The temperature here.

At least two levels lower than outside.

Thanks to the bonus of [Frigid Bloodline].

Otherwise, just rely on this grass skirt.

It was just too hard to resist.

During the exploration, Lu Yu observed the inner wall of the cave by the flickering firelight.

It was found that there were traces of artificial excavation all over it.

It seems that my guess was correct.

This cave should also be made by the Olidia people.

In addition to the rock walls, the path under your feet is also unique.

Not big, not small.

It happens to be a gentle slope of 45 degrees.

Leading straight into the endless dark abyss.

There was a strong cold smell in the air.


Very uncomfortable.

The inside of the cave is filled with large and small gravels.

All kinds of things happen.

Rugged and diverse.

Some are as small as goose eggs, while others are as large as ore.

I don’t know if it is naturally formed.

Someone did it on purpose.

In short, it's very strange.

After walking for a while.

The wind in the cave became stronger and stronger, and the flames on the torches began to flicker.

Seeing this, Lu Yu hurriedly protected the flames, and then said:

"Friends, this is a man-made cave, and the traces on it are still clearly visible today."

"Very rough."

"It seems that it was done by primitive blades and has nothing to do with the pirates of Lebotaria. But the question is, why did the Olidia dig such a large cave? Is there any significance?"

Carefully observe every detail of the cave.

Lu Yu said thoughtfully.

I was filled with doubts.

Still can't figure it out.

In any case, the project of digging a cave is much more time-consuming and labor-intensive than carving a stone statue.

With the level of productivity at that time, it would probably take several years to dig such a large cave...

What do these people want to do?

Could it be that we are engaging in tunnel warfare?

Don't say it.

It's really possible.

According to the descriptions on the temple murals, at the end of civilization, Olidia encountered several large-scale invasions, and the entire tribe was severely impacted.

Faced with this situation, it makes sense for the tribe's ruling class to expend all their efforts to create a refuge.


This is just a family statement.

What is this underground cave used for?

It's not clear yet.

The only way to know the ins and outs is to go deeper and see what happens.

Place the torch in front of you.

Lu Yu continued to walk deeper into the cave while thinking wildly.


That is more than ten minutes of work.

On the slope below, there was a turning point.

It becomes more and more gentle.

And this time.

There was also a sudden enlightenment before my eyes.

A larger cave running north to south suddenly came into view without warning!

In the middle of the cave, there is a raging underground river flowing through it.

The river is very wide.

The water level is also very deep.

Compared with the ones in the mountains, they are even worse.

The sound of water heard before was probably coming from here.

See this scene.

Lu Yu frowned, took three steps and then walked straight over.

"Everyone, there is also an underground river here."

"I want to come."

"It should also be one of the branches in Oulidia's huge underground water system..."

Hold up the torch.

Lu Yu used the faint light to carefully investigate the surrounding areas of the cave.

This cave was by no means mined artificially.

But through river erosion.

Naturally formed.

Just look at the current situation.

The Euridians worked hard.

The purpose of digging underground caves.

Ba Cheng wants to get through here.

But what is this for?

Do you want to find the underground river?

What do these people want to do?

Thinking about it, Lu Yu shared his doubts with the audience in the live broadcast room.

He also expressed his own opinions.

But everyone discussed and discussed, and never got a more reliable answer.

In order to understand all this, Lu Yu expanded the search scope.

Go to your right.

That is, the upper reaches of the river, and I searched in a circle.


I really found something.

On both sides of the river, Lu Yu discovered many primitive bronze utensils.

Bronze axes, bronze adzes, spears, stone chisels.

There are even many bottles and jars made of fired clay and countless broken fragments on the ground.

The surface is covered with cobwebs and moss.

It’s no longer the same.

Looked at it for a while.

Lu Yu casually picked up a fragment from the ground and weighed it twice in his hand.

Nothing special.

It's just a very common utility.

"There are traces of people living in the cave."

"Production tools and practical utensils for daily life can be seen everywhere on the ground. These utensils are very simple utensils and cutting tools."

"In primitive societies where technology is not developed, similar tools can already initially meet production and life needs. If I guess correctly, the Oulidia people should have survived in this cave for a period of time."

"But the question is, why do they burrow underground?"

"Are you really playing tunnel warfare?"

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