The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 13 Chapter 21: Picking peaches

To be honest, the most favorite task for the contractor is to kill someone or something. []

Because the contractor has more violent violence than ordinary people, and violence is the best way to kill, the killing task has many advantages: simple, convenient, fast, simple, and never dragged.

For the task proposed by Vincent at this time, under the same difficulty, the process will be much more complicated, and even include components such as decryption. It is often much more complicated than killing tasks. For example, if the difficulty of the return task is b, then another human killing task of the same b difficulty is definitely more popular with the contractor, even if the reward is less.

But for Fang Senyan, they only have an hour to stay at this time, so they have no qualifications to pick fat and thin, and can only choose to accept them.

"You trigger a side mission: return."

"Mission profile: There are many things that are only valuable if they are lost. Vincent, who was squeezed out of Cybertron, is extremely eager to return to that huge arms giant. In order to achieve this wish, he will use any force. "

"Task reminder: Vincent's current difficulty in returning is concentrated on three people, Superintendent Carrit, Technical Director Pippin, and his former assistant Riton. If these three people are present, Vincent is not I have a chance to go back. However, if an extreme approach is taken to these three, then Cybertron will also be vigilant and cut off the hope of Vincent's return. So, how to grasp the degree of it is what you must do now thing."

"Duration: two weeks."

"If the mission fails within the time limit: then Vincent's relationship with you will become hostile and 10,000 universal points will be deducted."

Upon seeing this mission deadline, Fang Senyan immediately felt relieved. It is possible that Vincent's reward for this side mission is not much, but to be honest, the two-week completion time is the biggest reward.

From this, Fang Senyan can also clearly feel that this is probably the preferential treatment given by his No. c Noah space within the authority, so that Fang Senyan received a low reward. The task process is quite complex and inferior, but the only benefit of this task is that it takes a long time to complete. The incomplete punishment is low enough.

This task may be for the rest of the contractors, and they will spit and curse a few times after encountering it, but for Fang Senyan, it can only be said to be an unexpected joy. .. [] A match made in heaven.

But there was another troublesome thing: Vincent was followed by another contractor, or he would have to be a slayer. The task publishers are farting, then the task will naturally be interrupted without explanation, so you must find a way to protect Vincent.

After some discussion, I think that the black man behind the scenes has left. Then simply group. Tzu and Reef were far and near, one mt and one firepower output, while protecting Vincent to complete his mission.

Fang Senyan took San Zai and Hei Bu to take up his task first, and waited for the process that requires teamwork to merge again. More importantly, the black hands are leaving behind the scenes. It is really calculated by a siege. Even if Fen Senyan cannot be killed, the core area of ​​the mission will be completely destroyed.

And after such an explosion. The core area of ​​that mission will inevitably become the restricted area. Scientists will frantically surround them. The entire Los Angeles force will definitely focus on the Noxon processing plant. If Fang Senyan wants to investigate, he must not be able to go anywhere.

Facing such an awkward situation. Fang Senyan could only sigh to adapt, and at this time he could see how precious the two weeks time was for him.

The first day's work progress is: they understand the whereabouts and character of Director Carritt. This is an old-fashioned way. If you want to impress him, you must come up with enough technical results. In order for Vincent to produce these technical results, he must obtain sufficient reference samples. This means that they must get three t750 CPU chips for Vincent, one t- 800 chips. Although the road ahead looks long, anyway, there is also a direction for hard work.

------- But Fang Senyan found nothing, and he took San Zai and Hei Bu to drink a day of coffee in a nearby cafe. In the words of the black buddies, when walking, they are like a coffee pot, which is full of milk, flavors, additives and coffee. It is enough to fill up without having to stuff anything inside.

The next day, they suffered harassment from the contractor, but after recognizing the reef, the other party quickly retreated. At the same time, they checked the space-time cracks arranged by Skynet, successfully killed both t-750s, and got a good chip.

Although the recent Terminator incursions are very frequent, the situation is also under control for the government, because Terminator is definitely not an invincible existence, but under the action of high-power weapons, Terminators are often torn apart. Fragmented, it is difficult to get a complete cpu chip. Therefore, CPU chips are still a scarce resource, and for contractors with superhuman powers, the chances of getting their CPU chips will be much higher.

Fang Senyan continued to drink coffee the next day, but Sanzi started to put mice into the Knoxson processing plant. At this point, it is almost certain that Fang Senyan, who has the relevant screw caps, must enter the Knoxson processing plant, and then reach the designated location to trigger the relevant subsequent plot.

It is cruel that the relevant place ---------- the abandoned warehouse has been evaporated by direct hands behind the scenes. No matter what you will encounter in it, Fang Senyan may never know.

Now, the purpose of Fang Senyan is to first understand what is special in the ruined abandoned warehouse, and second, to fight for a walk in the Knoxen processing plant and hit a big one. Shipped.

On the third day, Zi and Reef had only one t-pu chip to complete Vincent's request. This guy has these three reference objects, so he can finish it within one hour and let Carriet appreciate it. Works.

On the third day, Fang Senyan brought coffee with somebody. The strange thing was that his address for coffee was switched from outside the Knoxson processing plant to Starbucks outside the wealthy area of ​​Australia. When Sanzai and Heige were filled with coffee and desserts, Fang Senyan stood up.

At this time it was 7 pm. The two originally thought that today's work was about to end, but Fang Senyan took them and stood on the tree-lined road next to them. Under the shadow of the trees and the darkness, the three looked very different Eyes.

From the afternoon, rain and snow began to fall in the sky, so the sky became dark around five o'clock in the afternoon. After waiting for half an hour silently, the three saw a seemingly low-key car emerge from the rain and fog, and then Slowly turned into the opposite family area.

Thirty meters behind the car, two black Buicks followed. Inside these two Buicks are members of the secret police, which seem to be protecting the people in the car.

The three continued to wait, and found that after an hour, four agents remained behind to protect them secretly. The black buddies narrowed their necks into the trench coat and said cautiously:

"Boss, that guy is a big fish. If we move him, it will cause a lot of troubles as if we were walking on a horse honeycomb."

Fang Senyan smiled and said:

"I gave them a full 48 hours to investigate. I believe that with their strength, even how many bricks there are in that warehouse, and the date and place of manufacture of each brick are investigated. Alas, I will now The only thing that is needed is to bring these materials from the hands of the Kahn member, so it is worth the trouble for this matter. "

San Zai closed his eyes, and the mouse he sent began to paint the terrain around Mr. MP and the internal structure of the house. At the same time, Fang Senyan also motioned to the black buddies to replace the narcotic bullets. At this time, Fang Senyan wanted to concentrate his energy on himself In this task, the pressure from the government can be said to be as small as possible. After all, the consequences of using a narcotic bullet to stun a few people and directly headshot a few people are very different ~ ~ At this time, the negative energy in Fang Sen's rock was suppressed to the limit because of lack of replenishment. It probably only has the size of a pea, but it will not decrease any more, so it will be parasitized in the body of Fang Senyan like the cheekbones. From time to time, a strong sting was used to show his sense of existence. Although Fang Senyan had no choice but to suffer some impact, his strength returned to Jiucheng. It was enough to sneak into this community.

On a cold rainy night, few people are willing to patrol outside. The guards are obviously unreliable. As long as you pay attention to the ubiquitous cameras, you can easily get it.

Among the black buddies' sights, an agent's back was already caught, and then he pulled the trigger, and the powerful anesthetic produced by the space quickly took effect. The black dude quickly sent a signal to Morin:

"Foreman, they make regular contacts every twenty minutes, so if you don't want to make a big deal, then you have to get it done during this time."

Fang Senyan was standing quietly on the ground of the community at this time. Mud and cold rainwater had penetrated into the shoes, but Fang Senyan felt double soberness, and Sanzi followed him and slipped in. (Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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