in film making, and they all screamed. When they stopped at the traffic lights in front, they jumped out of the window and fled. ------ Wonderful start -----. ^ _ ^ (Pinyin o). At this time, Shari has already stood up sharply. After he inhaled, his body suddenly became burly. His head hit the roof of the car. Although it would not hurt him, it was unexpected. Shari's action was naturally delayed for a moment.

At this time, the seated Fang Senyan seized the opportunity and backhanded to the shorter Stad.

Stade's bloodthirsty smile, flicking his fingers, but the sound came out like awl, piercing sharply into Fang Senyan's ear, making Fang Senyan's movement paused. Then he took advantage of the situation and saw that the seat next to Fang Senyan was smoothly cut into two halves, and then pointed directly at Fang Senyan's neck.

"It's a bit interesting." Fang Senyan said lightly, he raised his left hand glove, and the wind drawn by Stad's fingers immediately cut a string of Mars on the glove. But at this time, Shali had roared and hit Fang Senyan's head! Stade calculated that Fang Senyan had to evade, so he paused and prepared to cooperate with Shari's ability to attack, but at this time, Fang Senyan ignored the Shari's attack and drove straight in with his right hand. Tad's throat hit his nose with a hammer!

Then he punched madly, beat Stad, and beat him extremely embarrassingly! Although Sari was also attacking Fang Senyan fiercely at the same time, Fang Senyan did not seem to take Sali's attack at all!

Stad was finally caught by Fang Senyan, and a violent tactical smash broke the windshield in front of the bus, and then crashed into a high-speed Audi sports car in front of him. This sports car was originally at a crazy high-speed Retrograde, Stade was hit by the front of this car ~ ~ This guy immediately flew straight to the ground without a word, and fell heavily to the ground, dragging on the clean road There was a long bloodstain. If ordinary people must have been torn apart and tormented, Rao is his contractor, and his head is bleeding and his face is swollen and swollen.

Stupid Stade got up, and he was so angry that he roared, and there was a faint golden light on his left hand. Obviously, he would use a killing trick in the next blow. Unexpectedly, after Fang Senyan hit Stade, he turned around to deal with Shari, but he could give up the defense and fight with Shari's crackling punches to the flesh.

Although Shali was jealous of hidden enemies and had no ability to use it, he secretly marveled that Fang Senyan was really abnormal! The defense is not inferior to M, and the health value is even more amazing, even the power is so powerful!

Sari saw the signs of Stadger's anger coming soon. When he moved his heart, his neck suddenly became very thick, and the blue tendons were protruding, as if the toad looked like he was inhaling. In the next second, he opened his mouth from the sand Deep in his throat, a blast of explosive air flow surged into Fang Senyan's face.

This is the trick in the sand: air cannon! !! To be continued ..

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