"Friends, take a look."

"When the tiles are dried to this extent, they can be put into the kiln."

"I roughly counted it, and it's a total of one hundred and twenty yuan... One furnace can probably burn more than ten yuan."

"Based on my experience, we should be able to burn at most three or four furnaces a day. One hundred and twenty slices would take at least two days and one night."

"Time is tight and the task is heavy, so hurry up and get started."

After speaking, Lu Yu picked up the stone ax and went to the jungle to chop some firewood.

in case for need.

Half an hour later.

The firewood has been chopped.

Lu Yu began to clean the furnace path.

Clean the carbon dust inside in sequence.

The plant ash left in the furnace is also a rare raw material.

Adhering to the principle of no waste.

Lu Yu collected all the plant ashes and put them in the hut.

Although this thing is not rare.

But it can be frustrating if you don’t have one on hand when you need it in a hurry.

So, stay if you can.

I don’t know when it will come in handy.

Clean the furnace path.

Lu Yu carefully took ten pieces of tile blanks and placed them vertically on the grate.


There is also a certain gap left between the tiles.

Facilitates air flow and heats up the kiln.

A few minutes later, the tiles were laid out.

Lu Yu covered the entrance of the kiln with palm leaves.

He took some kindling from the bonfire.

The new firewood placed in the four furnace channels was lit respectively!

Just a moment.

Bursts of thick smoke emerged from the gaps in the leaves, making the camp a mess.

lit the furnace

Lu Yu's next task is just one word: wait.

But in fact, firing clay tiles is much easier than firing pottery.

After all, tiles have a single shape.

As long as it is placed properly, uneven heating will basically not occur.

In contrast, the shapes of pottery pots and other containers are much more complex.

Therefore, when firing, it is naturally not so easy to succeed.

However, even so, Lu Yu had made enough budget.

When printing the blank, I intentionally made a few extra pieces.

I am afraid that there will be an accident such as a kiln explosion.

For proper storage of burned tiles.

While waiting to be released from the kiln, Lu Yu renovated the sloping house in the camp.

Four main beams were added respectively.

Six beams.

At the same time, some palm leaves were used to enrich the roof.

Back and forth.

The whole house has a new look.

It became an upper and lower level.

The space is also much larger.

One floor below.

Can be used to preserve firewood.

The upper layer can just be used to stack mud tiles.

One house for two purposes.

Very practical.

Freshly fired clay tiles must not be affected by moisture.

Cooling is also required.

Secondly, because the firing time is long and the span is large, no one can guarantee whether the weather on the island will be abnormal during this period.

Therefore, it must be stored properly.

An hour's time.

It will pass quickly.

A new storage room has been built.

The thick smoke at the entrance of the kiln gradually faded.

See this.

Lu Yu smiled mysteriously at the audience, walked closer, stretched out his hand and tried it on the kiln wall.


The temperature was okay.

"It should be almost done..."

"Let's see what's going on inside..."


He couldn't wait to lift the palm leaves and open the kiln entrance in one fell swoop.

Squinting his eyes, he looked inwardly...

Chapter 379 The tiles are out of the oven and the Spring Festival is approaching! (k, please subscribe

Chapter 379 The tiles are out of the oven and the Spring Festival is approaching! (4k, please subscribe!)

After a period of firing.

Clay tiles in the kiln.

Big change in appearance.

The color is getting lighter.

The texture is getting harder and harder.

The surface is smooth and flat.

Covered with carbon dust.

Judging from the current peak temperature in the kiln, it is basically enough to reach this level.

Although it doesn't look that beautiful, its practicality is not bad at all.

He lay at the entrance of the kiln and observed for a while.

Lu Yu nodded and made a quick decision:

"Well, as long as it cools down for a few more minutes, it should be ready to come out of the kiln."

"Brothers, let's wait patiently for a while."

"To be on the safe side, I only burned a dozen slices in the first batch. Now it seems that the result was pretty smooth and there were no accidents in the process. Wait, let's follow the standard."

While waiting for the tiles to cool down.

Lu Yu picked some hay.

On the top floor of the storage room.

Later, as long as the tiles successfully come out of the kiln, they can be directly put into storage.

everything's ready.

Time passes minute by minute.

Ten minutes later.

The temperature in the kiln is completely back to normal.

At this time, Lu Yu opened the kiln door again and carefully reached his hand inside.

There is still some residual warmth on the inner wall.

But it's no longer in the way.

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