Look at the picture in front of you.

Some timid viewers in the live broadcast room immediately covered their eyes.

He repeatedly exclaimed in the barrage:

"very scary!"

"Isn't this a mass grave?"

"Damn it, what's going on!"

"Is Yushen really brave and not afraid at all?"


"It's a wolf killer!"

Through thousands of bones and carcasses.

Lu Yu continued to move forward along the path and underground river in the cave, looking for traces of the legendary treasure.

Let the pirates build a utopia.

This is no less difficult than asking Big Brother to build a brave new world.

Let’s talk artistically.

Both are imbued with an air of unrealistic romantic idealism.

The final outcome.

One can imagine.

Imagine a group of like-minded people arriving on an isolated island with a fortune.

The traffic on the streets is heard by chickens and dogs.

Ancient vines, old trees, dim crows, small bridges and flowing water, people's homes.

It's like a pirate version of "Peach Blossom Spring".

The only difference among them is that although the scene of joyful self-pleasure will last forever.

But hidden behind this is the tragedy of the collapse of this pirate utopia like "The Last Supper".

That's right.

It's a tragedy.

Ugly human nature is not worth scrutinizing here at all.

over time.

Lu Yu walked forward along the river for a while.

Instead, we entered a primitive cave.

The structure of the rock formations inside the cave.

There are many traces of river erosion.

It can be estimated based on the foot distance and the altitude of Twin Mountains.

The location of the cave should be exactly at the point where the entire underground river breaks out.

Therefore, the entire cave is often baptized by erupting torrents.

And so on.

The various stalagmites hanging upside down above the head lost their momentum.

Becomes very smooth.

No edges or corners at all.

It looks very weird.

After going a certain distance deeper, the moisture in the cave became more and more intense.

Between every breath and every breath.

A lot of water vapor condensed at Lu Yu's nostrils.

If you're not careful, it will flow down the middle of your body and into your mouth.

taste like.


At first, the scene inside the cave was nothing special.




as always.

However, we moved forward for less than five minutes.

The situation has changed dramatically.

The inner wall of the cave was originally pitch black and rugged.

Sudden makeover.

It turned into a shiny silvery white color.

See this scene.

Lu Yu felt suspicious.

His brows were furrowed.

He squinted his eyes and walked over quickly.

When he saw clearly, the inner wall of the cave had completely changed its appearance!

at this time.

The structure of the rock is no longer the limestone it was before.

Instead, it turned into a completely transparent, crystal-like crystal!

These crystals are attached to the inner wall of the cave in large areas.

Reflecting the faint green light.

It feels like walking into a crystal cave.

He slowly stopped.

Lu Yu raised his eyes and looked around.

Then, get close as soon as possible.

Observe these white crystalline objects.

The crystals are in block form.

Sharp edges and corners.

Extremely transparent.

It really looks like crystal.

However, judging from the crystallization situation and growth trend, this kind of crystal does not have the characteristics of crystal.

More like rock candy?

As for what it is, we can’t yet draw a conclusion.

In the live broadcast room.

See this scene in front of the camera.

Many viewers were also interested.

I started guessing enthusiastically in the barrage:


"crystal sugar?"

"Crystal +1!"

"I feel like crystal too!"

"Feather God, what on earth is this?!"

"Does it look delicious?"

"I'm so scared, Yu Shen bites me!"


At a time when opinions vary.

Lu Yu stared at the crystals and nodded thoughtfully.

Then he put his head in front of a crystal.

He opened his mouth and licked the stone...

This move immediately stunned the audience in front of the screen!

Everyone just talked about it casually.

But I never expected that this guy would actually...

Damn it!

What's going on? !

When the audience looked at him like a monster, the taste of crystals had already spread in Lu Yu's mouth.

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