The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1022 The Hand of God is Dead

As the woman left, the old man picked up the software on the stone table, put it back on his waist, turned around and went back to the wooden eaves, and skillfully made tea.

His eyes fell on an object on the table, and his small eyes narrowed slightly.

It was a safety buckle, a safety buckle that seemed to be shining with a mysterious blue light.

This safety button seems to have some kind of mysterious power, which made the old man's calm heart feel agitated again, his eyes moved away from the safety button with some difficulty, the old man poured himself a cup of tea, slowly drank up

Soon, the sound of clogs stepping on the wooden floor came from behind, but the old man did not turn his head, but continued to drink tea in a leisurely manner.

"Father." Shinichi Ito, who was dressed in the traditional kimono of the island country, came to the old man, bowed his head slightly, and said respectfully.

For his father Junichi Ito, Shinichi Ito holds absolute awe, not only because he is his father, but also because his father has an absolute status in the island country.

Ito Junichi can be said to be the pillar of the entire Ito family, and on the surface, Ito Junichi is the priest of Yasuo Shrine in the island country. Sitting in Jingguo Shrine.

In fact, the island countries also know that the existence of Jingying Shrine is constantly stimulating the nerves of many countries. Sometimes some officials visit the shrine, which makes many countries protest there, and some countries even People will be sent to try to destroy the Jinguo Shrine, or set it on fire or throw a gun or something. Fortunately, there are palace officials guarding here.

The earliest palace secretary was Ito Junichi's grandfather, now Ito Junichi, and later may be Ito Junichi's son or grandson.

In the past few years, people have successfully sneaked into this place many times, but those who sneaked in have never left, as if they disappeared from the world.

And secretly, Junichi Ito is still the leader of the samurai regiment of the Imperial Palace of the island country. The object that other families are trying to win over.

"Sit down." Jun Ito said calmly without even looking at his son, his eyes were always on the teacup in his hand.

"Yes, Father." Shinichi Ito carefully sat down in front of his father.

"The hand of God... is dead!" Junichi Ito looked up at Shin Ito,

Said lightly, with that look and tone, as if saying that the ant is dead, or that cockroach is dead.

But Ito Shinichi's reaction was huge. He fell off the chair and fell heavily on the ground. After being glanced at by his father's indifferent eyes, he quickly got up again. However, the expression on his face that was both horrified, unbelievable and unbelievable could not be restrained no matter what.

It's no wonder that Shinichi Ito had such a reaction after hearing the news. After all, the other party is the Hand of God known as the world's number one master.

More than 20 years ago, Shinobi Ito, known as the youngest in the whole island country, was a master swordsman, that is, Ito Shinichi's younger brother Ito Shinji, who became the most dazzling super star in the island country, and everyone even included Junichi Ito himself. They all believe that Shinji Ito's attainments in martial arts will be higher than him.

It's a pity that he traveled to China to challenge the later God's Hand and failed, and died in a foreign land, so a supernova that everyone thought would dazzle the entire island country in the future fell like this.

More than 20 years later, Yoshitake Ito, the son of Shinichi Ito, rose up. Compared with his uncle Shinji Ito, Yoshitake Ito became famous earlier, more talented, and more optimistic that he will replace his grandfather Junichi Ito as the island nation in the future. The number one master, unfortunately, the apprentice who challenged the hand of God failed... The person is not dead, but in Ito Shinichi's opinion, he might as well be dead.

Because of taking Onimaru, Ito Yoshitake is now as old as him, even if he wipes a thick layer of foundation on his face vigorously, it can't hide the oldness on his face.

Because of the use of "Sword Twenty-Three", he was bitten by the sword, and his cultivation base was lost like this, and he completely became a waste, so this supernova fell again.

What makes Ito Shinichi want to vomit blood the most is that Yoshitake Ito paid such a high price, the person who died was not the Hand of God, nor the apprentice of the Hand of God, but... Shinichi Ito said who he is My shit! He only cared about the Hand of God and the disciples of the Hand of God.

The fall of Ito Yoshitake has caused a huge loss to the Ito family. After all, as Ito Junichi grows old, he will eventually have a day when he cannot hold the sword in his hand, but now the only one in the family who can replace Ito Junichi But the people in the family have fallen one after another. If no one in the family can replace Junichi Ito in the end, then the status of the Ito family in the island country will be in jeopardy.

Therefore, Shinichi Ito really hated the Hand of God and the disciples of the Hand of God to death, wishing he could eat the other party's flesh, drink the other party's blood, and gnaw the other party's bones.

But he didn't dare to encourage his father to leave the island country to deal with God's Hand or his apprentices. On the one hand, he knew that it was inconvenient for his father to leave the island country casually and leave the Jingying Shrine he was guarding. On the other hand, subconsciously, he felt that his father Nor is it a match for the Hand of God.

And now, I can't move anymore, is there anything? That damned hand of God betrayed his ancestors so spineless and bloodless, he became a traitor... For the first time, Shinichi Ito felt that it was such a despicable behavior for Chinese people to seek refuge in an island country as a traitor.

He stole the snake's head and presented it to His Majesty the Emperor as a birthday present, and now he is the Emperor's guest, and he had dinner with His Majesty in the palace yesterday.

So now when he suddenly heard his father say that the hand of God was dead, Ito Shinichi was dumbfounded, and it took him a long time to react, and asked in a stammering tone: "Father... what is going on here? He just talked to His Majesty the Emperor." Had dinner, didn't you?"

Shinichi Ito thought for a while, could it be that His Majesty the Emperor secretly ordered him to be killed after we had dinner together, took a picture and posted a report about Nausea and Nausea Huaxia?

"My sword pierced his heart." Ito Jun put down the cup in his hand, his tone remained flat, "He died."

"..." Ito Shinichi was even more stunned, with a face full of disbelief.

Although, he knows that showing an expression like "I can't believe it" now is a very stupid and unreasonable behavior. This is equivalent to not believing what his father said, thinking that his father is bragging, and his father may be furious. But such an expression appeared on his face involuntarily, and he couldn't take it back.

"Father, when did this happen?" Ito Shinichi asked with difficulty. Because he was so shocked, he forgot to be happy and to celebrate.

"A month ago." Junichi Ito said, his tone still calm.

"Kang Dang!" Ito Shinichi slid down from the chair again, and hit his forehead heavily on the corner of the table. Please, Father, your joke is not funny at all, okay?

You think I didn't see the morning news? His Majesty the Emperor had dinner with the Hand of God last night, okay? And that "passionate" photo of the two of them is flying all over the world. This photo made the entire island country feel proud and embarrassing Huaxia. I'm afraid that Huaxia's officials will vomit three liters of blood... How can you say that? You killed the Hand of God a month ago?

Ignoring his son's horrified face, Junichi Ito continued to say in a flat tone: "We hunted him down for a full month, and we used all kinds of methods. We even suffered serious injuries. to kill him..."

Jun Ito looked at the falling snowflakes in the gray sky, his small eyes suddenly burst into a horrified light, but his tone remained flat, as if nothing interested him.

"Hand of God, he is indeed worthy of the title of number one master in the world." He said.

"It's his misfortune to be born in a magical place like China." He said again, and then sighed.

"..." Ito Shinichi, who was struggling to get up from the ground, was even more confused, not knowing what his father was talking about.

Then Ito Shinichi felt that he should care about this father who had not seen for several months: "Father, are you injured?"

Ito Junichi did not respond to his son's concern, but said: "The one summoned by His Majesty the Emperor last night was not the hand of God."

"..." Ito Shinichi almost slipped from the chair again and fell to the ground. From the time I saw my father to now, what my father said is just seven or eight sentences, right? But what he said was more intense than every sentence. Ito Shinichi felt that his blood pressure had soared, and his heart couldn't take it anymore.

"He's the diamond bodyguard of the Black Hawk security company, Tom, but he's just wearing the face of the Hand of God." Junichi Ito said.

Ito Shinichi twisted his extremely stiff neck very hard, as if he didn't know what to say.

"Okay, as long as you know about this, remember, don't let the third person know." Ito Junichi said.

"Yes, Father." Ito Shinichi nodded quickly and said.

After taking another sip of tea, Junichi Ito said, "I didn't want you to know at first, but I was too nervous, so I wanted to tell you."

"..." Shinichi Ito was a little moved, feeling that his status in the heart of his father was really high.

"You go." Ito Junichi waved his hand and said.

"Yes, Father." Shinichi Ito quickly stood up, nodded respectfully, then turned and left.

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