The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 13 Chapter 22: Forced killing

Chapter 22

Forced killing

Fang Senyan took a few steps, but followed the strange step of four steps and then three steps backwards.

This method of walking seems a bit silly, but only such a walking posture can be stuck in the camera's line of sight. If someone can use God's perspective to see the whole situation, it looks like there is an insider. Fang Senyan reported that the walking route was normal so that he would not be caught.

Sanzi followed Fang Senyan. After the two walked out fifty or sixty meters, Sanzi suddenly stood in front of Fang Senyan and stood firmly. At first, I could not see why, but soon, I saw a few very powerful and powerful black shadows slowly bulging in the darkness, and then approached little by little.

That sounds like four German black-backed dogs!

Fang Senyan can't escape the tracking of high-tech cameras, but can't hide the sensitive smell of canine creatures!

However, Sanzi standing in front of him rolled up his sleeves and opened his hands at the front. It looked like he had never seen an old friend for many years, and a warm smile appeared on his face.

Fang Senyan saw at this time that the jewelry chief's love object worn by Sanzai's waist exudes a dark golden light. Obviously Sanzai began to exert his best ability.

The four German black-backed dogs began to approach tentatively, but the most obvious change was that their tails began to sway violently, instead of the threatening verticals like flagpoles, and then they jumped in scramble. Longing for the touch of Sanzi, I feel that it is something more tempting than the most delicious meat and bones in the world.

Then, under the leadership of these four "neiying", Fang Senyan touched the outside of Mr. Kahn's villa. He motioned for Sanzi to cover behind him, dipped some dirt on the ground with his hands, wiped his face with flowers, and As soon as he reached out, Mr. Kahn opened the door.

Of course, Mr. Kahn has locked the door, and his anti-theft door is absolutely of high quality, but under the push of Fang Senyan, this double-layer anti-theft door with a steel plate thickness of five centimeters immediately left a clear human The palm print is more critical. Although the material of the security door is first-rate, the concrete wall connected to the fixed security door collapsed directly in the dust, and at least seven or eight square meters of the wall were completely destroyed!

Fang Senyan strode in, his eyes crossed the long corridor, green plants, and a green clove of Chinese cloisonne, just as Mr. Kahn raised his head from the dining table in astonishment. Keep in mind

"It's a pity that I disturbed your dinner." Fang Senyan politely said: "But I only delay you for a few minutes to ask you a few questions ..."

But Fang Senyan's words were not finished, and his pupils narrowed immediately, because a few very good people stood up immediately next to them. When they stood up, their hands were empty, but they were done in the process of standing up. The action of pulling a gun, aiming, and shooting! At the same time blocked the members with the body!

Fang Senyan actually missed one thing. It is very likely that Mr. Kahn's house has something remarkable, so apart from the outside agents, there are already agents in the house!

It wouldn't matter if it was just this, but the agents shot out, but not bullets, but triangular cones with slender wires. The firing speed was extremely fast. Not to mention, it also sent out if a serpent spit a letter in the air. "His" sound, staggered at multiple angles.

This led to a consequence. If Fang Senyan dodged, even if he succeeded, the three Sanzis in the back would have to win!

So Fang Senyan could only cross his hands in front of him to resist.

In the soft sound of "Papapa", four triangular cones have been shot into the front of Fang Senyan, and the four agents who fired have pulled the trigger again!

A dazzling blue light burst out on the wire connecting the triangular cone, and it turned out to be a terrible high-voltage current!

Yes, after being attacked by the Terminator many times in Los Angeles, how could human beings be free to be beaten and beaten in vain? This developed powerful electric gun can burn the central cpu chip of t-750 at once, even t -800 also has a considerable degree of threat.

Fang Senyan was immediately shuddered by the electric shock, and then fell out with a pop, and it looked as if four thick dark blue light whip beat on his body! After falling to the ground, I couldn't help myself, I was constantly convulsing, and my body's surface also emitted a crickety smoke.

After an agent fired, he aimed at this side and came over, but his companion said cautiously:

"Hey! Be careful."

The agent stabbed:

"What care is there, even if he is the sort of robot monster terminator, he must not be able to move, let alone this guy looks personal. May God bless this lost lamb, he is not scorched by the arc. Very lucky. "

As the agent was approaching Fang Senyan, a fierce black-backed wolf dog suddenly rushed out, biting on the palm of his hand, the guy immediately screamed loudly: "Hell, what is this? This is the police dog that Polk trains. Oh my gosh, it's chewing my metacarpal! "

At the same time, three powerful black-backed wolf dogs rushed out, aiming at the inside with a zigzag secret line and swooping up. At this time, an agent had taken out a micro-rush and fired, and Kahn Members of parliament have begun a rapid transfer under the **** of two agents.

However, at this time, Fang Senyan, who appeared to be dead, suddenly hit the ground, then bounced off, bent forward, and rushed forward! It can be seen through the ragged clothes that the traces of the arc are clearly visible on the surface of his body, but Fang Senyan's muscles are tight and swollen, as if the tiger was hunting, the muscles on his body are flowing like water. The general ups and downs, the most powerful force broke out.

The enemy ’s electric gun is so powerful that it can threaten Sanzi ’s life and cause no small amount of trouble to him. Therefore, Fang Senyan has stopped dare to remain optimistic at this time, because sometimes he is kind to the enemy. Cruel yourself!

A distance of tens of meters flashed across instantly.

Fang Senyan, who originally seemed to be running on the ground, suddenly drew his legs and then rose into the air.

An agent seized the opportunity and gave Fang Senyan a shuttle. He punched a row of arc-shaped regular bullet holes in Fang Senyan's back clothes. The remaining bullets incidentally swept the goldfish tank next to him. All over the place, the broken glass was released with tropical fish.

However, Fang Senyan completely turned a deaf ear and stood up, with one knee resting on the chest of the shocked guy closest to him. This order caused his chest to be deeply sunken, blood spurted from his mouth, and the electric gun that was being held tightly in his hand also flew out scattered.

Fang Lin tumbled to the ground in the air, stepping on the electric gun by the way, and the electric mang flashed into scrap iron. At this time, these well-trained agents had killed their "crazy" black backs and were doing their best to cover Mr. Kahn's escape.

But how could Fang Senyan give them this opportunity, backhand picked up the large Siemens double-door refrigerator next door, violently force, aimed this behemoth at the stairs more than ten meters away and smashed it!

With a bang, the spiral staircase leading to the second floor has been smashed with a gap of more than two meters long. It can be seen that the hostess likes to purchase, and the food in the refrigerator is scattered everywhere. It is definitely not easy to cross the gap on this staircase.

In the process of throwing the refrigerator, Fang Senyan hit three more shots, which were eyebrows, heart, throat, and firearms. The power of the firearms was not small, and because the critical parts generated critical strikes, the blood flowed in an instant, and it looked extremely scary. It can also be seen that these agents' marksmanship is accurate and poisonous, which is very tricky.

Fang Senyan also killed the real fire at this time, and backhand picked up the ashtray next to him and smashed it with a special agent next to it. This ashtray was thrown by Fang Senyan's strange force, sending out a kind of plane-like The horrible sound of falling!

The agent simply couldn't avoid it. After the skull was smashed by this fist-sized ashtray, the ashtray broke instantly, but he was almost as if he was shot by a shotgun. The whole person flew three or four meters ~ www ~ When it landed again, the neck bones had broken back and broke fiercely. There was already a bowl-shaped horrible depression on the skull. Blood burst out in an instant, but it still could n’t be filled. full! Seeing is impossible to live.

Another agent actually had to shoot and aim. Fang Senyan had lifted a nearby chair in front of him and then rushed at him. The agent fired wildly, but to no avail, as if he was extremely strong. The bullfighter that the bull was on, flew directly, hit his back heavily against the wall, and then slowly slid down. It still looked full of anger, but a closer inspection revealed that it was because of the huge impact before death. Stress caused by bulging eyes.

Fang Senyan still refused to let him go, grabbed the body of the agent, threw it in the direction of Dr. Kahn, and immediately smashed him into a gourd.

But even at this time, someone actually rushed up from behind, hugging Fang Senyan's arms tightly, hissing:

"Hurry up with the legislator, I ..."

The word "tugging at him" behind this man had not yet spoken out, but Fang Senyan hit his back with a elbow and hit his forehead. No matter how strong his will was, he couldn't resist such a violent shock, and immediately fell to the ground softly.

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