At around ten o'clock in the morning, Li Zedao, who was wearing a simple black sportswear, was full of energy, carrying a backpack, and coquettishly wearing a pair of sunglasses, Li Zedao appeared at the gate of Kyoto Tourism Co., Ltd.

Li Zedao called Nanji as soon as he got off the plane, and Nanji asked him to call here, and said that she would be there soon.

The Antarctic News is the tour group of this travel company. After arriving in the island country, these people will spend five days and six nights in the island country TJ City, visiting various scenic spots in DJ City.

At this time, there are already more than a dozen people gathered here, all of whom are dressed for traveling. Obviously, they have all signed up for this so-called "Romantic TJ Five Days and Six Nights Tour". The happy smile on the face of being tired of being together is obviously a young lover who just got married, and even a foreigner with blond hair and blue eyes.

Seeing a foreigner, Li Zedao couldn't help but take a few extra glances. After all, who knows, could he be the Tom that Kari Aji mentioned?

The reason for choosing this tour group is because the destination of this tour group is DJ City in the island country. No matter Yoshitake Ito or Aishan from Dongtu, they are in DJ City at this time. As for the diamond bodyguard of Black Hawk Security What Li Zedao did after arriving in the island country, and where the abducted Zhou Qian is located in the island country, we will have to wait until the island country to know.

Regarding Zhou Qian, Li Zedao was worried, distressed and apologetic. After all, this kind of thing happened to her because of herself. Now she is afraid that she will be frightened?

In the past two days, Li Zedao has also answered several calls from Zhou's mother and Zhou Yan. They were all picked up by Li Zedao.

In Zhou's mother's phone call to Zhou Qian, Zhou's mother said with a smile on her face that she remembered to take more photos after arriving in the island country, and then said that she would send you a video later, girl, you have to watch the video carefully.

Sure enough, the mobile phone belonging to Zhou Qian in Li Zedao's hand soon received a video from Zhou's mother. Li Zedao opened it curiously, and then quickly ran away for several days with a mighty heart. Millions of grass mud horses!

At the beginning of the video, Zhou's mother's face appeared.

"Silly girl, mom knows, you haven't had that relationship with Xiao Li yet, right? But mom knows, after you go to the island country with Ze Dao this time, that kid will definitely give you to that, so as A mother, there is still one very important thing that I haven't taught you, let me teach you now."

Then, two things appeared in the video, and Zhou's mother's voice came out: "This is a cucumber, this is a condom... that... oh, my mother's face is red..."

"I'll go!" Li Zedao blushed.

"Anyway, when a man responds, he'll be like this cucumber. Watch it. Then, you can just take that, you just need to understand..." Zhou's mother caught her mouth and tore off the condom, Take a good look, just tear it open like this, and then put it in with the mouth facing down..."

"I'll go..." Li Zedao's face turned from red to black, and he turned off the video directly, and he really didn't have the courage to continue watching.

Nintendo also tore off the condom with her mouth like that, her movements looked so charming, it almost melted Li Zedao's bones, but Zhou's mother's movements... Li Zedao felt that his stomach was twisted, as if there was something It looks like something is about to come out of his mouth.

Zhou Yan also made a call to Zhou Qian's mobile phone, expressing his relationship as a brother to his sister, and most importantly, reminding Zhou Qian not to forget to bring gifts back, such as the Nisso earphones from the island country and The lossless music player is pretty good, a set costs 20,000 to 30,000 yuan, not expensive, really not expensive... It’s just a drizzle for rich people like the boss, we are robbing the rich and helping the poor!

Li Zedao almost yelled, I robbed the rich and helped the poor, your sister!

After hanging up the phone, Zhou Yan immediately gave Li Zedao a call. Li Zedao didn't wait for Zhou Yan to say anything, and directly yelled angrily, saying that I robbed the rich and helped the poor, your sister, believe it or not, this handsome guy threw you into the trash can and then Looking for another trash can to snap on?

On the other end of the phone, Zhou Yan was naturally dumbfounded, and then covered his face and cried bitterly, sister, sister, who helped you get ahead when you were bullied when you were young? Who bought you the lollipop you want? Who do you think got down on the horse and let you ride it... Well, even if it was all done by Dad, but I am your brother anyway, can you not turn your elbow so badly?

Zedao glanced at the crowd again, but he did not see the figure of Antarctica. Obviously, Antarctica has not arrived yet, but when Li Zedao glanced over a certain child inadvertently, the muscles on his face Slightly pumped up.

Shadow, why is she here? Did she also sign up for this tour group?

But when Li Zedao just wanted to look away from her and try to hide as far away as possible, the shadow's big eyes fell on him all of a sudden, and at the same time he opened his small hands and shook them vigorously. He even started to trot towards him, and said excitedly while running: "Husky... Husky..."

"Husky..." Li Zedao was taken aback for a moment, and even looked left and right, thinking that there is such a dog around him? But when he found that everyone's eyes were all on him, Li Zedao's face was already as black as a piece of black charcoal, and he felt a very painful feeling. Damn, this Chick, that's what you call yourself.

But isn't the nickname she gave herself a fool? What a fool, there is a kind of ambiguity in the glutinous sweetness... At least when the shadow calls "fool" in such a nice voice, Li Zedao is not happy on the surface, but the sullen heart in the secret is actually very enjoyable, but this Huskies... Li Zedao had the urge to slap her ass again.

"It seems that your butt is itching again." Li Zedao said in a low voice after Shadow trotted to him.

Yingying sneered, and immediately had a frightened expression. Even this chick is really talented in acting, her eyes were red, and she hugged Li Zedao's arm tightly with both hands, and then... Li Zedao's eyes widened slightly, because the shadow's hand She pinched the flesh on his arm, and then tuned in fiercely, but naturally everyone couldn't see her little action.

"Darling, didn't you like being called Husky the most before? You always said that you are second to Husky..."

"I..." Li Zedao's face turned dark.

"Okay, I'm wrong..." Shadow didn't give Li Zedao a chance to speak at all, "I'm just joking with you, don't be angry, okay? In the future, it doesn't matter whether you want to bring Xiao San or Xiao Si back Or bring Xiao San, Xiao Si and even Xiao Wu back together, they won't say anything, just sleep on the floor obediently..."

Li Zedao's face became even darker, it was really painful, and he had an urge to run away.

Li Zedao actually didn't care about Shadow pinching him and talking nonsense, he just treated it as... being bitten by a dog. The point is, she didn't lower her voice, her voice was too loud, and there was a cry in her voice, full of grievances, so almost everyone's eyes fell on Li Zedao, a scumbag. If eyes could kill, Li Zedao would have died hundreds of times.

There was even an old lady who couldn't stand it any longer, stepped forward, glared at Li Zedao fiercely, and cursed: "Beast!"

"I'm your sister!" If Li Zedao was not a good boy who respects the old and loves the young, he would have uttered these words directly.

Then the old lady comforted the shadow in a soft voice: "Little girl, don't go with this kind of animal that is not a human being. Aunt promises to help you find someone who is hundreds of times better than him..."

"That's right, little beauty, look at me... I'm much more handsome than this animal..." Some people began to recommend themselves.

Li Zedao's face turned darker, and he almost vomited blood.

I saw the shadow looking at Li Zedao with soft eyes and said: "Thank you, but I really can't live without him... Well, I'm already pregnant... I'm from a single-parent family, I know, I can't live without a child Dad..."


If it wasn't for the fact that Zhou Qian didn't have breakfast because she didn't have much appetite, Li Zedao would probably have vomited blood by now.

child? what child Do you think you are a goddess, you can get pregnant after pumping a few butts?

Li Zedao's facial muscles began to twitch, his body became stiff and he shouted: "Shut up!" He was not afraid of becoming a father, but he was afraid of becoming a father inexplicably.

Shadow's voice suddenly became quieter, and he said timidly, "I...I..."

"Beast, this guy must be stepping on dog shit every day... unexpectedly there will be such a top-notch beauty..."

"It's inhuman, I don't want children anymore..."

"Brave, come here, aunt will slap you a few times, damn it, I'm so mad..."

"kill him……"

I don't know who yelled such a sentence, and then there were a few people who were eager to try, planning to teach this scumbag a lesson, but they lacked a leader. feet, then these people will definitely swarm!

Li Zedao knew that he had provoked everyone's anger, so he looked around with an apologetic smile: "I...I will take good care of"

"Fuck, what do you want?" Li Zedao asked in a low voice while trying to stabilize the emotions of these people.

"Damn it, of course it's revenge!" The shadow with the small face buried in Li Zedao's arms smiled very proudly, chewing the gum in his mouth happily, "From childhood to adulthood, no one dared to beat this talented girl. Shit! Hmph! I made my old lady sleep on her stomach that night, so forget it, and pee standing up... Damn, this is the first time I pee standing up, I hate you!"


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