Chapter 103 Broken Intestines Man and… Crazy Dragon! 【9 more】!!

Overwhelming magic!

From the black dragon emerged.

This moment.

The severed human body directly took a step backwards, looking at the black dragon in front of him in horror.

He felt it too………

The situation with the black dragon in front of him seemed to be wrong.

“Black Dragon?”

He shouted, but the black dragon’s purple eyes stared at him coldly, without any movement.


He shouted again.

But the black dragon in front of you! But there was no movement! But the momentum of the black dragon in front of him was becoming more and more terrifying, and the dark energy on his body was getting stronger and stronger, and even the person with broken intestines could see the black mist on the black dragon’s body swirling there, like a demon, cold and merciless.

As the breath became more and more terrifying, the black dragon in front of him also became more and more wrong! But soon.

Airplanes! Boom~

The black dragon’s eyes appeared with a burst of ferocity! Subsequently!

A sword in the stone directly appeared in his hand! When you see the moment of the sword in the stone!

The person who broke the intestine felt a murderous breath coming at him! At the same time, he also noticed that the sword in the stone did not lock the sword stone!


Seeing this scene, the person with the broken intestine knows the trouble! The sword in the stone does not lock the sword stone!

Or his elder brother Black Dragon had completely tamed the Sword Demon in the Stone, and the Heavenly Demon Fusion Cultivation had broken through to the second layer!


Devoured by the Sword Demon in the Stone! Moreover!

After controlling his body, the Stone Sword Demon spontaneously broke through directly to the second layer! Break through towards the third layer!

Just watched the breath of the black dragon………

Although it had been abolished, he could feel that the Black Dragon combat power index in front of him had exceeded 30,000 points, and it was very likely that it had been penetrated by the sword demon and broken through

The second layer of the Heavenly Demon Combination!

Other words………

The sword demon in the stone in front of him wanted to use the black dragon’s body to complete the third layer of the Heavenly Demon Combination!

Heaven and devil are together, either people merge with demons, people control, or demons merge with people, and demons regurgitate! Right now

It is the devil who is anti-devouring and wants to evolve to the third layer!

And if you want to evolve to the third layer, you must cut off the last trace of emotion and kill the last person in the world who is involved in watching emotions!

That is……… People with broken intestines.



Looking at the person with the broken intestine in front of him, a sly smile appeared at the corner of the black dragon’s mouth! The sword in the stone in his hand swung directly at the person with the broken intestine!

The blood of the dear ones! Become the supreme demon!

That’s why the Black Dragon kept the Broken Intestines Man in the first place! Now.

Has this day finally arrived? The person who broke the intestine closed his eyes.

The chill of the sword in the stone had already touched his neck.

Just as the bowel breaker was preparing to die

But suddenly. The sword in the stone stopped.

The person with the broken intestine opened his eyes.

But when he saw the black dragon that had been invaded by the sword demon, the purple light in his eyes faded a little at the moment, and at the same time, a few traces of struggle appeared!

“Roll…… Yes! ”

“Standing here… Why? ”

“You rotten good man!”

“Hurry… Give me……… Get lost! ”

The black dragon gritted his teeth and opened his mouth, and his cold and ruthless look was extremely vicious! His hands!

Even more trembling to the extreme!

The sword in the stone was from the neck of the man with the broken intestine……… It’s only less than ten centimeters!

But he was controlled by his death!

The Broken Intestines Man looked at the black dragon in front of him with some surprise.


“Hurry up… Walk……… Yes! ”

The black dragon roared angrily, his face was extremely vicious, as if he was breaking free, but he couldn’t break free, very painful! Apparently this was already his last shred of sanity! At that last shred of sanity, he looked at the man with dead eyes, very painful and struggling.

“I’m fast…”

“Can’t hold on………”

“Let’s go!”

The black dragon’s voice gradually became quieter.

The person with the broken intestine looked at the black dragon in front of him, looked at the black dragon viciously, struggling, and in pain, for an instant, the eyes of the person with the broken intestine softened, and the eye sockets were slightly red.



He did not flee.


There is no way to escape. But he died without regrets.

At the last moment of life……… He finally saw his brother again.

He closed his eyes.

Waiting for the last moment.



The black dragon’s voice trembled, and the eye sockets were even slightly red! Airplanes!


He couldn’t control it at all! Airplanes!

He watched… The sword in the stone

Momentarily waved at the neck of the severed intestine.

The black dragon’s eyes widened, but he felt powerless, and his reddened eyes looked dead at the man with broken intestines!

But just as the sword in the stone was about to reach the neck of the severed intestine.


The man who had broken his intestines that had closed his eyes actually opened his eyes.

Look at the black dragon struggling, pained, remorseful, sad, but vicious, cold in front of you.

The corners of the mouth of the person who cut off the intestines………

A playful smile appeared.

He looked at the black dragon with a smile and slowly spoke, “Brother…”

“You after all… Still a little kid. ”

He said.


He held out his hand and flicked it with his fingers.

In an instant, he blocked the Black Dragon’s sword in the stone!

All the horror, all the struggles, all the pains of the Black Dragon, turned into shock in an instant.

He looked dead at the broken intestines in front of him, as if he had seen a stranger.

Can be a sword demon in the stone

But it was devouring the last shred of consciousness and sanity in him!

When that last shred of consciousness, the last shred of sanity dissipated… And he saw it.

The severed intestine man had an eerie smile on his face.

“Or let the elder brother……”

“Help you.”

He held out his hand to the black dragon.

The last moment of consciousness.

The Black Dragon could only see a stall, a severed man in a pink chef’s outfit, looking at him playfully.


“The world is dark……”

“Become a demon…”

“Get stronger…”

“Destroy the world…”


“It’s the world that is in charge.”

At that last minute.

He heard calm, seductive voices swirling in the darkness.


The man who broke the intestine returned to God.

But found

The black dragon in front of him, not knowing what was happening, suddenly withdrew the sword in the stone, and then turned around and left the place!

In front of the stall.

Only the severed intestines were left standing here a little overwhelmed.


What happened?

Not far from the booth of the gut-breakers.

Under street lights.

Two figures appeared there

The two seemed to have stood there for a long time, quietly staring at the severed intestine.

The faint street lamp reflected on the two men.

A figure dressed in a gray suit, wearing glasses, and a mustache.

A figure dressed in a black Tang costume, with a beautiful face, holding an ancient fan.


Su Yu and the Golden Pen Guest!

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