The Ultimate Lich King

Chapter 238 Canna’s feelings

Sirzechs stared at Ye Yu for a moment, then laughed heartily.

"Okay, he has a good character, and he is worthy of being a member of my Gremory family."

Sirzechs spoke so freely, and the deep meaning revealed between the lines made Rias blush. Sirzechs's admission that Ye Yu is from the Gremory family basically means that he regards Ye Yu as Rias's future husband.

As for Sirzechs's fancy, Ye Yu also touched the tip of his nose helplessly. Naturally, he would not reject it, but he just felt inexplicably sorry for Cang Na.

"Lord Lucifer, I must correct one thing. I am not only a member of your Gremory family, but also a member of the Siddi family."

When Ye Yu said this, Sirzechs was slightly startled, and then shook his head in amusement.

"Of course I won't interfere in the affairs between you juniors, and I won't ignore the fact that you are a dependent of the girl from the Sidi family. Of course, it's better not to expose this news at this stage. Wait until you feel confident. It’s not too late to expose yourself to all enemies. At this stage, your identity must be Rias’s only retinue.”

Sirzechs said this, and Ye Yu nodded in understanding. He also knew that his current strength was not enough to face the top leaders of both angels and fallen angels.

Knowing that he is a soldier with unlimited potential under Rias, the angels and fallen angels may be wary of him, and may send juniors to test him. But if you know that you are a monster using eleven chess pieces, you may be greeted by the assassination of cadres of eight wings or even ten wings or above.

"I look forward to the day when you grow up. The situation among the three tribes seems to be stable now, but secretly there is an undercurrent... The careerists are ready to move, and no one knows when a war will break out."

Sirzechs sighed softly, as if he meant something, but in the end he didn't say anything more substantial.

"Gurefia, please send them to rest."

"I understand, sir."

Gurefiya bowed slightly and immediately sent Ye Yu and Rias away.

Not long after, Gurefia arrived in Sirzechs' room again. The two people who were supposed to be husband and wife were still so indifferent to each other in the absence of outsiders, as if they were strangers.

"Gurefia...look at this young man..."

"Stop talking... I am a maid serving the Demon King Lucifer. Naturally, I belong to only Lucifer in this life."

Gurefia said so coldly, raising her head to look at Sirzechs who was slightly stunned. It was clear that what she said was a confession like each other's vows, but there was no emotion in her eyes.

"Hey...I know."

Nodding slightly, Sirzechs said no more, and immediately the room fell into a deathly silence.

After returning from the underworld, the Supernatural Research Department celebrated for several days, and as if to make up for Sona's relationship, Rias directly and generously handed over the ownership of Ye Yu for half a month to Sona. .

In other words, during the half month at Kuou Academy, Ye Yu has always been Sona's dependent, and Rias will not take the initiative to see him.

As for her other dependents, Rias made up a random reason.

Aisha, Kiba and Koneko all believed it easily. Akeno was a little confused but didn't think much about it.

"Congratulations. It seems that Lord Lucifer has regarded you as his new son-in-law."

In the student council president's office, looking at Ye Yu who came in to report, Cang Na raised his head slightly and said this meaningfully.

"What son-in-law... Cana, please don't say something strange."

With an awkward smile on his face, Ye Yu scratched his head and didn't know what to say to comfort the jealous girl.

"Ye Yu... do you think my sister is... unreasonable?"

Suddenly speaking this cautiously, Ye Yu was slightly stunned and stared at Cang Na in confusion.

"Why do you think so? I don't think so. Serafall-sama is cute, isn't she?"


Cang Na covered her face with some sadness. As one of the four demon kings, Leviathan was praised as cute. If her sister heard it, she would be very happy, right? But Sona just felt so embarrassed.

She was praised for being cute... She is the sister of the Four Demon Kings!

"Um...what's wrong with that?"

"No, not really. Let's talk about your recent work. Because of your absence these days, the work on the student union has also increased."

In an instant, she regained her serious and indifferent attitude, and Sona pushed up her glasses and said this.

Cang Na's reaction was somewhat amusing. Ye Yu couldn't help but step forward and gently hold the girl's hand.

"I said...are you jealous, Sister Cangna?"

He said this with some meaning, deliberately dragging the suffix of the word "sister" very long. Seeing the seductive blush on the face of this serious girl, Ye Yu couldn't help but show a sly smile, and then got so close. He walked over and sat down next to the girl.


Cang Na let out a soft cry, and someone's chair suddenly squeezed into another person's chair. Naturally, it seemed very crowded. She subconsciously pushed Ye Yu gently and resisted in her mouth.

"Don't be ridiculous, it won't be good if someone sees you."

"You are the president and their master. Without your order, no one would dare to come in casually."

Ye Yu looked disapproving, and instead of walking away, he even hugged Cang Na's waist, directly picked up the girl's body and placed her on his lap.

"It won't be crowded this way."

Ye Yu said with satisfaction as he gently rested his chin on the girl's shoulder and smelled the faint fragrance coming from the girl's hair.

"You...I'm going to be angry, Ye Yu!"

The rhythm was gradually controlled by Ye Yu, which made it difficult for Cang Na to adapt. Although she enjoyed the contact with the other party, her daughter's natural shyness made her resist involuntarily.

He didn't dare to use force and could only push gently. In Ye Yu's eyes, such behavior was no different from flirting.

"Really... Sister Cang is really dishonest. She said she didn't want it, but... her body was surprisingly honest."

A girl like Sona is completely different from Rias. Rias is the kind of person who takes the initiative and is enthusiastic, which makes Ye Yu unable to bear it. Cang Na, on the other hand, is just the opposite. She needs Ye Yu to take the initiative and stir up the lust in the girl's heart.

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