The Ultimate Evolution

Vol 13 Chapter 23: Find mystery

Chapter 23 Finding the Mystery (Recommended Tickets + More)

At this point, Fang Senyan shot three more shots in the head again, but he just stumbled a few times and struck the side of the coffee table next to the firepower gap. The table stood upright and blocked Fang Senyan's bullets. --network

At the same time, Fang Senyan also held a leg of the coffee table in a volley, snapped it off, and then ejected it like a javelin. In the harsh sound of cracking, it penetrated the sofa at high speed, and by the way, he hid behind. The man who tried to shoot shot a cold heart.

All resistance ends here,

The villa was restored to peace,

All that remains is the cheering applause of the talk show from the TV, the sound of blood dripping from the air, and the sound of Mr. Kahn's teeth.

Fang Senyan was bathing in blood, striding towards Mr. Kahn, pulling him off the ground, and seriously saying:

"Dear Honourable Member, what I say next, I hope that you can hear every word clearly, because I am in a hurry now, I will not say it a second time, and more importantly, it is related to whether you can survive. "

Mr. Kahn closed his eyes and saw that what he wanted to protect was very important, so although he seemed to be in fear, he had the courage to say nothing and face death.

Fang Senyan narrowed his eyes, revealing a trace of fierce light. He is not a bloodthirsty and cruel person. Usually, he tends to use mild methods to solve problems. It's just that when meeting uncooperative people, then don't mind using some other means.

However, at this time, a blood-stained mastiff slowly entered the house again. It was forcing a young blonde woman to come in. The young woman looked like she was taking a bath before. She only wrapped her body with a bath towel, her curves were exposed, her hair was still there. Dripping water, but his face was pale and scary.

Mr. Kahn bounced back and forth, hissing:

"What are you going to do?"

Fang Senyan looked at Mr. Kahn's white hair and wrinkles, his anxiety and sorrow in his eyes, and then looked at the young and aggressive young woman, with a look of disdain and awakening in his eyes, and walked forward, pulling Staying the blonde young woman's hair, looking at Dr. Kahn, in a gritted tone:

"If I can't get what I want, you two will die together .-- Net"

Mr. Kahn immediately lost his state, and tugged on Fang Senyan's trouser legs, desperately:

"I can give you everything you want, but you must let her go!"

Fang Senyan narrowed his eyes and said:

"Give me less time, immediately give me all the information I got from the explosion at the Knoxson processing plant! I only give you three minutes! With less information, I cut off one woman's ear and delayed it by one second Just chop off a finger! "

Mr. Kahn was sluggish:

"You, do you want the file of the Knoxson bombing? You are not from the polar bear?"

Fang Senyan's heart moved coldly:

"Two minutes and fifty seconds."

Kahn, as amnesty, rushed into the study with a crawl, and quickly took out a portfolio to Fang Senyan. Fang Senyan took a closer look and found that the file was indeed clearly written: the Knoxson processing plant exploded case. In such a short time, Kahn should be impossible to forge, so he left without turning around.

However, although Fang Senyan turned and walked away, he didn't care about the wolf dog. When he saw the young woman being forced into the corner by the fierce mastiff, Kahn was anxious and roared:

"Why don't you let go of my daughter?"

Fang Senyan heard the word "daughter" and couldn't help but think of his previous thoughts. It seemed a little too dark. When he saw the wolf dog giving way, the beautiful young woman and the old man hugged the father and daughter and wept deeply. I finally confirmed that I was thinking too evil.

At this time, the black guys suddenly said in the team channel:

"Boss, there seems to be a situation, you need to speed it up."

Fang Senyan stunned:

"I'm going out."

He had just finished speaking, but found that the guards in a community more than thirty meters away rushed to him, screaming and asking Fang Senyan and Sanzi to stop.

Fang Senyan ignored them, and rushed straight at these guys face to face, punched and flew a guard with a wave of electric batons, swept up, swept the other two into a rolling gourd, and held them together The ankle screamed and it seemed that a fracture of the tibia was inevitable.

At this time, gunshots were heard from the outside. Obviously, the black buddies had begun to attack the enemy, followed by the unique whistling sound of the pulse gun! The roof of a police car rushed to the sky more than ten meters high with huge explosive power, and it was burning! However, there were still two police cars rushing forward with their tires, drifting across the front of Fang Senyan.

Fang Senyan didn't tell Sanzi anything at all, because they have been blocked many times in the real world, and the two brothers have had too much understanding. Fang Senyan rushed forward, and there was a spirit of meeting the brave men on the narrow road, and he struck two policemen who were aiming and shooting.

Only at the same time, Fang Senyan's chest was kicked, and a thick fist hit his face, hitting him like a sandbag! A man in the same uniform was shot, but his face was as rigid as a plastic model.

"The government has actually created a terminator ?? Although it looks like a model of t-400 or so?" Fang Senyan was surprised at the cottage capacity of the rice government.

At this time, the police terminator stepped forward without a face, punched hard and punched Fang Senyan over and over again! But his arm was also pulled by Fang Senyan who was hit by the fly, twisted in the opposite direction, and the joint suddenly flashed a spark of jumping sparks. Fang Senyan struck on his knee with a kick, and folded it almost back. Come over. Suddenly, the Terminator also lost his ability to move, and he just crooked to the ground, twitching in vain, and wanted to continue to attack Fang Senyan according to the set procedure.

At this point, Sanzi didn't know where to get a motorcycle. A drift was thrown in front of Fang Senyan, Fang Senyan jumped up and sat up. In the roar of the engine, the two quickly dropped off. As for the police, as for the **** who is known for his agility, then there is no need to worry about his escape.

When Fang Senyan returned to the temporary meeting place, it was already more than eleven in the evening.

This is the most confusing place in the Los Angeles slums. Of course, law and order is the worst, but as long as you have money, you can get quite good enjoyment.

After saying hello to Fang Senyan and the reef, they went straight back to the room and soaked their heads in the bathtub. Generally, people think that the water temperature of 40 to 48 degrees is very comfortable, which can maximize the drive out of fatigue. .

However, the water temperature of Fang Senyan was set at 53 degrees.

This temperature will not cause harm to the human body, but it will be painful, and at the same time, the capillaries on the body surface can be opened as much as possible.

As Fang Senyan's muscles moved, a twisted and ruptured bullet head was squeezed out with blood and water. Under the contractor's overwhelming healing ability, the wound was first contracted to squeeze out a trace of black blood, and then slowly Slowly becomes bright red, and finally muscle tissue grows together again.

After Fang Senyan released the pink water, he lay back in the bathtub and put in fresh water. He slowly pressed his fingers over his shoulders, and the indescribable feeling appeared again.

Before Fang Senyan suffered an electric shock from an agent using an electric gun, he didn't know what was going on. He also caused the sun ladder in the body and the negative energy lurking in the body. With the current of tens of thousands of volts spreading in the body, Fang Senyan had an indescribable crispy feeling.

At that time, there was not much abnormality in the battle, but on the way back, Fang Senyan felt a wave of electric shock in his body. It seemed that the sun ladder was waving the branches autonomously, and the negative energy disappeared at the same time. Already.

This surprise made Fang Senyan very special. You must know that the Sun Ladder is actually a very cruel creature. Only because his own consciousness has been completely wiped out, he is willing to become an organ of Fang Senyan. If consciousness is restored again, then Fang Senyan It really is a dead place.

However, Fang Senyan soon discovered that ~ ~ the movement of the sun ladder seems to be an instinct, it seems that the current of tens of thousands of volts has become a bridge catalyst between negative energy and the sun ladder. But whether this change is good or bad, it is really difficult to say clearly at this time.

After confirming that there was nothing wrong with him, Fang Senyan returned to the guest room. Everyone was eating the famous Moscow Red Sausage Risotto here, and Zizu had already taken out the details from Mr. Kahn and found them soon. The list of items in that abandoned warehouse looked closely.

Fang Senyan picked up the risotto in front of him and took a bite. It suddenly felt that the meat sausages inside were really good. After biting his teeth, he could feel that the bacon inside the red sausage began to oil and was cut off, but the casing was It is stubborn and unwilling to give in. Until the upper and lower rows of teeth meet, lightly grind, the delicious oil will be sprayed from the broken and elastic casing, which is full of evocative and full of expectations for the next mouthful.

At this time, Zi has been very confident:

"I think I found the key prop to trigger the mission. It should be a lathe in an abandoned warehouse. Obviously, this screw cap was made with this lathe. If you can find the operator of the lathe at the same time, , Then you can dig out the secret behind s microtext. "

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