The Ultimate Lich King

Chapter 300 Capturing Heige

Heige couldn't figure out why Ye Yu, who Vali said was barely at the Demon King level, suddenly became so strong, so powerful that she couldn't resist.

Although he couldn't think of the reason, Heige knew that his plan to take away his sister was basically impossible, or it was unknown whether she and her companions could escape safely.

"Heige, prepare to retreat, this guy is difficult to deal with!"

Just when Heige was confused, the monkey's voice sounded from the other side.

One hand caught the iron rod that the monkey hit. On the other hand, Heige turned around and wanted to run away, but Ye Yu fiercely stabbed the long sword in his hand towards the ground. Suddenly, a series of ice walls rose up from the ground. Seal her escape route.

"If you want to leave... have you obtained my permission?"

"Damn it, I'll fight you, meow!"

The escape route was completely blocked, and Heige looked a little annoyed. The girl turned around and rushed towards Ye Yu again.

"It's too noisy. Cats and other things would be cuter if they were quieter."

Raising his eyebrows slightly, he obviously felt that such a game was no longer interesting. Ye Yu let go of Frostmourne that was stuck on the ground, and immediately stretched out his hand to hold it in the sky.

The expression on Kuroka's face froze for a moment, and soon the girl found that she could no longer control her body. Because her blood flow slowed down and continued to coagulate.

This is the first time that Ye Yu has directly applied his power to someone's body and directly controlled the other person's blood. I have to say that the effect seems to be pretty good.

Of course, the main reason is because Ye Yu's strength is much stronger than the other party, otherwise it would not have such a good effect.

"Kuroge what's wrong with you?!"

Seeing his companion suddenly standing motionless, the monkey shouted in confusion. He wanted to pull back the iron rod in his hand, but the force coming from the other end was beyond his imagination.

"For Koneko's sake, I can let you two go, but Kuroka must stay."

Without even looking at the beautiful monkey behind him, Ye Yu spoke naturally.

"Don't think about it, we can't give up on our companions!"

It was Arthur who stood up with difficulty and said these words. The man who is known as the strongest Holy Sword user on earth is in a miserable state at the moment. Half of his body is covered with a light layer of frost, and even his eyebrows are a snow-white color.

"It's very touching, but do you think you are qualified to negotiate terms with me now?"

Holding the iron rod in his hand, he lifted up the beautiful monkey and immediately smashed it to the side. Ye Yu stepped forward and took control of the somewhat disobedient cat in front of him.

"Don't move around, and don't try to get rid of this situation. Otherwise, I can't guarantee what will happen."

Seeing the unwilling expression on Heige's face, as if he wanted to make his gradually solidified body move again, Ye Yu reminded him kindly.

This is not an ordinary confinement or a spell that makes Kuroko unable to move, but a direct use of overwhelming power to freeze the blood all over Kuroko's body. If Kuroka wanted to continue struggling, he would undoubtedly end up with his own frozen blood piercing his body.

"What...what exactly did you do to my body?!"

"It's nothing, I just froze the blood all over your body."

Ye Yu said somewhat casually, looking at the girl's unbelievable expression with a faint smile.

"So... you'd better be obedient and don't move around... otherwise if the blood condensed into ice pierces your body, even I won't be able to do anything."

Listening to what Ye Yu said, and thinking of the terrible fate he described, Heige's body couldn't help but tremble, like a frightened kitten. His timid appearance looked particularly cute.

The monkey who was completely thrown out on the other side adjusted his body awkwardly in the air, and then uncontrollably hit Arthur on the other side. The two brothers fell into a ball again.

"Don't make a mistake, it's none of my business whether you leave or not. If you want to survive, leave quickly. Otherwise, when the army of the underworld and the Demon King come, no one will be able to save you."

Listening to Ye Yu's cold words, Arthur and the monkey looked at each other and smiled bitterly, and stood up with difficulty with help.

"Let's go! Leave me alone, this guy doesn't dare to do anything to me!"

Seeing the hesitation of Monkey and Arthur, Kuroka spoke.


"Don't worry, she is Kitten's sister no matter what."

Ye Yu said this, and the monkey immediately made a decision with some difficulty. He called out somersault clouds and quickly left the jungle with Arthur.

"Ye Yu, are you okay?!"

Not long after Monkey and Arthur escaped, Rias's worried voice sounded from behind, followed by a loud noise, and the barrier arranged by Heige was shattered.

"Found Soldier Boy."

The one who spoke was the Demonic Dragon Saint Tanning. This giant dragon landed in front of Ye Yu with Rias and the others.

"I'm fine. You guys came quickly."

Turning around to greet Rias, not only Rias and Sona, but also the two demon kings Sirzechs and Serafall also arrived.

"Are you okay? Ye Yu, I heard Rias said she is Kitty's sister? Could it be that the people from the Disaster Group want to launch an attack?"

"It's nothing. He is indeed from the Disaster Group, but it seems like it's just the random behavior of some idiot sister who wants to see her sister."

"Boy, what are you talking about!"

Hearing what Ye Yu said about himself, Heige suddenly showed his teeth and claws, but because his body had not completely thawed, it was very stiff and difficult to move.

"I told you not to move, didn't you understand what I said?"

Ye Yu rolled his eyes at Hei Ge angrily, and then flicked his finger on the girl's forehead.


The latter suddenly screamed and stared at Ye Yu with tearful eyes, but it was a pity that he couldn't cover his painful head with his hands.

"This is...Kitten's sister?!"

Looking at Heige in front of Ye Yu, Rias asked.

"That's right, the most wanted 'Lost' Demon Tower City Kuroka."

The one who spoke was Sirzechs. He walked off Saint Tanning's back and came to Heige and said this.

"Hmph, it's an honor to have Lord Demon King care about me so much. Now that it's in your hands, I'll leave it to you to deal with it."

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