The tiles are not so hot anymore.

It is totally bearable.


Under the gaze of the audience.

A piece of white clay tile with dense and tight surface finally unveiled its mystery bit by bit and appeared in front of the camera!

Warm clay tile.

Very textured.

Fresh smell of fireworks.

Very good smell!

It is completely different from those modern bricks made of chemical raw materials!

Absolutely pure and natural without pollution!

Putting the clay tile between his nose, Lu Yu sniffed it fiercely.

Then he flicked out two fingers and tapped the surface of the tile twice, making it emit a crisp ding-dong sound.

At this moment, hearing this scene, the audience in the live broadcast room suddenly brightened up and praised:

"This sound, I'm wet!"

"Damn, the anchor is really too cool!"

"He really succeeded..."

"Yu Shen is awesome!"

"Anchor, melon seeds and drinks are ready, please start your performance!"

"But I'm uneducated, I can only make a living with a word!"

"Yu Shen! Sister-in-law forgives you, go home quickly!"



While speaking, Lu Yu took out all the fired clay tiles.

Then, he neatly stacked them on the top floor of the storage room.

"These tiles are rare treasures."

"With them, I will live very comfortably in this rainy season. Even if it is windy and rainy outside, the house will be warm as spring."

"It is definitely a good thing to have such a tile house in the harsh environment of nature... Ladies and gentlemen, when all these tiles are out of the kiln, our hut will be saved."

In the process of extreme survival.

Shelter plays a vital role.

In a sense, besides water source, it may be the second one.

This is one of the essential elements to survive for a long time.

Because in the wild, you never know which will come first, bad weather or disaster.

The only way to deal with it is to prepare in advance!

Stacked the tiles enthusiastically.

Time quickly came to the afternoon.

After the second batch of tiles were successfully put into the kiln, Lu Yu ignored them.

But he carried a bamboo basket and came to the beach.

Prepare to check the fishing spot.

"The food supplies in the camp have been almost consumed."

"In the past few days since I returned, I have been eating those hard and smelly dried fish, and my mouth is bitter."

"Because we have to rush to work, we really don't have time to hunt. Let's try our luck here first and see if there are any unexpected gains in the fish basket after so many days..."

While talking.

Lu Yu came to the reef and looked for a while.

He soon found his previous fishing spot.

In a blink of an eye.

Several days have passed.

The fish basket sunk under the water is black.

It seems that it should be full of things.

But due to the depth of the water.

It is impossible to see the specific situation in the basket at the first time.

"Brothers, there seems to be something in it."

"Let's pick it up and take a look!"

After saying that.

Lu Yu stepped forward.

Untie the rope tied to the reef and hold it in your hand.

He gently lifted it.

The next second.


After the fish basket came out of the water, it was alive and kicking.

There are really living things!

Take a closer look.

In addition to fish, shrimp, crab, shellfish, and various seafoods are also innumerable.

The huge fish basket was almost filled with these "trophies" from the ocean.

Seeing this scene.

Lu Yu was overjoyed and smiled.

Baring his teeth and grinning, he said excitedly to the audience:

"Haha, brothers, it seems that today is another day of great harvest!"

"Tsk, this sea area may really have some kind of magic."

"Since we had the fish basket, it has never let us down... Could it be that Avery's wronged soul has not given up and wants to use these sea fish to exchange for the treasure of Libotalia with me? But sorry, this time, he miscalculated again..."

Hearing this.

The audience in the live broadcast room complained:

"23333, the anchor is so dramatic!"

"It's time for Yu Shen to eat and drink as much as he wants!"

"If you don't do food broadcasting, you're not a good chef!"

"I really envy Yu Shen, who can eat seafood every day!"

"Envy, +1!"

These "prey" stranded in the fish basket are all available.

There are many kinds.

There are almost five or six kinds of sea fish alone.

Because it is an open hunting, the fish, shrimp, crab and shellfish in the basket are all very fresh.

There is no difference from the ones just caught.

There is no need to worry about the taste changing.

So many fish and shrimp are enough for Lu Yu to replenish for many days.

It almost perfectly solves the food window period.

It provides a certain degree of guarantee for the next survival.


He roughly counted the supplies in the basket.

Lu Yu put all the fish and shrimp he caught into his backpack.

Then he put the fish basket in place and returned to the camp along the same route.


After arriving at the place.

The second batch of tiles was almost burned.

When the charcoal fire in the kiln turned from red to dark, Lu Yu tested the temperature of the kiln wall with his hand.

Then, he took out the tiles placed on the grate and stacked them in the storage room one by one.

There were more than a dozen tiles, none of which were damaged.


Although it is not as good as the finished tiles fired in professional brick kilns, its hardness is also good.

It is more than enough to be used for roof renovation.

At this moment, with the experience of the previous two firings, Lu Yu is getting more and more handy in doing the work.

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