The muscles on the man's face twitched slightly.

In the island country, Qingyun is not the largest black society gang, but it is the last thing others want to provoke, even stronger than the Yamaguchi-gumi, which is known as the largest gang in the island country, and now dare not take the initiative to provoke Qingyun easily, because Although the members of Qingyun don't like bloody blood very much, they are not afraid of bloody blood at all. When they fight, they are like arrows that leave the string. Once they are fired, they can't be taken back.

But now, the other party doesn't give face at all when he wants to change the position. In fact, he was scolded by the other party, "Chase your father's, get out!" His face was hot, and the smile on his face had disappeared, replaced by a fierce expression. He even made such a movement, unbuttoning the black suit he was wearing, so that the two A murderer could see the machete on his waist.

"You should be thankful that you are from China, otherwise..." the man in black twisted his neck slightly, and said in a dark voice, "You would have been hacked to death on the street long ago."

"Finish?" Li Zedao gave him a sideways glance and asked indifferently. To be honest, if it wasn't for Qingyun making waves in the island country and bringing a lot of trouble to the island country, Li Zedao would have slapped him long ago.

"After you've finished speaking, get out of here quickly, and tell your boss to get out too. Don't make my sister feel bad when she sees her." Li Zedao waved his hand, as if he was chasing away an annoying fly.

"..." The muscles on the face of the man in black twitched even more.

"Damn it, you idiot, this talented and beautiful girl is not your sister." Shadow raised his head, glared at Li Zedao in displeasure and snorted coldly.

"..." Li Zedao's eyes widened slightly, and he asked cautiously, "Then... who do you want to be mine?"

"Ah... you bastard... get lost... I hate you... I hate you..." The shadow started to beat drums on Li Zedao's chest again.

"I'm not good enough for you." Li Zedao was about to cry, thinking that you should go and harm others.

"I hate don't need to emphasize this point, everyone on earth knows that your IQ and appearance are not worthy of this genius girl..." Shadow muttered, "But this genius girl doesn't judge people by their appearance, let alone I despise you because of your low IQ..."


"Okay... childish." Nanji glanced at the two people and muttered in his heart, but he looked like he had nothing to do with himself, and his eyes fell on the small courtyard. There are blossoming snowflakes hanging on the unknown tree, which looks very white and peaceful.


very beautiful. "Nanji's heart suddenly calmed down.

So relaxed when performing the mission for the first time, without pressure or fear, because he was there? Thinking about it, Nanji turned his eyes away and glanced at Li Zedao, the corners of his mouth curled up slightly.

"Damn it..." The man in black saw the couple flirting openly, and completely threw himself aside. He couldn't take it anymore, and his face became extremely ferocious. Damn it, it's been so long since I've been out here, even those idiots from the Yamaguchi group wouldn't dare to be so unreasonable when they saw him, but now...

So he raised his big hand violently, and slapped Li Zedao's naive face in his eyes.

Li Zedao's complexion didn't change much, as if he didn't know that a big hand was about to slap his face, but he waved his hand, as if he was juggling, there was already an extra dagger in his hand, and then greeted him. Seeing the opponent's slap coming over, he stabbed it.

"Pfft!" The sound of the knife piercing into the flesh sounded, and then the palm of the black-clothed man's slap came to an abrupt stop when it was a few centimeters away from Li Zedao's face.

In his palm, a dagger passed through his palm, directly piercing his entire palm, blood dripped down the blade quickly, "tick! tick!" fell to the ground, The sound was so abrupt and harsh.

Zhang Hailong and the dozen or so black-clothed men he brought with him were stunned at that moment. In their view, changing the position of the person in that position was really too small a thing. One man, two women, and three people will definitely leave obediently. If they were a little less courageous, they might tremble with fright.

However, the result really shocked their eyeballs and seriously stimulated their nerves, which was completely beyond their expectations, so at the first time, including Zhang Hailong who had seen the big wind and waves, they were not stunned.

At the same time, the man in black whose palm was pierced by the dagger seemed to have encountered some incredible supernatural event, his eyes flicked back and forth between his palm and Li Zedao's face that looked like nothing had happened. Then the pupils dilated little by little, and the face distorted little by little, and the facial features were all distorted and piled up together, making it hard to recognize his face.

It hurts, it hurts so much, it hurts more than any injury he has ever suffered before! But after all, he was living the life of licking blood on the knife edge, so he didn't scream, but his left hand firmly pressed the wrist of his right hand, and then his voice became extremely cold, and he looked at Li Zedao and said, "You... I'm... courting death..."

"Get out!" Li Zedao said lightly.

Zhang Hailong and the others finally reacted.

"Tan Ming..." He growled, and then he and a dozen or so men in black rushed up fiercely, drawing guns and knives while rushing over.

A few seconds later, Li Zedao and the others were confronted with five black muzzles and a dozen glaring machetes on their heads. These people all looked at Li Zedao with dead eyes. The shadow that was willing to lift up, just waited for Zhang Hailong's order, and chopped the three guys into meat... No, the man was chopped into meat, and the woman was pulled over to make a small movie.

"Huaxia people?" Zhang Hailong looked at Li Zedao with fierce eyes, and his voice was extremely cold, "My brother is my Nilin. Whoever touches my brother will have no choice but to die forever. exception."

Li Zedao smiled and said in a relaxed tone, "Have you ever seen such a handsome islander?"

"Smelly shameless!" The shadow with a small face buried in Li Zedao's arms wanted to vomit.

Zhang Hailong narrowed his eyes, and the way he looked at Li Zedao changed a little. Facing such a gun and so many machetes, this kid is calm and doesn't care at all, so there are only two possibilities, the first One, he's such an idiot that he doesn't even know he's going to die.

Second, he has support! Either the artist is bold, or he has a great background, so big that he has super confidence to know that others can't touch him.

Then he thought of a possibility, his expression moved slightly, and then he glanced at the beautiful young girl sitting there, seeing that she was cold and had nothing to do with her, but she was not afraid at all Looking at her face, she already knew that this girl was not someone to mess with, so she was even more sure of what she had guessed in her heart.

Immediately said: "Sent from above?"

What Zhang Hailong is referring to is the secret agent sent by the high level of Huaxia to the island country to carry out certain tasks. He has also come into contact with this kind of person before and knows that he cannot afford to provoke them. These people look harmless to humans and animals on the outside, but when they start They are all terrible. If you really dare to touch these people, what awaits you will be endless revenge.

Zhang Hailong is awesome, he has many brothers, and he can't resist the repeated torture of these masters. In addition, he still has a national complex in his bones. He doesn't want to spoil the big things above, so he chooses to be soft.

"Damn it, jittery, get out!" Shadow didn't lift his head, and cursed in tears, "This genius girl doesn't want to see you, if you don't get out, I'll let a big idiot hit you with a chair... "

"..." Zhang Hailong's face darkened again. Even if the other party is really an official member of Huaxia, he can't give in and admit he is cowardly, otherwise Zhang Hailong doesn't need to hang around anymore.

"Young people, you are too impulsive..." Zhang Hailong said word by word

"Damn, it's none of your business? This talented and beautiful girl is impulsive... Don't worry about it... Just don't care about it, get lost..." Shadow cursed, with great grievance and resentment in his voice.

But Zhang Hailong didn't know that the little girl who yelled at him would be her daughter, and thought she was a chick who didn't know the heights of heaven and earth, so his face turned completely cold, and he shouted coldly: "Do it!"

He just wants to kill these three guys now, especially this unreasonable chick who can't see her face. As for the consequences... who cares? He Zhang Hailong is really not scared, besides, this is an island country, not Huaxia, isn't it?

Then Zhang Hailong's eyelids twitched violently, and he already had an extremely bad feeling in his heart, because his dozen or so brothers were all like wooden piles standing there, those with guns did not shoot, and those with knives did not move their knives . But their eyeballs are moving, chattering, and there is a very strong horror in each eye, as if they are experiencing something terrible.

"This is... what's wrong?" Zhang Hailong was terrified, but the big owl is the big owl. Soon, he calmed down, and then his eyes fell on Li Zedao, and said: "It seems that I fell."

"You shouldn't listen to her. She's annoyed at seeing you now, and she's upset when she sees you. When she tells you to get out, you should turn around and leave obediently." Li Zedao pointed to the shadow in his arms and said with a smile.

Zhang Hailong couldn't figure out why the other party was annoyed when he saw him. It couldn't be because he was too fierce and ugly, right? Immediately said: "I admit it, tell me your conditions, how can you let my brother go."

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