The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1009 Joint Fudge

After receiving the vest and hat, the entire tour group of about 30 people boarded a bus in an orderly manner under Xiao Zhao's command, and soon the car started and sped towards the airport.

"My dear uncles and aunts, brothers and sisters, we will arrive at Yanjing International Airport in about half an hour." Not long after the car started, the tour guide Meimei began to adjust the atmosphere, "I have a suggestion, please Everyone stretch out your lovely hands, let’s sing a song together..."Friends" everyone knows, then this one...Let me start..."

When everyone was shaking their hands and singing brother in high spirits, Li Zedao, Nanji and Yingying were sitting at the rear of the bus, muttering something quietly.

After Antarctic's explanation, Li Zedao realized that the shadow did not "leave his post without authorization" and ran out secretly, but received an order from above to go to the island country with him and Antarctica, and cooperate in action!

However, Li Zedao was really depressed. It wasn't because she felt that the shadow was a burden. After all, this chick was actually very powerful. For example, when she was in Amsterdam, she could easily control a lot of cameras with just a handheld computer. .

It's not because Shadow electrified him to death with the magical watch on his wrist, and it's not because Shadow helped him think of such a husky name on his own initiative... Li Zedao is not so stingy!

What makes him depressed is that the reason why the shadow asked the higher-ups to help the brothers of the Ming group to perform tasks is: that Li Zedao of the Ming group is really as stupid as a pig, no, no, no, he is even stupider than a pig, and he can wear whatever he says. Not good for that mask!

What made Li Zedao want to vomit blood even more was that Nanji even helped to testify that Li Zedao really failed to wear this high-tech mask perfectly!

The above is strange and strange, and I can only think that everyone is not perfect, and a talent like Li Zedao is also an idiot when it comes to wearing a mask.

Ever since, Shadow was sent over like this, and of course, she also changed her name, Zhang Tianmei...a very vulgar but very unusual name...a talented and beautiful girl surnamed Zhang, referred to as Zhang Tianmei!

"Fool, did you hear that? This genius and beautiful girl didn't come here to get revenge on you. This genius received an order from above to go to the island country to punish evil and promote good, so as to make this genius and beautiful girl a brighter future!" At this moment, the shadow's sacred aura is added to his body.

"..." Li Zedao had an urge to kick her out of the car, but for the sake of the watch on her wrist, Li Zedao suppressed his nausea and said, "I know, I know, you always It's that kind of...uh, a genius girl who hates evil like a vengeful!"

"That's right, otherwise, why does this talented and beautiful girl hate you so much?" Regarding Li Zedao's flattery,

Shadows are very useful.

"..." Li Zedao wished he could slap himself a few times. Isn't this a slap in the face?

Shadow tilted his head, his eyeballs glanced at Li Zedao's smiling face a few times, his eyes were already a little vigilant: "No, why did you suddenly become so honest and willing to tell the truth, there must be some intention ?”


"He missed the watch on your wrist." Nanji glanced at Li Zedao, and said indifferently, obviously, she knew the origin of the watch.

Li Zedao glanced at Antarctica with resentment in his eyes, both in the rivers and lakes, why bother stabbing in the back?

Shadow hid his hands behind his back with a whoosh, and said viciously: "Fool, if you dare to think about this talented girl's watch, I will electrocute your little bastard to death!"

"..." Li Zedao's crotch shivered suddenly, as if a gust of cold wind was blowing past.

Antarctica has seen Shadow's toughness for a long time, but now that Shadow said this, the corners of his mouth still couldn't help trembling, thinking that if that thing was really electrified...would it be familiar?

Li Zedao rubbed his nose, forced himself to apologize and smiled: "Shadow, don't be like this, after all, I'm yours too... Senior brother?" Who made himself really interested in that thing?

Shadow squinted his eyes and chewed the gum in his mouth fiercely: "Don't get close to this genius girl, motherfucker, you slapped my little butt so hard that I had to stand up to pee, what are you doing?" Don't tell me you are my senior brother?"


Nanji glanced at Li Zedao unkindly, but said nothing.

"Furthermore, it's just this one, it's gone!" Shadow waved his hand, signaling Li Zedao to get out of the way.

But the little witch's eyes flickered when she said this, how could Li Zedao fail to see that she was lying? So I tried my best to make the smile on my face look a little more humble: "Ms. Genius Beautiful Girl, I know you still have... as long as you give me one... no, it's twenty, the big deal is me..."

Li Zedao gritted his teeth and went all out: "I'll take off my pants and let you whip me with a whip!"

"Stupid!" Nanji glanced at Li Zedao, a little funny, seeing the shadow fooling Li Zedao over there, she thought it was very funny.

"Deal!" Shadow waved his small fist, with a devilish smell.

"Ah..." Li Zedao was dumbfounded. He never thought that Shadow would agree so happily. After all, what he wanted was twenty. He thought that if Shadow would give him one, he would burn the incense. Thinking of giving twenty without haggling at all... how do you feel cheated?

I saw that the shadow opened the small bag he was carrying with him, took out a clean white box without any words in it, and threw it directly to Li Zedao: "A box is twenty, and I will give you a box for free."

"..." The feeling of being cheated in Li Zedao's heart became more and more intense, and his mouth was bitter: "Why do you have so many of these things?" He opened it while talking, and there were densely packed watches inside. , indeed looks exactly like the one Shadow wears.

Li Zedao didn't believe it: "Are you sure it's exactly the same as what you're wearing?"

"Damn it, how dare you question this talented girl?" Shadow snorted coldly, "It's absolutely the same. If you don't believe me, this talented girl just picks up your little dick and tries?"

"...But..." Li Zedao was extremely unbalanced in his heart, shouldn't this kind of thing be very valuable, right? Why is it a big box as soon as you sell it, it is no different from the street goods at all, it is not high-quality at all, is it? In this way, the price he paid is too high, isn't it?

Nanji coughed lightly and said: "Well, this watch was developed by the secret team last month. It was decided to equip every member of the Shenlong organization with one, and I will get it for you..."

Speaking of which, Nanji rolled up his sleeves, and on his wrist was wearing a watch that was exactly the same as the one on Shadow's wrist. Of course, it was exactly the same as the box in Li Zedao's hand.

"Pfft..." Li Zedao spurted blood directly, rolled his eyes and almost passed out like this. After a long time, this watch has actually begun to be popularized in the Shenlong organization, and in the future it will be equipped for other special forces, not shadows. This witch is unique, that is to say, with my current status, it is not difficult to get a few.

At that moment, Li Zedao looked at Nanji with resentment in his eyes, even the idiot knew that this was a trick of these two chicks working together! They even knew that they would ask for about twenty.

Nanji glanced at Li Zedao and said quietly: "Hey, I also want to see what it looks like when your place is whipped with a whip."


Shadow proudly said: "Hmph... When the time comes when the talented girl is tired, I will change to Nanji sister. The Nanji sister is tired, and the talented girl will continue...Hmph, I will let you try peeing standing up too." taste!"

"..." Li Zedao had black lines on his face, I was peeing standing up, okay?

"He used to pee standing up." Nan Ji muttered with a reddish face.

The shadow blew out a bubble and said, "I know, the reason I asked that was to prove something... Hehe, Sister Nanji, you must have seen him pee, otherwise how would you know?"

Nanji almost choked on these words, and said angrily, "Shut up!"

"Because of embarrassment!" A certain little witch continued happily chewing gum and spitting bubbles, humming a tune that Li Zedao couldn't understand.


The tour guide Meimei really has a good ability to adjust the atmosphere. On the way to Yanjing International Airport, the singing and applause in the carriage never stopped.

At this time Li Zedao had already plugged in his earphones. Of course, plugging in earphones has nothing to do with everyone singing and cheering. To be tricked by a rotten girl like Ying, and after spreading the word, you can't be ashamed?

Of course, Li Zedao put the watch that he exchanged for his sentiment and dignity into his bag. As for when to fulfill his promise, in Yingying's depends on the mood of this genius girl!

Zhou Xiaolu's song was playing in the earphones. Listening to that ethereal voice, Li Zedao felt as if he had returned to heaven from hell in an instant.

After arriving at the airport, a group of people went through the security check and boarded the plane under the leadership of Xiao Zhao, and then started the flight journey of more than four hours, that is to say, at around four o'clock in the afternoon, the plane will land at DJ International Airport .

After sitting down on the seat, Li Zedao's mood fluctuated quite a bit. The Dongtu organization led by Ai Shan must be eliminated. Yoshitake Ito of the Ito family must be killed, and Zhou Qian must be killed. rescued. As for the trouble with Katsuta Taro, it is the most secondary thing.

Shadow sat down on the seat next to Li Zedao, and while spitting bubbles, his eyes swept back and forth on Li Zedao.

"What else do you want?" Li Zedao said very depressed, and had the urge to slap her ass again, you liar!

"Bastard, be nice, or else this genius girl will let you take off your pants and spank your ass!" Shadow was very proud.

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