The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1024 Change Your Father's

Lao Wang on the side said: "I have heard about this Ito Yoshitake, he is the grandson of Ito Junichi, known as the number one genius in the island country's martial arts world, everyone is optimistic, his future achievements surpass his grandfather Ito Junichi, indeed Not to be underestimated."

"Substitute." Nanji said, and crossed out the selected "persimmon" with a pen. It was too hard to pinch. Of course, if Nanji knew that Ito Yoshitake was considered a useless person now, and even the shadow could easily torture him to death, he would definitely choose him as the soft persimmon without hesitation.

"Then he will be fine." Li Zedao took the pen from Nanji and drew a circle on one of the names.

"Katsuta Taro, I also fought against him." After Li Zedao finished drawing, he continued to poke on the name with a pen, leaving a lot of black spots.

"Hard?" Nanji asked after glancing at Li Zedao, feeling a little puzzled, why are you both acquainted and have dealt with each other before? Fortunately, it's a man, if it's a woman... hum!

"Soft, very soft, so soft that it's not a problem for the shadow to torture him to death." Li Zedao said with a weird smile. He glanced at the shadow sitting there wearing a headset and staring at the computer screen with great interest, then glanced at the computer screen again, his pupils grew slightly, and he quickly retracted his eyes.

Lao Wang glanced at the name, and briefly introduced: "Katsuta Taro, his father is the helm of Nisuo, a super rich second generation. I think his father still has to do business with Huaxia, so it is naturally inconvenient to visit Jing Jing The Goddess Shrine is closed, otherwise Nisuo's store in Huaxia will be smashed, so let his son visit the shrine instead? This kind of super rich second generation is indeed very suitable to be a soft persimmon, and it is easy to get Find traces of him."

"That's him." Nanji said.

After confirming the candidate for the soft persimmon, Lao Wang left immediately, and arranged for people to follow Katsuta Taro. After getting the most accurate information, Li Zedao and Nanji took action.


The waiting time is undoubtedly the most boring, and the shadow is not a sitter at all. In the evening, the shadow murmured to go out, and even found a reason that made Li Zedao almost vomit three liters of blood.

"Sister Nanji, think about it, a big pervert like a big fool came to the DJ, but he failed to appreciate the scantily clad woman on the street. Isn't that the same as putting a fish in front of a greedy cat and not showing it?" Give it food, it will suffocate to death, we can't let the big fool die, so if you want to go out, you must go out."

"That's true," Nanji said, glancing at Li Zedao.

"..." Li Zedao covered his face and wept silently,

Decided not to pay attention to these two women anymore.

The car he drove was of course that unremarkable black Toyota, and the route was the same as the last time he went out to buy a leather whip.

The driver is naturally Wang Zi, and Ying Ying and Nan Ji are sitting in the back. When she first got into the car, Ying Ying was still in high spirits, but soon she fell silent, her eyes fell outside the window, and her little face was filled with sadness again. Even, there is still mist in the big eyes.

Nanji naturally knew that she thought of her mother again, and recalled that bloody memory back then, and felt a little distressed in her heart. She reached out and hugged her in her arms, and said softly: "It's okay, we will help you vent your anger .”

"Well, let the big fool catch that vicious woman back, take off her clothes, beat her to death with a whip, and stab her to death with a fox's tail..." Shadow has always been obsessed with this matter, and is very keen on it.

"...Okay." Nanji looked up at Li Zedao and said.

Li Zedao's hands trembled, and he almost drove the car into the green belt beside him. He was about to cry, please, don't just agree so easily, okay? Don't you know that I'm not good at any of the things this little witch said? But this little witch... must be very good at it.

The car continued to drive forward for a certain distance and turned into a busy street.

Islanders like nightlife very much, so although the weather is quite cold, the streets are already full of people, and there are feasting lights everywhere, and most of the women who come out to shop have their white thighs exposed, which makes the streetlights on the roadside It was still bright, Li Zedao secretly took a look, twice, several times.

"Damn it, some big fool's eyes are going to be blinded." Shadow glanced at Li Zedao, very upset.

A certain big fool felt a little guilty, and quickly retracted his eyes.

When he arrived in front of the shop he had been to before, Ying asked Li Zedao to stop again, and then said to Nan Ji: "Sister Nan Ji, let's go eat sushi, that sushi restaurant is very famous..."

Shadow pointed to the shop, and his voice began to choke again: "In the past... my mother often took me to eat... a big fool treat."

"...Okay, don't cry, go eat sushi." Nanji helped her wipe away the crystal teardrops in her eye sockets.

The moment the three of them got out of the car, the shadow stopped at the entrance of the sushi restaurant again, and then dragged Nanji into the sushi restaurant that she had come to with her mother many times.

The environment inside is quiet and elegant, very sentimental.

The three of them are very proficient in the island language, so there is no language barrier. After the shadow communicated with the waiter, the waiter quickly led the shadow to a seat.

"At the beginning, my mother and I often sat in this seat, because from here we can see the scenery of the small courtyard of the sushi restaurant, or the cherry blossoms in full bloom, or the snowflakes falling, that kind of scenery is very beautiful." Shadow began to wipe his tears again , looking pitiful.

Nanji comforted softly, while Li Zedao looked around curiously, and then he saw a dozen or so men in agreed black suits, facing fierce men, entered the sushi restaurant, and then, a burly man walked in.

The man is about forty years old, tall and strong. The most attractive thing is that there is a scar on his left cheek, which looks like a centipede lying there, which gives people a kind of fierce and fierce look. image.

After seeing the man, Li Zedao narrowed his eyes for a moment, then turned to look at the shadow.

"Damn, what are you looking at? Have you never seen a crying beauty?" Shadow gave Li Zedao a supercilious look.

"Your father seems to be here." Li Zedao said in a low voice. He had seen this man, of course, from the photographs.

Zhang Hailong, the helm of Qingyun! It's just that when Li Zedao first saw this person's information, he never thought that he would be the father of the shadow. After all, in Li Zedao's opinion, the two of them would never be able to fight each other in eight lifetimes, right? And looking at his fierce face, would you have thought that he would have such a petite and lovely daughter?

"Your dad just came...your dad'" Shadow froze for a moment, looked up, and then, his little face became stiff, the original pink face was bloodless, and his petite body Also trembling slightly.

"Dad, Dad, why do you have scars on your face?"

"It looks more handsome with scars..."

"It's not handsome, it's ugly..."


Shadow looked at that ugly face, recalling the conversation between father and daughter that had been dusty for a long time, tears streaming down his face.

"Ben... a genius... Miss Mei... I don't cry... I don't cry..."

"Don't be a genius at a time like this, and don't be stubborn, just cry if you want to cry." Li Zedao reached out and touched her little head, "If you want me to beat him up, I'll smash the chair immediately past……"

Shadow turned his gaze back, looked at Li Ze pitifully and said, "Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooomore..."

Then she beat Li Zedao's chest vigorously with her small hands.

"It's okay, we can afford it." Li Zedao said softly.

Shadow didn't respond, she wrapped her hands around Li Zedao's neck, as if she had exhausted all her strength, buried her face in his chest, sobbing silently.

At the same time, Zhang Hailong glanced at Li Zedao's position with his calm and prestige-looking eyes. Naturally, he didn't know that the crying girl lying in the boy's arms was his daughter. He just thought there was some awkwardness between the young lovers, so he didn't think much about it, and then he waved to a younger brother standing beside him.

The man in black hurried forward with a respectful expression, as if he was listening.

"Let them change positions." Zhang Hailong said.

"Yes, boss." The man in black said.

"It looks like a Chinese person." Zhang Hailong said immediately.

"Boss, I know." The man in black said.

The members of Qingyun are not friendly to the people of the island country, just like the Yamaguchi group is not friendly to the Chinese people who travel or live in the island country. Because of the national complex in their bones, they are not happy to see each other.

For those Chinese people who come to the island country to travel, the members of Qingyun are quite friendly. Even when the members of Qingyun go to steal property, if they find that the house has been patronized by other Chinese people, they will give up this time. Stealing, and even helping them out.

So when Zhang Hailong said that the other party might be from Huaxia, the man in black knew it, and when he passed by after a while, his expression, attitude and tone were better.

At that moment, the man in black walked up to him, with a smile on his face, and said in Chinese: "Are you Chinese?"

"Yes, what's the matter?" Li Zedao nodded.

"Oh, it's like this, our boss likes to dine at this location, so you can see if it's convenient for you to change the seat?" The man in black said, "Of course, we won't let you change seats for nothing, our boss Having said that, we are responsible for paying for your meals this time..."

"What if we don't change it?" Li Zedao asked with interest. Although the other party used a negotiating tone, even though he was smiling, his eyes were flickering with unkind light. In other words, the other party was not discussing with you at all, but the matter of changing seats had already been settled. no.

"...You will change it." The man in black froze for a moment, and then smiled even brighter. What a kid who doesn't know the heights of the sky and the earth, it seems that he has no idea who he is facing now.

"It's your father's, get lost!" Shadow, lying in Li Zedao's arms, cursed in displeasure without lifting his head.

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