0025 is called a stop game! Beimo: I play with you in the last goal!



Dangyue Longya shot and served.

A powerful ball scores over half!

In the face of this ball of Reinhardt, his pupils shrank.

Although the body still responded quickly and hit the ball.

But he knew very well that his body actually appeared inexplicably.

He firmly believes that everything is behind it!

It was just that he couldn't find the key to his body at this moment.

Obviously, the goal speed and hitting power played by Longya did not show stronger signs than before.

Where is the reason?

He was puzzled, and when he hit the Qianlong Ya, he couldn't help frowning.


When the sound of the ball is constantly sounding.

Du Dudu Obang Du and Qiko Balian Ting, who are also watching the game, also noticed something wrong.

Because they saw that Reinhart had a significant "mistake" when hitting the ball several times

This error is placed on the state -level players, maybe simply the deviation in the use of skills and tactical use.


It happened to the nationwide -level players like Reinhart, which was very problematic.

"Rinhart, is this planning to put water for a goal?"

"It should be! Reinhart's style has not been strong! Especially now this kind of private game!

The two didn't think much, just subconsciously felt that Reinhart took care of the face of Longya.

Don't want the other party to lose too ugly.


With the front line of the front line of Ryinhardt's line to the midfield, the front of the Vietnamese running through the ball, and he shot a strong shot.

The speed of this ball made Dudu Obang Du widely stare.

So fast!!

in a blink.


"Pat in-


Outside the field.

Reinhart's backhand made a leading shot before landing, but the result was that the racket in his hand was hit and slipped out of the ball.

The sound of the racket's landing on the ground made Dudu Obang Du show unbelievable look.

How can it be!!

Even if it is putting water, it will not be placed to this extent !!

Although the two knew that Longya's strength was not weak, they wanted to hit the racket in Felyinhart's hand ...

It is impossible for the other party's power to do this at all !!

"Longya score! 15-40!


When Beimo announced the score of this goal, he also stood up from his position.

After looking at the Qianqian Longya scored this goal, the opponent waved hard and waved the racket in his hand.

At the same time, the expression was unusually excited, even with a little crazy meaning.

"You kid also noticed, right?


"Hmm! Under the role of adversity pressure and victory, Longya has undoubtedly grew up! '


"But this kind of growth ... but also let him do something unconsciously, even what he could not control!

Emperor Nanyeo listened to Beimo's answer, and a complicated meaning flashed in his eyes.

"I did not expect that Long Ya, the boy, still has such a horrible inner talent!

"It's hard!"

"I know that your relationship with Longya is not light! But if he cannot quickly control his talent, you and Longma will have risks!

Bei Mo turned his head and looked straight at Nanjiro's eyes.

"I understand what you mean, but don't forget! He is also your son! Talk about these now, don't you think it's too early?

If you really don't worry, wait until the front of Ryoma officially studying tennis ... I will find a way to arrange Long Ya away! "

"Before that, I hope everything is as usual!

Eyenan Jiro was silent.

Looking up at the stadium to serve again, he was focused on the front of the game.

Soon his eyes moved to the front of the stadium to cheer on the front of the Ryoma.

at last!

Fixed in front of him has been back to his Beimo again.


Please! Stink little boy! "

A short word is equivalent to the answer to Beimo.

Beibei did not give the other party too much response.

He is very clear.

Once the "swallowing" talent of Longya is not easy to control once it appears.

Otherwise, in the original plot, the other party will not be afraid of destroying the front of the Dragon Ma Yue in the front of the Dragon Ma due to such talents.

Lang "send".

The opponent and Reinhart's game now!

Just now hitting the racket of flyinghart, it is a proof that this "swallowing" ability plays a role.

Reinhart's talent "weakness repair" has obviously improved and supplemented the weakness of the backhand.

But in the game, the front of the Yueyou Longya completed the front and the front disintegration !!

You know, Reinhart is a national level, and the front of the Dragons has not arrived.

Even if the former has "water release" before, the gap between the two is still not small!

Can cross this kind of strength gap and complete the talent break for Reinhart ...

The talent ability of "devouring" is indeed the strongest weapon that Longya has surpassed the legend in the future!

Although he is not afraid, he can only give the Qianlong Ya for another time to stay.

After all, it is the home of Nangjiro, Yueqian.

Bei Mo was not dead to force the other party to leave the opponent to leave Long Ya.

Take 10,000 steps to say.

This talent of Longya is destined to stay in one place!

Let's take a look at the other person outside the world to make it grow to the shoulder with the original plot, or even exceed the height !!

"嘭 !!"

When a dull impact sound sounded again, Beibei also returned from his mind.

I saw that Reinhart could not get the ball at the bottom line, and was scored again by Longya.

"Longya score! 30-40!

"Longya, rest!

"In this game, there will be a chance to play again!

After Beimo reported the score, he proposed to stop the game.

Both Longya and Reinhart have changed.

"Boss! I'm fighting back! You saw it, I won two goals!"

"Beimo, I don’t want to end this game! '


The former felt that he was about to come back soon.

The status of the game is even better!

The latter was inexplicably chased by two points, and the victory was also inspired.

Both sides want to go all out in the future and win the game.

Now suddenly stopped, they were very resistant to their hearts.

Bei Mo borrowed a racket from the hands of Qiko Barian Ting, who was stunned.

Step by step, I went to Longya's side.

"Long Ya, I will tell you the reason not to continue!

"Reinhart! The last goal ... I play with you! If you win, I will tell you the reason for the loss!

"If you lose, this is the end today! What?


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