The Ultimate Lich King

Chapter 299 Teasing

"Quickly resolve the battle. The game won't be fun if the Demon King finds out."

Compared to the leisurely Heige, Monkey's expression looked a little solemn, not only because of Ye Yu's strength, but also because of where they were now.

Who knows when the demon kings will notice the fighting here and come looking for them.

It's not that they are unconfident about the barrier Heige set, but that the monkeys can't figure out how big the gap is between them and the Demon King's barrier.

Looking at the two companions approaching, Arthur felt troubled and couldn't tell them. Even if he wanted to remind them, he couldn't.

The strength was completely suppressed by Ye Yu, and the cold air attached to the opponent's sword also entered his body in an instant like a tarsal maggot.

Sure enough, as mentioned in the report, the power of frost this guy masters is extremely terrifying.

Seemingly seeing Arthur's embarrassment, Ye Yu's lips curved into a faint smile. The giant sword in his hand swung up and down, without giving the opponent the slightest chance to react, and directly knocked Arthur backwards.

At the same time, the beautiful monkey that came up caught the body of its companion, but upon contact, it was jumped greatly.

A thin layer of frost covered his hands in an instant, and immediately spread up his arms, making Arthur's body as cold as ice.

"Damn...what an evil power!"

The monkey screamed in surprise, but Heige on the other side had already rushed over.

So what if it's an evil sect? Is there any move in this world that is more worthy of being called an evil sect than celestial magic?

There was no trace of logic in Heige's surprise attack. It was as if she was going to die. Some people couldn't understand what she was thinking.

Ye Yu mercilessly chopped off Heige's body with a straight sword, easily splitting Heige's body in two.

A proud smile appeared on Heige's face, and soon her body that was divided into two parts disappeared like smoke.

"It's a good attack. But it's useless. If you know how to use illusions, you can make a clone very easily."

The black cat's voice echoed throughout the forest. Immediately afterwards, figures appeared one after another in the fog, each with the same kimono cat ears and illusion clone. This was a very simple senjutsu move.

"...If you can't read the flow of energy, you won't be able to deal with the illusions used by advanced magicians."

The kitten that fell on the ground raised its head with some difficulty and said in pain.

Because Ye Yu froze all the poisonous gas spreading around, the kitten woke up again. It seemed that the poisonous gas released by Heige could only make her incapacitated.

"Stop talking, kitten, don't worry, this level of illusion can't stop me."

"Hmph, you're such an annoying guy who likes to talk big words. Meow, get down quickly!"

The sound came from all directions, and under normal circumstances there was no way to determine Heige's exact location. Because this is an illusion used by magic, it is an Eastern power system, which is completely different from the devil's reliance on magic to sense opponents.

But it is obvious that Heige completely ignored the fact that Ye Yu never determined the opponent's position through the fluctuation of magic power.

No matter how clever the illusion is, no matter how Kuroka hides his existence, there are some things that cannot be hidden no matter what.

The water vapor that changes slightly because of her body temperature, the water vapor that changes slightly because of her breathing, and the blood that is always flowing in her body.

No matter how brilliant the illusion is, it is still an illusion. Illusion is something that does not exist. Naturally, something that does not exist cannot change the surrounding water vapor.

To a certain extent, Ye Yu did discover Heige's true form by detecting the flow of qi, although the flow of qi was slightly different from what Heige and Kitty thought.

Hidden in the dark, Heige sneered and looked at Ye Yu, who was surrounded by his own fantasies. In her opinion, Ye Yu was helpless and was defeated by herself.

All you need to do next is to deliver a fatal blow to him, using your magic!

Strange power gathered in Heige's palm. It was a completely different way of using power from magic, but it was undeniable that this technique was extremely powerful.

But just when the power in Heige's palm was compressed to a limit and was about to explode, a ghostly shadow appeared in front of her.

How can it be? !

Heige was immediately shocked, because Ye Yu, who was surrounded by his own illusion not long ago, actually broke away from the interference of the illusion and directly found his own body at this moment.

"This is impossible!"

Kuroka, who couldn't accept this fact for a moment, shouted loudly, and at the same time, the mixed power in her palm went berserk.


By the time Heige reacted and wanted to suppress the technique in her palm, it was already too late. Then at this moment, Ye Yu, who was in front of her, made another move that she couldn't believe.

The opponent's palm directly covered her palm, and the violent spell was frozen by him.

Freezing in a literal sense, the violent technique performed by Heige was frozen into an ice ball in the palm of her hand, exuding a biting cold air.

"What a joke!"

As if he had seen a ghost, he threw the ice ball in his hand towards Ye Yu. Heige quickly flew backwards, trying to distance himself from Ye Yu.

But when she felt that she had pushed far enough away and turned around, she saw Ye Yu's playful smile again.

"Arthur, Monkey, what are you two doing? Come and help me!"

Turning around quickly, Heige continued to flee in a panic, while calling his two companions who didn't know where they were in the forest.

"Don't think about it, they can't help you."

The man's calm voice sounded from behind him again, but it made Heige's whole body stiffen. Only then did the girl realize the gap between herself and the other party. This battle was completely a game played by the other party.

"How is that possible! Vali's information shows that you are only capable of fighting at the Demon King level. How could you be so strong?!"

"Well, it's because there was a little accident."

Ye Yu shrugged innocently. He narrowed his eyes and looked at Heige in front of him with some evil intentions.

In fact, if Naisha and Naisha's power hadn't suddenly appeared, Ye Yu's original strength would have definitely suffered a big loss against Heige and the others.

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