The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1006 Even a Cinderella can recognize it

Li Zedao sat down next to Antarctica, and said in a low tone: "Based on the current situation, something may have happened to Master, and it happened a few months ago, so he won't be the one who stole the snake's head." of!"

Nanji's expression became serious: "Then the person who stole the snake's head is the one who put your master in trouble? At least, the other party must know that your master is in trouble and will not make trouble for him, nor jump out to refute rumors to prove himself innocent."

Li Zedao narrowed his eyes, with a hint of murderous intent in his deep eyes: "I'm afraid that's the case!"

In fact, Li Zedao also has objects of suspicion, and that is Dongfang Buqun and Dongfang Bubai father and son of the Dongfang family. When the snake head was determined to be stolen by Master, the truth about Master's immortality was directly revealed by them It is equivalent to another severe slash on Master's body, so they are suspicious.

It's just, what kind of strength does this father and son have? Besides, there is no evidence.

Li Zedao rubbed his temples with some headaches. Compared with Master's current situation, he was actually more worried about Zhou Qian. He didn't know what happened to the girl kidnapped by Tom. Tom said that the girl was taken to the island country. Well, after I arrive at the island country and complete the things he explained, I will naturally contact myself. Who knows, is he lying or something?

Anyway, let's go to the island country first!

"When are you leaving?" Li Zedao asked.

"Two days later." Nanji looked at Li Zedao and said. She was also worried about the safety of the girl who was taken away, even if it was a stranger who was taken away, Nanji was also worried, and had the responsibility and obligation to rescue her, let alone a sister of hers... ...even though I haven't even seen each other.

But Anji also knows that worrying is useless, even she still has the worst thoughts in her heart, maybe, that girl has already been fucked by a strong woman, or even murdered, but although she knows this kind of thing well Yes, but it is obviously not suitable to say it.

"At that time, let's set off with the group and travel to the island country as a tourist." Nanji said, "After that, leave the group, and then put on the mask provided by the dark group to act. After completing the task, just take off the mask .”

Li Zedao nodded and said, "I'll go back to Phoenix City tomorrow morning."

Of course, you can go back to Phoenix City, but you can't be discovered by Zhou Yan and Zhou Yan's parents. Otherwise, when you ask yourself where Zhou Qian has gone, how should you answer?

Nanji nodded and didn't say anything. He naturally understood why Li Zedao wanted to go back to Fenghuang City. It might take ten days and half a month to go out this time.

Even, there may be some danger, so the family must make arrangements first... Even if there is no danger, all those women must be fed, right?

Thinking about it, Nanji's face felt hot for no reason.

"What's wrong?" Li Zedao asked seeing Nanji's strange expression.

"It's okay!" Nanji returned to that cold expression.

"That... I want to be a father..." Li Zedao looked at Antarctica with a look of embarrassment.



The next day, Li Zedao returned to Phoenix by plane. After the plane landed at Phoenix International Airport, it was almost noon. After getting out of the airport, Li Zedao jumped into a taxi and asked the driver to take him to Tiandao Building.

The reason why I came here is actually to test the effect of the mask provided by the dark team. After wearing the mask, if Nintendo and the others are hidden from them, it will naturally prove that the effect of the mask is excellent. Of course, It's more of a spoof, he really wants to see how those little girls will react if he teases a few women with his current image.

So after paying the money and getting out of the car, Li Zedao first came to an empty corner, put on his mask skillfully, and then wandered around the gate of Tiandao Building, waiting for Nintendo and the others to come out.

Not long after, two sexy mature women with hot bodies came out.

Walking in front of Nintendo, this woman is as charming as ever, her frown and smile seem to be seductive.

A few days ago, she made a big purchase of Suhang Huarong Electric Appliances, so now she seems to have a lot of fame in business, and even some business magazines tried to interview her, but Nintendo is very willful Refused.

Next to her was Alice, a woman with blond hair who received no less attention than Nintendo. Because the school is already on holiday, Alice simply came to this group. She is a perfect bodyguard for Nintendo. Of course, Nintendo really dare not take this terrifying woman who looks awesome on the outside as a bodyguard. look.

In short, the appearance of two equally charming women with different skin colors immediately attracted the eyes of all the male animals. It's just that the people around the building basically knew their identities, and no one dared to look presumptuously with unclean eyes. However, there seemed to be a little surprise today.

A person who is not too strong, looks a bit like a young version of Kato-sensei, with a wretched smile on his face, in short, he is an extremely wretched islander. At this time, this islander is not far from the door Next to a trash can, grinned, then whistled to Nintendo and Alice, and then said in blunt Chinese: "Two beauties, are you interested in having a drink?"

Nintendo turned his head slightly, his beautiful eyes glanced at this wretched island country shameless man, his brows were wrinkled beautifully, not because this island country man looked so wretched, but because he felt inexplicably that this guy looked a lot like a person ah.

How is this possible? Nintendo denied his extremely absurd idea in his heart, then closed his eyes, and continued to move forward.

Alice saw that Nintendo didn't have an attack, so she didn't see it. Of course, according to her usual practice, she had already passed by.

Seeing that the two beauties ignored him, the man from the island country was persevering and carried his shamelessness to the end. He actually stepped forward and blocked the two of them. He smiled wretchedly and said in blunt Chinese: "The two beauties , My Maori Kogoro, give me another chance to get to know the two of you?"

Nintendo looked up and down at this guy who she thought was not afraid of death, his eyes lit up slightly, and then he smiled very ambiguously, staring straight at the other's eyes as if they would discharge electricity, using charm He said in a calm tone: "Mori Kogoro... that is my idol, why not... let's find a hotel at noon and have a of feelings?"

"..." Alice on the side was stunned and a little dumbfounded. She never thought that Nintendo would do such an unrestrained thing.

Li Zedao, who was pretending to be Kogoro Mori, was even more stunned. According to his original guess, Nintendo would come over with a slap in the face. Why is it like this now? Just ask him to open a room.

"Oh, heaven, you can't do this." Alice said after reacting, "I will be angry if you do this, we can't betray him and give him a cuckold..."

"..." Li Zedao really wanted to hug Alice fiercely in his arms...and cry bitterly.

"Giggle, Alice, we are good sisters, let's go together?" Nintendo smiled, and glanced at Li Zedao provocatively, "I think Mr. Mori Kogoro's 'life' must be very good, I I'm afraid I can't handle it alone..."

"I'll go!" Li Zedao's face under the mask was already extremely dark.

Alice was even more directly angry: "Heaven, you can't do this, or I will be rude to you!"

Nintendo went giggling, out of breath laughing, laughing backwards and forwards, laughing teardrops came out.

Li Zedao liked the way she leaned forward, because at that time her large snow-white breasts were exposed in front of his eyes.

After laughing, Nintendo stretched out his hand, pinched Li Zedao's nose, and said angrily: "Little man, even if you turned into a Cinderella, you would still recognize you, and you still want to pretend to be my old lady? Hurry up and change me back!"

"Uh..." Li Zedao smiled coyly, took off his mask and said with a smile, "How did you find out?"

Alice looked at Li Zedao, but her eyes and mouth were wide open, and she couldn't recover for a long time. Only then did she realize that Nintendo didn't want to cuckold Li Zedao at all, but she recognized him at a glance. He is Li Zedao.

"Need to look? You underestimate my old lady too much!" Nintendo's big eyes were watery, "Your smell, your body shape, especially your eyes that like to pretend to be innocent, I can't recognize my old lady? You I know how many hairs I have on my body!"

"Uh..." Li Zedao smiled awkwardly, feeling a little different in his heart. After all, among these women, Nintendo knows him best. This woman has already put herself in her heart and bone marrow. , as she herself said, "I can recognize you even when I turn into a Cinderella".

"Oh, my dear, you bad? How did you get that mask in your hand?" Alice said. "I misunderstood Heaven...I'm so sorry, Heaven."

Nintendo's winking eyes were like silk, and he looked at Alice provocatively: "Little sister Alice, come with me at noon to find a place to torture the little man to death, and I will forgive you."

"Oh, heaven, you know that we are not dear opponents when we join forces." Alice took a look at Li Zedao and said seriously, "Why don't you call Susan here too? She can have fun. "

"Oh, I'll give her a call right now, that slut will be very excited."

"Heaven, what's a hoof?"


"Ahem..." Li Zedao on the side blushed, he really didn't understand, how did these two people say such blunt words in a serious way?

However, Li Zedao was also relieved, because apart from Nintendo, who knew what was going on in his bones, even a master like Alice couldn't see it. From this we can see how amazing the realistic effect of this mask is.

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