0054 negotiation! Interest and goals! Beimo: Happy cooperation!

9 pm.

High school students training stadium.

Bismarck and Schneider sat on a rest area "bench.

Stein was sitting next to them.

At this point in time.

Jones Carter, these high school students, have ended a day of training, and each returned to the dormitory to rest.

But obvious.

The "bang" hitting balls and two running figures that are constantly sounded in the stadium !!

They all represent people who are training.

And these two people ... it is Beimo and Bolk !!

"No! I have protested! It's 2 days !! They are so scary!"

"Before Bork did not train to be so exaggerated at 9 o'clock !! Now it is completely tortured by two lunatics. By the way

"Mo others !!"

Bismarck said, referring to the medical team and a teaching assistant stationed by the training stadium.

Schneider said helplessly, "That's nothing! Do you dare to stop them from training?"

Bismarck couldn't help turning her eyes.

All right!

He dare not!

Even, he was afraid that if he said more, he was pulled again and started training again.

Originally he trained for 5 hours a day, and now even if he wants to work hard, at most, he has increased to 6 hours.

Compared to the two people at the bottom of the stadium, two people at the bottom of the time at the bottom of the training.

The physical fitness is not on a horizontal line at all.

Stein said softly: "Beimo has at most training until 9:30 today! At 10 o'clock, he depends on his two days of training.

According to an analysis report! "

"I have helped him apply in the analysis room!"

It's okay not to say this.

One to say, Bismarck and Schneider have goose bumps up!

Do you have to read the training analysis report?

Good guy !!

This is almost all my own time ... squeezed all the time !!

No matter what Bismarck and Schneider are thinking.

Borke and Beimo played 10 goals in the training ground and did not have any affected.

Although not a score.

However, as long as the ball is mistaken.

It is 50 push -ups.

This way of practice is also decided by Beimo and Polk.

In order to put a certain pressure on himself, Beimo also added a load -bearing straps on his arm.


He did not intend to use [】 打], but simply practiced with Polk with the degree of control and tactical scheduling with sweets.

This also leads to the multi -ball playback of the two in a row, and has a victory and defeat!

The situation is very balanced!

He also found a little bit of training through these two days of training.

That is, after mastering 11 goals, it is not so easy to take a step further in the sweetness of the sweet area!

If you want to train through a few hours of multi -ball continuous training before, you will break through the progress of the new sweet technological boundaries. Obviously


Between 12 goals and 11 goals, the gap is much larger than he thinks !!

Even with the talent of the three people in the past, the talent fusion of Yueqian Nangjiro, Yueqian Longya, and Polk

Completed in a short time.


In the question.

But he can understand.

after all.

This is a process of excellence. Talent can only accelerate the time of shortening efforts, but it is impossible to completely skip the effort.


Since contacting tennis, high -intensity training has become his habit every day.

You can feel your own progress every day from training.

Compared to ordinary players, such a sense of harvest is what they may not imagine.

After half an hour.

When Stan prompts the side of the stadium, the time is over.

Borke and Beimo stopped handling together.

Allow ten tennis impacts on the barbed wire of the isolated stadium, making a fierce sound.

"Hu Huhu ---"

Compared to Beimo, he only breathe and sweat.

Bolk is even more embarrassed.

He was panting, trying to adjust the breathing rhythm, making his heart rate quickly and stable.

For him, training with Beimo is a effective training method.

Stress in the practice.

And in the process of practice, the concentration of long -term maintenance is needed.

They are all the "aid agents" that he improved.

Just a few people planned to end the day of training and return to the player's dormitory.

"Ka ----"

The gate of the training stadium was pushed away from the outside, and Wolf Savich walked in in a casual clothes.



Bolk they met each other, and their faces were very surprised.

The other party and coach Reitru came back?!

Beimo has no sound.

He naturally learned from the "big mouth" of Bismarck, and learned that Reteru and Savich went to Frank because of himself.

It was just that he didn't expect that the other party was back in less than three days.

Then it means .. Have you already discussed it?

... ...

Savich nodded at Borke and spoke softly: "Polk, go back to the player dormitory! I'm here to find Beimo

Speaking, he turned to look at the northern district on the other side.

"Mr. Sigmond wants to talk to you, but it depends on you training, so I have never disturbed you!"

"If you are convenient now, please go to the conference room with me!"

They listened to Bolk, and the corners of their eyes twitched slightly.

They have never seen Savich as the German U-17 master, and they are so polite in private.

The key is.

Mr. Sigmond actually came to the training camp for Beimo ...

I thought that Reitru and Savich went to Sigmond together, which was enough to show that they paid attention to Beimo in their hearts.

But now it seems that it is far more exaggerated than Gu Yingchen!

And Sigmond personally comes to train camp in person, this sincerity and attitude are just "knocking on the stepping tiles". The key is how to "talk"

Bei Mo looked at Savich's eyes lightly.

However, he couldn't observe too much information from the current German U-17 master.

If you have to say what the other person's eyes have ...

It can only be said to be an unsightly sincerity!

"Master Savich, then it is troublesome to bring the way!


"Stan, go back first! Training analysis reports you first, make a summary! I will come back soon!"

Bei Mo gave his tennis bag to Stan and explained a few words, and he left with Walf Savich.

Stein was carrying a tennis bag and looked at Bei Mo's leaving, showing a little worry in his eyes.

"Do you say ... would Mr. Sigmond embarrass?

"If you don't have a good chat ... Is Beibei left?"

The three of the Bolk looked at each other.

Bismarck caught Stan's shoulder: "Rest assured! Beimo's talent and strength allowed him to occupy



"Because of too much attention to him, Mr. Sigmond will run a trip!"

"You know! Even if we and Polk, we only have the opportunity to have the opportunity to have Mr. Sigmond after the promotion.

What about a video call!


Borke also nodded in a sinking voice: "Coach Reitruk knows the value of Beimo! Need to worry ...

It is Mr. Sigmond's pocket! (Seeing violent novels, go to Novel Network!)

At the gate of the training camp meeting.


After Wolf Savich knocked on the door, he pushed the door with Beimo and pushed in

I saw two people sitting in the huge meeting room.

"Coach Reitru, Mr. Sigmond! Beibei is here!"

"You talk, don't bother!"

Wolf Savic said, and nodded in the two people sitting in the conference room, turned away and left the door of the conference room.

Bei Mo walked down to the seat opposite to the two of Leterru.

"Beimo, this is Mr. Sigmond!

Reitru introduced to Beimo.


Bei Mo nodded: "I know, the biggest sponsor of the training camp! I can step into the door of the German U-17 training camp,

Mr. Sigmond has a lot of calendars!



The corner of Sigmond's mouth is a meaningful smile: "Little guy! You should know the reason why I was looking for you?


In this regard.

Beimo leaned on the back of the chair without any response.

Since it is "negotiation".

As a player himself, he showed enough talent and value!

Just listen to the other party now!

Moreover, this "negotiation" now is obviously the German U-17 training camp because he has no confidence to leave himself, and it shows it.

The sincerity is opened.[014005011 060470230]

Then you are the active party, and the other party is the passive side that needs to win his favorability.

Even Beibei wants to achieve the result of "win -win".

But everything depends on the old man who came from Frank to the training camp!

Seeing Beigmond and Reitru saw Beimo who didn't speak, they no longer smiled bitterly.

The 11 -year -old boy is amazing tennis talent than many adults at the same time as many adults!


The two are also very clear that since they have been on this "negotiation" table, there are always people to pay.

Reitru first opened: "Beimo! First of all, the condition that can be given to you here is! All your training, the waist has a factory

Famous data analysts will serve you!

"And, expand a new indoor court! For your personal training! High school student training stadium has training equipment

Equipment will also be equipped with a set of alone! "

Bei Mo's conditions for Reitru, although the surface is calm, can still recognize the sincerity of the other party.

I didn't know the German U-17 before.

But these two days, he almost learned about the situation of Germany's U-17!

With the conditions given by Reitru now, it is unique in the history of the German U-17 training camp!

Didn't you see the active general Walf Savich, would you have to train at the high school student training stadium?

Build a new stadium for exclusive training!

I dare not ask for this player!

Not to mention the service of 5 data analysts alone.

This is the ultimate that the training conditions can be given to the German U-17 training camp!

After speaking of his condition, Reitru, looking at Beimo, who didn't speak, took a deep breath.

he knows.

The conditions given by yourself cannot meet the teenager in front of him.

However, he was helpless.

... Seeking flowers ...

I can only turn around to the Sigmond around.


It still needs the other party to go out.

"Coach Reitru, I want to talk to Beimo alone! How about 5 minutes?" "Okay!"

Although Reitru wanted to stay very much, Sigmond spoke, and he also started

Walking out of the conference.

When the door of the conference room closed again.

In the room.

The eyes of the old and teenagers surveys.

"Beimo! I am a businessman! But I am also a senior tennis enthusiast!


This one should be called a conversation of negotiations. I think it must be divided into two aspects! "

Bei Mo's eyes narrowed.

The other party can be the biggest sponsor of Germany's U-17 training, and it is indeed not a simple character.

He understands the meaning of the other party.

If you want to stay in Germany U-17, your interests are bound to be essential.

But the same.

The opponent also stated that it can be used to think from the perspective of the player and give the corresponding conditions.

That is, about ideals and goals!

It seemed to be aware of the flashing recognition in Beimo's eyes.

Sigmond raised a smile again, and said softly: "Kai sincerity! In terms of benefits, except for coach Reitru just now

Make a promise! "

"I can also promise your position of the general general of the German U-17 team in the future!

"And, every year, in the name of the Sigmond Pharmaceutical Factory, it is sponsored by players who are 500W.


"Of course! If you have entered the door of the World League afterwards! All procedures and resources, as long as you need it! Sigmond

The German pharmaceutical factory will give the greatest help!


This interest promise can undoubtedly be quite valuable!

..... 0

Rao was Beimo, and I had to surprise the courage of the old man in front of him.

Even if it is clear, the talent strength shows it is enough to deserve the promise given by the other party.

But don't forget!

Now I am only 11 years old!

The potential shown at this time is just a potential!

And once you accept this interest, the other party will be fulfilled immediately!

If something happened on himself, he could not continue to play.

Then these real gold and silver are equal to the drift.

But Beimo didn't want ink.

Since the other party dares to bet, what do you dare to get this money?

"Mr. Sigmond, I'm still very satisfied with your conditions!"

"However, I want to add one! That is, if I become a professional player in the future! According to my performance, sponsorship

The amount must be improved accordingly!




Sigmond heard that there was no discomfort on his face, but his smile was stronger.

He looked at Beimo's eyes, and appreciating meaning not to be concealed.

This condition is nothing for him!

But he felt from Beimo's words that the other party will definitely take the determination and self -confidence of the professional path in the future!

This determination and self -confidence, as well as the clear idea of this goal, is far more precious than money!

"no problem!"

"Then, I came to the second part!"

"Beimo, the interests are over! Then you have to talk about you as a player, the ideal and planning in your heart!

"Talk about your thoughts?"


Bei Mo's fingers knocked on the desktop. After a few seconds of silence, he looked directly at the eyes of the old man in front of him.

"In the old man, he was born, this legend!"

"And these years, the world's online altar seems to have begun to become a bit boring!

"Before you talk to me, you should have passed with the old man ditch, right?

"Although you may not get any suggestions from his mouth! However, he and he knows one thing! My talent is stronger than

"So, my requirements are simple!

"I want to open the career path at the age of 13! Strive in the future when the old man can hold the racket, with him

On the court of the World Professional League, a game! ""

The smile on Sigmond's face could not help but froze at the moment when Beibei asked.

What did you hear?!

The young man in front of him has to open the professional path at the age of 13?!

Although in the rules of the World League, there is no clear specification of the age of the players.


Every player who wants to embark on the professional door must get a lot of recognition from different voices!

Even if the connection between the Sigmond Pharmaceutical Pharmaceutical Pharmaceutical Factory wants to remove the barrier on the road to the professional court road, the 13 -year -old Beimo


It's not easy!

However, after the response, Sigmond directly ignored all the difficulties he had just thought about !!

"I promise!!"

That's right!

Promise! (Look at the violent novel, just go to Novel Network!)

The reason behind Beimo is because of this condition that it is necessary to play a ball with Qianjian Nanyejo on the field of the World League!

This game is not only extraordinary, but also enough to make the teenager in front of him the most noticeable focus in the two eras!

Regardless of winning or losing, it is a Belle and no harm to the German U-17!

Bei Mo smiled after the other party agreed, stood up and opened lightly: "Happy cooperation!

[On the shelves, it is more! Seeking full order! And].




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