0053 Sigmond's shock! Nanjiro: The smelly boy is a real long face! Eastern Germany, Frank.

Sigmond Pharmaceutical Factory.

President's office.

Sigmond, wearing a hats and a delicate crutch in his hand, was hidden in the sofa.

Leitru and Hanfa Savich were sitting in front of each other.

"Mr. Sigmond! I have explained everything about Beimo!"

"And this time I see you in order to discuss the future of Beimo with you in person!

"I am a head coach, Savich is now Kuang waist!


"I hope the two of us come together to make you face the problem seriously!"

"This only 11 -year -old boy! He may be able to change the world's online altar in the future !!"

The former said seriously, but also respected in the tone.

Although the idea of ​​solving the problem is urgent.


The old man in front of him is equally important for the German U-17 training camp.

If it wasn't for Savich's attitude to Beimo, he wouldn't have to go to trouble the other party.

Wolf Savich was the same as Reitru at this time.

It was originally the opponent who came alone to find Sigmond in front of him.

But after seeing Beimo's 11 -ball play, he didn't care too much.

He firmly believes.

The 11 -year -old talented player Beimo must stay in the three 17 training camp in Germany!

Even ...

As a leader, he made some concessions and give some help to help, and he did not hesitate !!

I am afraid this is a few months later. In addition to winning the U-17 World Cup championship trophy, he can do what the German U-17 training camp did the last thing!

And when the sound of Reitru fell.

Sigmond, sitting in front of them, was in silence at this time.

last night.

Learning that the two of Reterru rushed to Frank from the training camp.

The purpose is to see yourself.

He guessed that the reason why the two were looking for themselves would be related to the "problem" that he had lost to Reitru.

It is not expected to be expected ...

After meeting.

Without saying a word, the two videos were placed directly in front of them.

The first paragraph is the performance of Beimo in the preparatory camp training.

One is the game between Beimo and Polk.

The last paragraph is the video of Beibei to complete 11 goals.

Three -stage video, analysis report and the "virtual" of the two of them in the outside world

Almost made his brain CPU stop.

At the entrustment of his former Nanjiro, he had to arrange a teenager to enter the preparatory camp 783.

Even if you just understand the name of the name and the opponent's limelight in the Tennis world of the Mi Guo, the talent for this young man in his heart is also

Very confident!


Can make Yueqian Nanjiro specifically find himself to "work", or the other party's students.

It is enough to prove that this North Mo ... absolutely not easy!

I thought it was the second "Bork".


The current situation is !!

The "difficulties" that I lost to Reitru, such as today and strength exaggerated to the imagination of everyone.

It has become a problem that I want to face !!

Therefore, while he was silent, his heart was constantly being stunned.

And he didn't speak, and Reitru and Wolf Savich didn't say anything again.

Just wait for the other party to give a reply.

Time passed one minute and one second.

10 minutes!

Sigmond raised his eyes and knocked on a crutch in his hand.

"Keep! Must stay!"

"You come to me, you want me to have an attitude!"

"Tomorrow ... I will go back to the training camp with you! At that time, I will talk to this little guy!"

At the same time as a firm tone, he is full of anger.

The answer also made Reitru and Wolf Savidi show joy.

Because this is the best answer they need !!

The incident of staying in Beibei in U-17 in Germany can only show the German U-17

The sincerity of the training camp !!

"Trouble you! Mr. Sigmond!"

"thank you!


The two got up together, and their faces were not as serious as they started.

Sigmond waved his hand.

"Reitru, Savich! Compared to what you did for Germany's U-17 in the past year, I just paid some

Just money!



"Without me, there will be other people who replace the Sigmond Pharmaceutical Factory to sponsor the training camp!

"Besides! This little guy was recommended by me! I naturally can't push my responsibility to you, let you shoulder it

"So .. I will leave tomorrow morning! Go back to rest first!

The two of them heard that there were no objections.


Leaded by Stermond's assistant Fist, he left the office.

A few minutes later.

When Foss returned to the office, Sigmond had sat in front of the desk.

But the expression on his face is obviously thinking about something.

"President, are you thinking about going back to the U-17 training camp tomorrow?"



"But I am curious, did you not say that this problem was given to Mr. Reitru before, so let him solve it? Why do you still play now?

Can you run a trip?

Fos' doubts made Sigmond laugh: "Ah! Before it was before! Now is now!

"I thought it was just a valuable gold!


"But now ... this gold has become the unique pearl garden in the world!

"This is not Reitru alone to make a decision!


"Whether you start from interests or for my old friend! I need to run a trip!

Foster nodded thoughtfully.

"Then how do you want to leave this boy?"

"Or ... will we think too much! In fact, he intended to stay at the training camp?



"You know! Whether it is the German U-17 training camp, or the German net altar! For players like him, it should be

The best choice, isn't it? "


Sigmond stood up and walked to a huge floor -to -ceiling window in the office with a crutch.

"Fox, you can't judge in a way you want to take it for granted! Nor can you have a chance!


"Although you are right! To the age of that little guy, staying in U-17 in Germany is the best choice in general cognition


Have you ever thought about it! If he does not choose Germany U-17, but other places! There will be

Can it produce another existence of another way to drive with the German E17?

Fos opened his mouth suddenly: "No ... is impossible?! Germany U-17 If you win U- this year

17 The World Cup, that is eight consecutive championships !! "


"It is equivalent to ruled the U-17 World Cup for 16 years !!

"France, Switzerland, Spain! Although they are also among the four major tennis powers, it is still difficult to catch up !!


"A 11 -year -old boy ... Does he really have this ability to have such an impact?"

Sigmond did not answer each other's words this time.

Just back to the other side, raised his hand and waved.

Malize wanting to stay for a while.

When Fos saw this, he bowed slightly and turned his head to leave the office.(Watching violent novels, go to Novel Network!)

As an assistant to the other party, the sense of signs has always been a thing he keeps in mind.

"Ka ----"

As the office door closed, Sigmond sighed softly.

For the incredible tone of Fos, it should be understood naturally.


Is it really impossible?!

That man almost did it!

Thinking of it, he slowly walked to the desk and picked up the photo of the man with Takeda.

Yue Qiannanjiro !!

Samurai from neon !!

In the history of the world, the highest status players !!

none of them!!

Whether it is the past, or now !!

The status of the neon net altar in the world of the world has always been out of the middle and lower reaches.

But do you really have a chance to change?


When this world Internet legend defeats top professional players, the neon network will naturally be watched by countries around the world !!

But unexpectedly.

In the world's professional league, Yuejejiro showed a dominant power performance, and there was no slightest with the neon net altar.

Whether it is training conditions, choice of professional clubs, or even player qualifications.

All this ... not brought him to the neon net altar!

Therefore, the neon net altar is still not recognized by the world's online altar!

And ... Yueqian Nanyeng himself did not care about the development of the neon net altar!

Even after the BBBD battle, I didn't mean to return to China to accompany the new player at all!

Still staying in Mi State, but occasionally appeared at some international online altar exchange meetings in other countries.

This also led to this legend, and the figure of any neon genius player has no longer appeared at the attention of the world of the world.


"Really ...

"But ...

When people are old, they want to have something inexplicable! "

"Some things still have to be clear!


Sigmond rubbed his photo again, and said with emotion.

He sat back on the seat, picked up the seat phone in the office, and pressed the phone number and dial.

‘Dudu Dudu —————” “Hey? Old guy! Please! Are you crazy?! You should be at 1 pm, right? I am here at 4 am !!

"I almost kissed ..................!


"You'd better have any important things !! Otherwise, I will definitely find a chance to return this harassment phone !!

When the phone was connected, a man with a frustrated man came in it.

Sigmond couldn't help looking at the watch on his wrist, and a embarrassing smile on his face.


"Sorry! Mr. Nanjiro! I really think about it! I know that you are in the country, you should call you a little later!

"Don’t you take a rest first? Just wake me back and call me!"

In the Eye of the Mi, Namjiro was wearing a robe and lying on the sofa of the living room.

There is obviously a bruise that has not been swollen.

In the past few days when Beimo and Yueqian Longya "don't say anything", his life at home is obviously difficult to be too good!

The bruises in the corner of the eyes are the best proof of the dissatisfaction of Lunzi.

Cai Caizi, who has always been mild, has lived in the school dormitory for several days and did not go home.

Needless to say, Ryoma.

The departure of Long Yaqian made him very unaccustomed, and he also stinky his face, let alone start learning tennis!

Not yet started

Just "turn off"!

If it weren't for Long Ya to come back yesterday, it would calm down some of them.

Although he still sleeps sofa, he can finally sleep well.

Who knows, he was awakened when he was doing "dream".


! ""

He also knew that since the phone was called by his old German friend ...

The reason for the phone call is because of Beimo !!

"OK! Old guy! I have woke up, and hurry up when you find me!

"Is it because of Beimo's kid?"

Speaking, he got up from the sofa and poured a glass of water for himself.


Sigmond did not go around the corner, and said seriously: "Yes! Mr. Nanjiro! It is indeed because of your student

"But don't get a mistake! It's not because he has happened in Germany! But because ... in the preparatory camp selection test

At that time, he showed his strength more exaggerated than I expected!

"Actually, I want to thank you for this phone number! Actually, the talent like Beimo is enough to be called a talented player across the era.

Send U17 in Germany!

"At the age of 11, it has reached a quasi -world level !! This is what has never happened in the history of the world of the world


"I know! Although you retired from Mr. Nanjiro! But, you have never given up tennis! Even if you use the teacher's body

In the future, the world ’s online world will also have huge changes because of your students! A new height !!"

As soon as Sigmond finished speaking, there was an abnormal noise from the phone.

Next second !!

"Keke! Old guy! Do you say it again?! Quasible world level?! Are you sure?!

"Isn't your German U-17 training camp recruiting a lot of data analysts?"

"They tell you, Beibea has reached the quasi -world level?!"


Before Yuejiro's water, the water in his mouth had not swallowed it, and was scared by Sigmond's remarks.

But where did he control these, he quickly confirmed.

What kidding !!

Although Beibei was playing around the rice country this year, in his connections and relationships, it was still light to get his game video

And easy.

He believes that his eyesight has not retired !!

Even in the last game, Beibei showed the strength, that is, a good level at the national level!


At the age of 11, it has such strength, and it is also appalling in the world of the world.

So, he is relieved to go to E17, Germany!

But now ... Sigmond on the phone told himself that Beimo has reached a quasi -world level !!

What does this mean?!

This means that Beimo is the same as when the national level of strength suddenly broke out a year ago!

It took only one year again!

Hidden strength under his eyelids, with unimaginable progress!

National level and quasi -world level ...

It's all different!

This is not the gap between the state level (Kanto level) and the national level!

Between the national and quasi -world levels, it can be called almost contacting two different world tennis!

For a series of transformations such as tennis cognition, skills, physical fitness, etc., it is an important factor that causes difficulty to surpass the gap!

So that, even if he thinks that Sigmond is not a joke with such a thing, he still wants to get the right one for the first time

Fang accurate answer!

At this time, Sigmond was also stunned by the reaction of Yueqian Nanto.(Watching violent novels, go to Novel Network!)

what's the situation?!

Aren't you a teacher in Beimo?!

Why don't you know the true strength of your students?!

When I was puzzled, I didn't hide anything.

Telling the situation of the two of Leterru was roughly described to Yueqian Nanjiro.

But without waiting for what he planned to ask, the phone was hung up.

Sigmond frowned slightly and murmured to himself: "Except for the grasp of sweet technology technology, why are other situations as teachers?

Will you not understand? "


"Could it.

Suddenly, his pupils shrank.

Because there was a speculation that he couldn't believe it himself in his heart !!

At the same time.

After hanging up the phone, Yueyue Nanyan, the buttocks were on the sofa.

The expression could not be said to be happy or stunned.

Quasible world level!

The special force of the body!

Cut off the rotating node!

Complete 11 goals in a day!

Stink boy !! How much do you hide?!

But I have to say ..... The smelly boy is a real long face !!

[On the shelves, it is more! Seeking full order!].[014005011 060470130]

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