Chapter 102 The Sword Demon Enters the Body! Black Dragon becomes the Sword Demon in the Stone? 【8 more】!!

Isolated complex.

The Black Dragon sat here to heal his wounds.

After being besieged by Sword Madness, Sword Ghost, and Denglong last night, fortunately he had a hole card, although this bottom card could not be used now, but as long as he waited for the second layer of Heavenly Demon Fusion, he could completely tame the sword demon in the stone! Although he could suppress it now, every time he used it, it would cause the Demon Qi of the Sword Demon in the Stone not to be transformed into his body, which could easily lead to a reaction.


The Black Dragon had experienced healing for a day and a night, and he had finally recovered a little, and he was only now relieved.

“The location of the Armed Judgment Office…”

“How do these guys know?”

He couldn’t think straight!

The location of the Martial Judgment House was relocated, the purpose was to prevent it from being found, although there were not many martial arts in the whole martial forest that could threaten him, but he was practicing magic skills, and those guys who pulled out the Demon Island were most likely looking for him, in order to avoid trouble, he deliberately found a remote place, not many people knew the specific location of the Martial Judgment Office!

How come……… What about sudden exposure?

“When my Heavenly Demon Fusion Second Layer cultivation is completed…”

“I’ll find you to settle the score!”

The Black Dragon was furious.

“Dragon Climbing…”

“I remember you.”

He gritted his teeth angrily.

This dragon suddenly appeared, which caught him even more off guard! But he knows it too!

The biggest reason………

Or the guy who told the book! Blame him!

Otherwise, the plan can progress slowly, and as a result, as soon as the fourth story comes out, the whole world knows that he has not yet provoked the knife madness, the knife ghost, these two crazy people will find the door! He hadn’t gone to find the dragon yet, and the dragon had also come to the door! That storyteller is simply his hypnotist!

He still had no choice!

Not to mention the guard, even the guy who told the book was unfathomable, and the golden pencil was exposed by him!

“You give it to me…”


Black Dragon Qi gritted his teeth.

But his voice just dropped, “Huh? ”

He seemed to sense something and instantly got up! But he just wanted to leave………

Knife madness. Knife ghost. Dragon climbing.

Forming an encirclement circle again.

Black Dragon: “…”

He looked at the three people in front of him with some confusion.

The brain seems to have countless question marks!

“You guys…”

“Is it a ghost?”

How……… Chasing again? Without any hesitation!

He directly sacrificed the sword in the stone! Moment!

Pull out the Lock Sword Stone! Chop——

Wait for the knife madness, the knife ghost, and the dragon to come back.

The trail of the Black Dragon disappeared again.

Denglong looked at the knife madness, the knife ghost. Although there was no talking.

But the meaning is clear.

The knife maniac looked very calm, “It’s all right. ”


“Keep chasing.”

Having said that, he had some pain in his flesh.

Ten million at a time.

The killer organization’s family is gone.

Simply vampire!

Thinking about the guy with the debauched face and shouting for money, the knife’s crazy face is a little dark.

Only……… Look for the black dragon to get angry.

It’s a remote place again.

The black dragon looked left and right, very frightened.

This is his secret place, and no one knows it at all! He didn’t believe it…

There are still people who can chase after it.


His brow furrowed, a certain black qi in his body was constantly swirling, plus he was now injured, and there was no way to get this stone sword demon for a while.

Keep going

But it’s dangerous………

“It should……”

“Won’t it come?”

He looked around with some disbelief, and after being bottomed out twice, he was a little unconfident.

Just as his voice dropped! Soon!

He sensed three breaths approaching! Without any hesitation!


The Black Dragon flipped several places in a row!

But just before he stayed long, or even before he had time to heal his wounds, the knife madness and the knife ghost appeared, and I don’t know why, every time the knife madman saw him, it was like a very big fire, chasing after him, and bursting out all the combat strength index, as if it was venting anger!

Come on! Who is being hunted down? The Black Dragons are stupid! This hunt! Straight for three days! Every time he just landed not long ago!

Knife madness, knife ghost, Denglong caught up, as if he had installed a locator on him! But the Black Dragon had carefully examined it, and there was no problem with the body and the black robe! There is simply no such thing as a locator!

These three guys are simply devils!

The black dragon fled continuously, and did not even dare to rest for too long, for fear of being caught up by the knife madness, the knife ghost, and the dragon.

“Whew… The black dragon gasped. ”

He was dressed in a black robe, his face was under that hood, and the escape for many days made his body weak, and from the beginning to the high platform after he was injured, he was injured by the guard of the storyteller, and he had not repaired the injury properly! Knife madness, knife ghost, Denglong will come to the door! Chase and kill many times in a row, without stopping!

At this moment, the black dragon was covered in black qi, and purple light appeared in those eyes from time to time! Obviously, he was invaded by the demonic qi of the sword demon in the stone and could not be digested!

Continuous pursuit

Not even a chance to catch his breath! There wasn’t even a chance to heal the wounds, let alone digest the magic qi of the sword demon in the stone!

Just when he wants to repair the injury!

Airplanes! Airplanes!



The black dragon clenched its teeth.


Knife madness, knife ghost, and dragon appear.

“You guys…”

“Is there an end?”

He turned around and looked at the knife madness and the others with great irritation! The purple glow in his eyes flashed!

But when he saw the knife madness, he also looked at him angrily.

“Hey, hey, what?”

“You’re chasing me…”

“I haven’t caught you yet?”

“I caught you in the story, and I didn’t catch you…”

The black dragon pointed at the knife madness.

“I warn you, don’t deceive people too much!”

He said viciously!

“Rest assured……”

The knife looked at him madly.

“I’ve washed my hands in the golden basin……”

“I’ll take good care of you.”

The black dragon had already heard the sound of the knife gritting wildly, and the sound seemed to be squeezed out from between the teeth.

What’s up……

Isn’t it just that the story caught you a little, as for? Airplanes!

Boom but the next second!

The knife is crazy and the shot is instantaneous! The figure flickered, quickly moved forward, and a cloud of white energy hit out of his hand! Hit the black dragon straight up to vomit blood!

The Black Dragon keeps dodging!

But the attack of the knife madness is very fierce, and the energy of each move is very thick, obviously not wanting to give the black dragon another chance to escape!

“You’re deceiving people too much!”

After the black dragon was once again knocked back, he gritted his teeth and opened his mouth! Irritated to the extreme! Boom~

The sword in the stone in your hand appears! Pull out the lock sword stone “Ah—”

The moment he pulled it out, countless green lights covered his whole body in an instant! The whole body was instantly covered by that dark energy! The Black Dragon grasped the Lock Sword Stone in one hand and the Sword in the Stone in the other, his hands were open, and he roared up to the sky! A purple glow quickly covers the eyes!


After the Black Dragon erupted, his eyes looked at the knife madness coldly, and the combat power index in his body had soared to more than 28,000 points! The powerful green demonic qi swirled around his whole body, and the sanity in his eyes was gradually swallowed up, and finally only the cold and ruthless remained! Sword Demon into the body!


Without any hesitation, the knife madness, the knife ghost, and the dragon instantly exploded with all their combat strength index, and quickly launched a siege on the black dragon!

The Black Dragon’s combat power of the sword demon entering the body was greatly increased!

But he was injured himself, and he was still beaten to defeat for a while! Soon!

He seized the opportunity and fled in an instant, his body disappearing into the night.

Watch the black dragon disappear.

The knife is crazy, and the knife ghost frowns.


Both felt troubled.

“This black dragon has already entered the body with a sword demon, and has completely lost its mind.”


“The power of the Sword Demon will become stronger and stronger, and his combat power index may soon soar above 30,000 points.”

The sword demon knows the sword demon in the stone very well.

“What I’m worried about is that this black dragon with the sword demon entering his body, with his current state, there is no way to deal with the sword demon, once the sword demon occupies the whole body, the sword demon will use his body to cultivate the third layer of the Heavenly Demon Unity and completely control the black dragon’s consciousness.”

“We’re going to face it then…”

“It may be the black dragon that has completely become the sword demon in the stone.”

All three were upset.


Without any hesitation.

Knife madness can only choose to continue chasing! Broken intestines people stalls.

The intestinal breaker was anxiously waiting for something here.

He had already asked Wang Dadong, Wang Arthur, Ding Xiaoyu, and Rex to come out

Graduation photo thing………

What a shock! Until now……… None of them eased up.

Just as he was waiting here, suddenly.

A figure in the distance pierced through the darkness and came towards this place in an instant! A cold, violent, dark breath swept over like a storm!

Wait for the broken intestines to return to God! Under the night!

The black dragon was dressed in a black robe, like a beast, standing in front of his stall.


The black dragon raised its eyes under its hood.

Those cold and merciless eyes! Purple light swells!

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