
Extremely salty.

Shockingly salty.

It was like taking a big mouthful of salt.

Although he just licked it, his whole mouth was filled with a clear salty taste.

It didn't dissipate for a long time.

The next second.

Lu Yu licked his lips without saying anything.

Then he raised the corners of his mouth, smiled slightly, and said, "Everyone is right."

"This kind of rock crystal is really a kind of food."

Hearing what he said, the audience became even more confused.

The screen is filled with question marks.


Are you kidding me?

See this.

Lu Yu waved his hand and denied everyone's remarks.

Then, he explained softly:

"Brothers, this is not an ordinary stone, but rock salt."

"Rock salt, also known as 'rock salt', is a naturally occurring table salt crystal in nature that can be used directly."

"In other words, we can directly use it as table salt to cook various foods. For example, when grilling meat, if you have a piece of rock salt in your hand, believe me, the taste will definitely rise several levels."

While talking.

Lu Yu remotely controlled the drone and took pictures around the inner wall of the cave.

The finest crystal of rock salt.

Covered with a light glass sheen.

Some are colorless and transparent.

Some are pure white.

The crystal form is cubic.

Tired of each other.

Like the accumulation of chess pieces.

That's why.

It has also been called "bright salt", "crystal salt", "yuhua salt", or "white salt".

Rock salt in the cave.

Because it accumulates underground.


The purity is not high.

Some are due to impurities or sludge mixed with some metal compounds.

And with a certain special tone.

Rock salt is mostly found in salt wells.

Otherwise, it is naturally condensed and precipitated in the salt lake.


There are exceptions.

For example, after ancient seawater and lake water dried up, such crystals may also have crystallized through crustal movement.

Considering the geological conditions and climate environment of Oulidia, it is not surprising that rock salt can be produced.

Throughout the course of the island's geological changes, seawater evaporated due to natural causes.

Halite as a sedimentary rock.

Eventually it covers the surface of the mountain.

Form crystals.

Caught in various rock formations.

Rock salt is the most abundant evaporite, bar none.

In the order of seawater precipitation, it is behind gypsum and anhydrite.

Therefore, gypsum and anhydrite are often found beneath halite.

After giving the audience a brief introduction to the origin of rock salt.

Lu Yu took off the stone ax from his waist and chopped off a piece of loose crystal.

Got it in hand.

"If we can escape from this underground river alive, such a large piece of rock salt will be enough for me to eat for a long time."

"Rock salt does not need to be processed. Just pick up the ingredients and rub it on it, and it will have a salty taste. It is very convenient."

"Rock salt contains many minerals that we need in life, and it is also a physiological necessity in the lives of animals. If we don't eat salt, people will die..."

The mineral rock salt was one of the first minerals sought and exchanged in the early days of human civilization.

I think back then, the ancient Roman army was paid with rock salt.

This shows how important salt is to human beings.

At this time, an audience member in the live broadcast room asked: "Since people will die if they don't eat salt, why is the anchor fine?"

Lu Yu smiled and then explained:

"The main reason why people can't live without salt is that the minerals contained in rock salt are necessary for human life activities."

"These minerals are widely distributed in nature, and there are many substitutes that can meet daily needs without ingesting them directly. It's just that the amounts are relatively small."

"This matter is actually easy to understand. Like other wild animals, primitive humans who did not have a supply of commercial salt had only two sources of salt, either certain animal foods or foraging for certain natural minerals. Salt is similar to the situation I am in.

"Of course, in this case, the problem is also obvious, because the sodium that can be eaten is very low, but without sweating a lot, daily sodium loss is very low, and the above intake is sufficient to meet the needs."

At this time, someone else said something in the barrage.

Primitive people could only live in tropical areas because they did not have adequate measures to keep warm. Sweating a lot was inevitable on a daily basis.

After sweating a lot, sodium loss is serious. In the end, don’t you still need GG?

Moreover, in my impression, Lu Yu worked hard every day and sweated a lot.

Why is nothing happening?

"Brothers, this mainly relies on a 'skill' in the human body called 'heat adaptation'."

“When a person sweats a lot during daily activities in a high-temperature environment for a long time, the sweat glands can make adaptive changes, thereby greatly enhancing the sodium reabsorption capacity. Even if a person sweats a lot, the sodium loss is very small, so it is okay. "

"How about it, isn't the human body magical? Our body has gone through thousands of years of evolution to achieve what it is today, so it is far more fragile than you think..."


"Watching Yu Shen's live broadcast makes you stand out!"

"Awesome, I'm leading a scientist!"

“The amount of knowledge is unparalleled!”

"The encyclopedia is online!"

"Rogues are not to be feared, only that they are educated!"

"Ha ha!"

Put the taken rock salt into the quiver behind his waist.

Lu Yu continued to move forward.

He walked for nearly six or seven hundred meters before he completely left this "rock salt land".

At this time.

The light in the cave dimmed again and returned to normal.

About ten minutes later.

The space of the cave.

Getting bigger and bigger.

On both sides of the rock wall, traces of civilization can be seen.

The broken lamp.

Tied by an iron chain.

One connected to another.

If nothing unexpected happens, this place must have been artificially excavated.

Otherwise, this situation would never happen.

The result.

No surprise.

The next scene quickly verified Lu Yu's idea.

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