0024, who does not want to lose, Yueyou! Devouring talent will wake up!


Bei Mo and others watched the front of the game in the game.

Perhaps because of the first game, the latter has a clear understanding of the strength of Yueqian Longya.

One up.

The opponent took the one -or -line straight line and slammed the ball. His advantage in power obviously caused the Qianqian Longya to fall into the predicament.

Du Dudu is definitely not the weak among the state -level players.

Losing to Beimo is just because the opponent is Beimo.

The top physical strength among his peers, as well as his high wingspan and amazing bouncing force.

In front of Long Ya, the other party almost became a defensive gate that could not be broken.

After 3 minutes of fighting.

"Well !!

"The end of the game! Dudu Obang Du won!


When Beimo announced the results, he was a little helpless.

To deal with the level of the state -level threshold at Chicco Barlin court, the tennis talent of Longya may make it achieve a weak victory.

But I want to defeat Dudu Obono, it is still too reluctant.

It's not just the objective gap between age and physical fitness.

Even the time to contact tennis is a lot worse!

Moreover, this year, Longya's training intensity is not high.

Losing this game is of course.

After all, the stage of the opponent's rapid growth has not yet begun!

And standing behind him and watching the game, Yuejiro, who was watching the game, didn't care about the defeat of Yueyou Longya.

悠 咂 咂 咂 咂 咂 咂 咂 咂: "Oh! Although there are a lot of games that this kid loses, the opponent has always been you!

"This is the first time he lost to opponents other than you!

"See what he looks like now ...., very unconvinced!


Bei Mo nodded: "I can't beat it now ... In a few years, the situation will be completely different!"

Regarding this, Nangjiro is not available.

At this time, he looked at the eyes of Yue Qianya, obviously with a little expectation.

In his heart.

Beigo's talent is unquestionable that he has seen the strongest.

Long Ya followed the second, ranked second.

The defeat for a while does not mean that the other party can never catch up with Dudu Obang Du.

Instead, this defeat may be the best help agent for the opponent's strength!

Inside the court.

Long Ya did not look good.

When I just defeated the Qike Barlin court, the spirit of turmoil disappeared now.

He also knows.

The defeat of this game is the result of not working hard in the past year.

If you can break through the state level.

Then the results of this game may be different!

But he was not discouraged.

Now that you know the problem, then solve the problem!

And Dudu Obang Du did not despise this game because of winning this game.

He undoubtedly recognizes the strength of Long Ya.

With the presence of the state -level strength, you can resist yourself for 3 minutes in one game!

Even in the previous game, there were some signs of growth.

This is already a terrible thing.

"Longya, this is a very good game!

"But! You have to prepare in the next game!


"Reinhart's strength is stronger than me! He is a national level!"

Seeing Dudu Obang Du, Yueya, said, referring to Ryinhart, who had already held the racket on the side of the court, and was ready to play.

His eyes were full of serious colors.

"National level ... Except for the boss! I haven't made a hand with the national -level guy!

After half a minute.

The third game has begun.

In the front of Longya, Lainehard, who stood at the bottom line of the ball.

Raise your hand and throw the ball, swing out.

Reinhart's complexion does not change.

Running under your feet, hitting the flat -hitting backhand backhand of the straight angle of the bottom.

Dudu Obang Du continued to sound the ball in his ears, and his eyes moved back and forth with both sides of the ball network.

They can see.

Reinhart did not intend to roll over the front of Longya with the national level of strength.

Instead, in the attitude of defensive counterattack, the opportunity to take the initiative to give the other party.

The first goal was playing for 1 minute and a half minutes.

And on the other.

As the game played, Yuejianjiro looked at the situation of "stalemate" and raised his eyebrows.

"I felt that the little guy Leinhart was not the same as the other two!

"Sure enough ... his talent is the strongest of these three ghosts!

"Stinky boy, test you! Do you see the special feature of this little guy?


Hearing the other party’s "test question", Beimo opened lightly: "For the overcoming self -weakness! Or, on the other hand,

He can quickly make the body's movement adjustment!

"From the beginning of the game to the present, most of the hitting balls are Chonglinhart's backhand attack!

"Because he observed the opponent's backhand to pick up the first serving, there was a slight deviation in the back of the goal!


"Kelainhart's rapid self -adjustment, and even said it was the fix of weakness! Let him soon hold the backhand to play the ball

Effective improvement!

"If you continue this way, even though Reinhart does not show the national level! Longya's pressure will become bigger and bigger!

Deadness is just a matter of time! "

Ahead of Nanjiro grinned.

"Just know that your eyes can see the problem!"

"If the little guy Ledhart is not surprising, it will become the world's top players in the future!

"Mi Guo.com is lucky!

Bei Mo didn't speak anymore, but just looked at the game in front of him calmly.

One minute!


Two minutes!


"Reinhart score! 0-40!"

When Reinhart scored the third goal, the front of Longya's mentality finally began to be irritable.

A game has been lost.

If you face Reinhart, which is obviously not fulfilled, you can't get the goal!

He will feel very shameful !!

Even, he felt that he was embarrassed to Bei Mo and Yueyue Nam Jiro !!

"呲呲 ---"

In the complex emotion, he held the palm of the tennis tight, and a strange color flashed in his eyes.

Three Ryinhart didn't notice these, but felt that there was a problem with the mentality of Longya's game.

But Beibei and Yuejian Namlang obviously found something wrong.

"This kid's body ..."

"Why suddenly this dangerous mental power appears!


Emperor Nanyeng whispered to himself, his brows frowned unconsciously.

Bei Mo was already sinking.

After all, it still appears !!

The weird talent named "devouring".

Qianqian Longya suddenly appeared in the splitting of mental strength without suffering any mental training.

Bei Mo couldn't think of any other reason besides the other party's "swallowing" talent.

He quickly calculated.

The fixed look is full of unwilling expressions at this time.

Is the desire to win in the heart?

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