The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1023 Soft Persimmon

As soon as the news came out in the morning, Lao Wang knew that Huaxia would definitely let Li Zedao and the others infiltrate the Jingguo Shrine, so before Li Zedao could speak, he had already sent over the collected information.

"Jingguo Shrine is very special in the island country, so in terms of guarding, it is no worse than the palace where the emperor of the island country lives." Lao Wang said with a serious expression, "It is not easy to sneak in without anyone noticing. , not to mention trying to steal the snake head stored inside, not to mention that there is Junichi Ito, the sword demon who is known as the number one master in the island country, guarding it, which is even more difficult."

"Sword Demon Ito what?" Shadow wrinkled his nose cutely, "It's such an ugly name, I think, he, the number one master of some island country, must have named it himself? Shameless, just like someone , claiming that he is the most beautiful man in China..."

When talking about someone, Ying snorted coldly and glanced at Li Zedao beside him, so everyone knew that the shameless person Ying talked about was Li Zedao.

Nan Ji and Lao Wang looked at Li Zedao's face, and suddenly felt that Li Zedao was quite shameless. You are handsome, but you are not so handsome at all.

Li Zedao, who was so scorched by the electric shock in the hot spring pool, didn't dare to provoke the vicious witch, Shadow, so he pretended not to hear what she said, but frowned and asked, "How powerful is this sword demon Ito Junichi?" ?”

"It's not as good as the traitor Wang Zi, but it doesn't seem to be much worse." Lao Wang has a lot of resentment. How can such a talent become a traitor?

The traitor... Li Zedao suffocated slightly, opened his mouth, and finally didn't open his mouth to refute.

The shadow glanced at Lao Wang with a fierce expression, but Lao Wang was so focused on talking, he didn't notice that such a pair of big eyes would almost kill him.

"I remember decades ago, this Ito Junichi sneaked into China and even fought with Yanhuang." Old Wang added.

Li Zedao frowned, his heart sank a little, he survived the fight with Yanhuang, and was able to retreat completely. It is conceivable that this Ito Junichi is indeed a master, at least he is not the stinky and shameless person that Shadow slandered old guy.

In fact, just from the fact that he guarded the Jinguo Shrine, we can know that Junichi Ito is not an idle person. After all, the importance of the Jingguo Shrine to the island country is self-evident, and it is a very sensitive place. If there were no masters guarding the place, I'm afraid it would have been burned by a fire.

Nanji looked worried: "Besides, the emperor of the island country has already collected the snake's head in Jinguo Shrine. They are not fools. They must know that Huaxia will send someone to steal it. At this time, Jingguo Shrine may be like an iron barrel." ,

Not even a fly can fly in. "

Li Zedao smiled wryly, as Nanji said, compared to before, the defense force of Jingguo Shrine is probably stronger now.

"No matter what, the Jingguo Shrine must be infiltrated, and the snake head must be obtained." Li Zedao said, and then silently muttered this sentence in his heart, and the blue safety buckle must be obtained.

Regarding the fact that Tom called him and asked Li Zedao to get him the blue safety buckle from Ito Junichi, Li Zedao did not tell anyone else, and it was not convenient for him to say so.

"Hmm..." Shadow looked at Li Zedao's little head frantically, "What you said is no different from nonsense."

"...there are only two ways I can think of." Li Zedao didn't dare to provoke Shadow, so he could only continue to pretend that he didn't hear the nonsense she muttered, "First, find a chance to get this sword demon Ito Junichi from Jinguo Shrine In this way, our chances of successfully infiltrating will increase..."

"Hmm..." Shadow's little head continued to nod, and interrupted Li Zedao's words very simply, "Damn it, it's still nonsense."

I push your ass! Li Zedao glanced at the shadow, and felt the urge to slap her ass, did this chick really think that she would give up on her watch that discharges? Please, I have that kind of watch too, okay? And... I have twenty!

So Li Zedao began to fantasize. He handcuffed the shadow, then pulled off her pants, and then whipped her hard with a whip a few times, and then took out the twenty watches, one after another. discharge electricity on her...

Li Zedao laughed!

"Are you... are you okay?" Old Wang's voice came from next to my ear.

"'s okay, it's okay..." When he came back to his senses, seeing Lao Wang, Nanji and Yingying all staring at him with wide-eyed eyes, Li Zedao felt a little embarrassed, "I just wanted to...a certain problem, I was fascinated ..."

"Yeah, I understand." Shadow chewed his gum, spit out a big bubble, and expressed his understanding, "The one who can smile so obscenely must be looking for a chance to see Teacher Cang and Teacher Ozawa What, and then communicate with them about the structure of the human body... Men are nothing, and it is understandable to have that kind of thinking."

"..." The black line on Lao Wang's face beside him gave him the feeling of being shot while lying down.

"Shut up!" Seeing Ying Ying constantly interrupting, and the topics were not healthy, Nan Ji couldn't take it any longer, so he said in a cold voice, then looked at Li Ze and said, "Go ahead."

She knew that Li Zedao had a rough plan in mind, otherwise he wouldn't have asked Lao Wang for a pen and paper, and then sorted out the characters of each force on it, and then formulated a detailed battle plan.

"Of course, it's basically impossible to lure Ito Junichi out." Li Zedao looked at Lao Wang.

"Indeed, unless he thinks it out himself." Lao Wang smiled wryly, "Otherwise, even if his son dies or his grandson is killed, he will not leave Jingguo Shrine. Jingguo Shrine is his spiritual pillar. Everything else is important... Besides, it is very difficult to kill his son and grandson. In the island country, the Ito family is a very powerful existence. Everyone in the family is skilled. Soldiers are strong."

"Also, even if Ito Junichi is successfully lured out, it will not be easy to sneak in." Nanji frowned and said, "There is not only one Ito Junichi, but also a lot of good players."

Li Zedao nodded: "So, if this method is passed, the only way we can go now is the second way, which is to enter..."

"Big fool, you're an idiot. You've already told me that you can't get in." Shadow looked at Li Zedao with nothing but contempt and disdain. "This talented and beautiful girl is really worried about your IQ."

"According to our current estimates, the possibility of sneaking into the Jingying Shrine without anyone noticing is zero, but..." Li Zedao analyzed with a smile, "It doesn't work to sneak in, but it doesn't mean that it's impossible to go in openly... ..."

"Go in openly?" The eyes of the three of them all fell on Li Zedao.

"How?" Old Wang asked eagerly.

"A few days later, didn't the emperor and prime minister of the island country, as well as some other important officials, make an appointment to pay homage to Jinguo Shrine?" Li Zedao said.

This matter has been settled a long time ago. For this reason, China and several other countries have condemned and protested against the island country's visit to the Jingying Shrine, saying that this has seriously hurt the friendship between the two countries and the hearts of the two peoples.

But the emperor and prime minister of the island country insist on this, you can only protest at most, and you can't do anything.

"At that time, it is the best time for us to enter the Jingguo Shrine." Li Zedao continued.

Lao Wang frowned and nodded: "You mean...disguised as a bodyguard attendant of someone entering the shrine or something? The idea is good, but it is difficult to realize. There is one more or Two strangers, they couldn't have been unaware."

"So, I need you to do something." Li Zedao nodded and said.

"whats the matter?"

"The general list of people who will visit this time." Li Zedao said, "After the list is in hand, let's analyze it. That persimmon is the softest, so let's pinch him. I really don't believe it. At that time, this soft persimmon will not obediently lead us into the Jinguo Shrine."

"Okay, I'll give it to you tomorrow night at the latest." Old Wang thought for a while, and felt that Li Zedao's method was very feasible.

He has lived in the island country for 20 or 30 years, so it is not difficult to inquire about this news, and he is also a little excited, because this move might successfully sneak into the Jingying Shrine.

"Well, this talented and beautiful girl has long thought of doing this, just to test your IQ, so I didn't say anything." Shadow glanced at Li Zedao in a very noble and glamorous way and snorted coldly.


Lao Wang's work efficiency is still very high. At noon the next day, he sent over the approximate list of people who will visit the Jingying Shrine. According to Lao Wang, all government officials or big families who visited the shrine, what? Not all the children of the consortium are on this list, but as long as there are those who appear on this list, they will all participate in this visit.

Now the three of them hit the list together and began to pick the soft persimmon. As for the shadow who was always making trouble, Antarctic sent him away to watch pornography.

The emperor of the island country and the prime minister, as well as several high-ranking officials, naturally skipped over them automatically. After all, it is no less difficult to attack them than sneaking into the Jinguo Shrine without anyone noticing.

Soon, Li Zedao narrowed his eyes, and he saw the name of an acquaintance, Ito Haowu! Then he remembered the scene that happened that night again, and involuntarily clenched his hands into fists, and there was an extremely strong murderous look in his eyes.

"Are you all right?" Nanji asked, seeing that Li Zedao had a different expression.

"It's okay." Li Zedao shook his head, then picked up a pen, circled the name "Ito Yoshitake" and said, "This is an acquaintance, you can consider him, but this persimmon is not soft, his Swordsmanship is terrible."

Li Zedao actually didn't know that Yoshitake Ito had been abolished. He only knew that killing Yoshitake Ito to avenge his father was also one of the things he must do when he came to the island country this time.

"Have you ever fought against him?" Nanji asked.

Li Zedao nodded: "Almost, you won't see me anymore."

"..." Nanji's expression moved.

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