The Ultimate Lich King

Chapter 237 Meeting Lucifer

"First meeting, Lord Demon King Leviathan. I am Ye Yu, a soldier of the Gremory family."

With an indifferent expression on his face, Ye Yu introduced himself calmly, as if he wasn't the one who just grabbed the girl's hand and wouldn't let go.

Listening to Ye Yu's words, Cang Na's sister Seraful raised her eyebrows slightly, and the expression on her face became gloomy.

"You are very arrogant, soldier. Don't think that you can be complacent just because you defeated a roast chicken. There are many strong young demons in the underworld. The third son of the Phoenix family who likes to spend time and debauch cannot be ranked at all."

"Oh, really, what does that have to do with me?"

In response to Serafall's semi-threatening words, Ye Yuze responded indifferently. At the same time, he was a little strange in his heart. He didn't seem to have offended the other party, so why did he look so hostile.

"Okay sister, what are you doing? Although Ye Yu is a dependent of Rias, he also goes to Kuoh Academy. As a classmate, it is normal for me to meet and say hello and talk to each other."

"What do you mean it's normal to talk! He's obviously taking advantage of you, okay! How dare he hold your hand and not let go!"

Sona said this with a wry smile, but Serafall was furious, leaving Sona with a look of helplessness.

Her sister was like this, and Cang Na couldn't do anything about it. If I let my sister know that I am living with a man...

Unable to imagine such a scene, Cang Na blushed involuntarily.

Seeing Cang Na's shy look, Serafall seemed to have received a heavy blow, pointing at Ye Yu with trembling hands.

"You... what on earth did you do to my Sona! Damn it, you are obviously a dependent of that girl Rias, why are you still messing with my Sona!"

"Sister... things are not what you think!"

"Woohoo ... I turned my elbow out so soon, or the family members of other people's family, oh oh ... Why do I have such a sister!"

"Okay sister, do you want everyone to see a joke!"

Even Sona was a little angry because of her sister's unreasonable behavior. It seemed that seeing Sona really angry, Serafall also calmed down a little.

It can be seen that this slightly out-of-touch Demon Lord Leviathan is still quite afraid of his sister.

Is this one of the Four Demon Kings of Hell? I always feel that someone with this kind of appearance becomes a demon king... The prospect of this hell is worrying, but I don't know what the other three demon kings are like.

The banquet finally came to an end, and just when Ye Yu thought he was going back to the human world directly, Rias came over with some uneasiness and brought Ye Yu a message.

His brother Sirzechs, who is also the demon king Lucifer, wants to meet him.

Although he was a little surprised, it was not surprising. After all, Gurefia knew the specialness of the demon who was reincarnated using eleven demon chess pieces. Needless to say, Sirzechs must also know this situation.

"Don't be nervous. Although my brother has been sitting in Lucifer's seat for a long time, he is actually very talkative and doesn't have the arrogance of the devil."

I thought Ye Yu was nervous because he was going to meet the Four Demon Kings, but Rias comforted him like this.

"Actually, my brother almost made Demon King Leviathan cry."

Ye Yu shrugged and said jokingly, while Rias was slightly stunned.

"Hey...have you met Cang Na's sister?"

"Well, how should I put it... Cang Na's sister has made my impression of the four demon kings drop a lot."

"Well...Seraphur-san just cares too much about Sona and turns into a completely stupid sister when she faces Sona. In fact, she is a very capable Demon King."

As Rias and Ye Yu said this, they had already arrived at Sirzechs' room. It was Gurefia who opened the door for them. Sirzechs had obviously been waiting for them for a long time.

"First of all, congratulations on your victory, soldier."

As soon as they met, Sirzechs said this with a smile.

"If you don't have a dependent like me, are you going to ignore your sister's happiness and let her marry a man you don't like?"

What was somewhat unexpected by Rias was that Ye Yu actually started to contradict her brother in the first words they met.

"You don't understand. Although I am one of the four demon kings, because I sit in this position, I often have to think about issues as the demon king Lucifer, not as the head of the Gremory family or as the head of the Gremory family. Rias’s brother.”

Sirzechs was not angry because of Ye Yu's rebuttal, he just answered with a helpless smile. Listening to her brother's words, Rias also breathed a sigh of relief. Her brother would say this, which meant that he recognized Ye Yu's status as a member of Gremory's family.

"At least I know that if the proposed marriage candidate this time is Cang Na, the furious Leviathan will probably crush the roasted chicken to death."

Ye Yu shrugged, and Sirzechs laughed.

"Have you met Serafall? She is different. She is a woman, and... well, how should I put it? Her thinking circuit is different from that of ordinary demons."

"Can't you just say there's something wrong with your brain?"

"Ahem...that's not what I said. Let's not talk about this topic anymore. Let's talk about you, the soldier who was reincarnated using eleven demon chess pieces."

Sirzechs said this, and Ye Yu touched the tip of his nose.

"Do you know the meaning of the eleven chess pieces, Ye Yu."

Listening to Sirzechs' serious tone, Ye Yu also stopped joking and answered seriously.

"It is unprecedented and unprecedented. Even the Demon King Beelzebub who developed the demon chess piece cannot understand the situation. And it is difficult to predict what I will look like and what I will become and what path I will take after being born in such a situation. .”

"That's right... It seems that you know the value of your existence very well. After today's battle, you have become famous throughout the underworld. In fact, this is not a good thing."

Sirzechs said this, frowning and sighing slightly.

"Does the fallen angel still have an angelic side? At least they can't send people to kill me directly, right?"

Ye Yu said this and shrugged indifferently.

"If I remember correctly, it is taboo for the older generation to take action against the younger generation, so what is there to worry about? If it is the younger generation... just kill as many as they come."

Ye Yu spoke so lightly, revealing unparalleled arrogance and confidence between the lines.

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