"The hole must be drilled to the line?"

"Upstairs, I seriously doubt you are driving!"


"Is the cave wall drill okay?"

"Go to the Northeast to dig coal. Standing ticket. Leave now!"

After receiving affirmative replies from the audience, Lu Yu left the cave entrance.

Searched the woods.

When exploring caves, you don’t need any equipment, but you can’t do without a torch.

Even if you have perfect lighting tools, it won’t work.

Without gas masks, the only way to monitor air quality is to rely on torches.

Only in this way can the oxygen content in the cave be accurately determined.

No accident will happen.

"Before I go in, I have to find a way to make a sustainable burning torch..."

"Right now, we know nothing about this cave, so torches are essential..."

While talking.

Lu Yu glanced out of the corner of his eye.

I found several chestnut-shaped gray-brown tree nuts at my feet.

These nuts all fell from a tall evergreen tree next to me.

Seeing this, he hurriedly knelt down, randomly picked up a few and put them in his palm, and asked to the camera:

"Does anyone in the live broadcast room recognize this thing?"

Chapter 371 Nut Torch, the Secret in the Cave! (k! Please subscribe

Chapter 371 Nut Torch, the Secret in the Cave! (4k! Please subscribe!)

In the live broadcast room.

All the water friends stared at the small fruit in Lu Yu's hand for a long time.

I didn't even guess it was on point.

Finally, they all said they had never seen it.

Seeing this, Lu Yu chuckled twice, organized his words, and explained:

"Everyone, this is actually a nut..."

"The scientific name is Queensland chestnut. Some people also call it macadamia nut. Chinese people like to call it macadamia nut. How about this name? Everyone should be familiar with it, right?"

"But in fact, the original origin of this thing is not in Hawaii at all."

"The name is totally a gimmick."

The wild macadamia nut is an evergreen tree.

Dicotyledonous plants.

The crown of the tree is tall.

It likes to grow in a mild, humid place with little wind.

Ripe macadamia nuts are not only extremely rich in nutritional value, they have always been known as the "King of Dried Fruits".

At the same time, nuts are also very oily.

Extremely flammable and burn-resistant.

In the wild, macadamia nuts are perfect for making torches and field lighting gear!

until today.

Primitive aborigines living in the rain forests of northern Australia.

It is also customary to use Queensland chestnuts to make torch lighting.

How to make nut torches.

very simple.

Choose mature and large nuts, and use bamboo skewers or branches to spread them into bunches.

Then light it with fire.

High-quality and mature Queensland chestnuts can continue to burn for nearly two to three hours, which is very powerful.

The most important thing is that it takes no effort at all.

You can make it anytime, anywhere.

No need for too complicated materials.

"There are many kinds of Queensland chestnuts. The one we picked up is very different from the ones usually sold in the market after processing. Although it is edible, the taste is not as good as expected."

"So, don't think that I have picked up another rare delicacy. These macadamia nuts are not for eating. They have a greater purpose..."

"Queensland chestnuts are very oily and are a good material for making torches. Aboriginal people living in Australia still use this method to make torches. The reason is that it is simple and easy to do and less cumbersome. Compared with beeswax torches and pine lanterns, Nut string torches are definitely the best choice for lighting needs during adventures. ”

When explaining to the audience.

Lu Yu was not idle either.

Take out a piece of ore from the bamboo basket, break open the shells of all the nuts you picked up, and take out the kernels inside.

Just look at it.

The kernels of the Queensland chestnut are almost identical to the commonly eaten macadamia nuts.

There is almost no difference.

But in fact, without a long period of drying and stir-frying, the taste will not be much better.

Been busy for a while.

Lu Yu put all the nuts aside, touched a fairly straight light green branch from the ground, and then said to the camera:

"Okay, now you just need to string the nuts on top here one after another, and a unique nut string torch will be ready."

"It should be noted that the main body of the torch must be made of new branches."

"I have explained the reason to you many times. It is just to increase the burning time of the torch. Remember, do not use those dead branches, otherwise it is very likely that you will burn yourself with fire..."

"Li Shizhen's skin!"

"Is it okay to play with fire and burn yourself?"

"Ha ha!"

"Damn it! I want to see it! Can Yushen show it to you guys?"

"What a shame! Let's not talk about it!"

"Sooner or later I will die laughing because of fighting entertainment!"

After stringing the nuts one by one.

Lu Yu took off the tinder box on his waist and found some kindling materials.

A fire was made.

Light the torch.


After two or three minutes, until the nuts on the wooden skewers were fully burned, he took the torch away from the fire.

"Guys, I've said this more than once."

"The role of torches is not just for lighting."

"More importantly, it can avoid many unnecessary risks. Therefore, before exploring caves in the wild, you can ignore everything except fire..."

Picking up his backpack, Lu Yu held a nut-stringed torch and strode towards the entrance of the cave.

"In the 17th century, Yingguo mine workers discovered that canaries are very sensitive to gases such as gas. Canaries will stop singing even if there is a trace amount of gas in the air."

"When the gas content exceeds a certain limit, even though dull humans are unaware of it, the canary bird has already been poisoned and died.

"At that time, when the mining equipment was relatively simple, workers would bring a canary with them every time they went down the mine as a 'gas detection indicator' for emergency evacuation in dangerous situations. Now, we are in a similar situation. This little canary The little nut-string torch is my canary. If it goes out, I have to get out of the cave no matter what."

"666, there's something!"

"Inexplicably, I think of a ghost blowing out a lamp!"

"When people light candles and ghosts blow out lamps, they will dig holes, but Yu will not spare them!"

"Ha ha!"

"It's great! Yu Shen's live broadcast is really full of interesting things!"

"True details determine success or failure!"

"The torches are on!"

The trend of the cave.

All the way down.

After entering the cave entrance.

The long-lost chill rushed towards my face.

Hair all over the body.

He stood upright in an instant.

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