The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1026 Take off your pants

As he spoke, he even took out a pack of cigarettes and a shiny golden lighter from his pocket, pulled out a cigarette like no one else, and put it in his mouth.

This is a habit of his. Every time the situation is out of his control, he will make such an action. Even if he falls, he cannot lose to the opponent in terms of momentum. He has to put pressure on the opponent and let the opponent I know that I am also the master who is not afraid of death, so I am not so easy to mess with.

"Crack!" Zhang Hailong lit the lighter in his hand.

In the next second, the light of the knife flashed, and then Zhang Hailong's hand holding the lighter trying to light the cigarette in the corner of his mouth stopped abruptly, and did not continue to move to the corner of his mouth.

Then half of the unlit cigarette slipped from the corner of Zhang Hailong's mouth and fell to the ground. At this time, only a small piece of filter tip was removed from that cigarette, and it was still on Zhang Hailong's mouth.

Zhang Hailong looked up, looked at the woman who stood up at some point and was playing with a dagger in her hand, exhaled deeply and said, "Good skill!"

His unlit cigarette was chopped off by this girl's extremely sharp knife!

At the moment when the cold dagger slashed across the tip of his nose, Zhang Hailong only felt that the pores all over his body stood up. Now, although his expression was still calm, cold sweat broke out on his forehead involuntarily.

Now he finally understands why the three of them were confronted by more than a dozen people with pistols and machetes. Curse people, because they have such ability, to put it bluntly, nothing really happened.

"I hate the smell of cigarettes." Shadow said in a cold voice without even looking at Zhang Hailong.

Zhang Hailong nodded without saying anything. He extinguished the lighter, put it in his pocket, and looked up at Li Zedao. He knew that this young but terrifying boy was the center of the three of them.

"It's still the same sentence, I admit it, tell me your conditions, how can you let my brother go?"

Li Zedao patted the trembling shadow on his shoulder, looked at Zhang Hailong and said, "You should feel lucky that your name is Zhang Hailong, otherwise, you would have been lying down now."

Zhang Hailong narrowed his eyes: "You know me?" He suddenly felt, could this be a game? Someone knew that he always came to this sushi restaurant to eat sushi, and knew that he always sat here every time he ate sushi, so they lay in ambush here in advance and waited for him to be caught.

Li Zedao knew what he was thinking,

He smiled and said, "I'm not that boring. I came here to ambush you beforehand. If I really want to kill you, I don't need to spend so much trouble."

"..." Zhang Hailong was silent.

"Of course I know you, Zhang Hailong from Qingyun, who doesn't know the big lord of the island country?" Li Zedao's smile became even brighter, "However, you are still standing not because you are Zhang Hailong from Qingyun, not because of you You are the big lord of the island country, just because you are Zhang Hailong, so let's go and don't disturb us eating sushi."

Zhang Hailong looked at Li Zedao with eyes full of astonishment and incomprehension. The other party's words made him both understand and confused. What he understood was that the other party didn't trouble him because his name was Zhang Hailong. It doesn't matter what your identity is, what's confusing is why?

But he didn't ask, he knew to ask, and the other party wouldn't say much, but took a deep breath and said, "I, Zhang Hailong, owe you my life."

"It's two." Li Zedao corrected him, and he included Ying's mother's life.

Zhang Hailong narrowed his eyes again, and looked at this young face attentively. He didn't have any information about this person in his mind, so he didn't think about it at the moment, but said: "Okay, two, I I live in Qingyun's headquarters, not far from here, you can ask me to get those two lives back at any time, this is my contact information."

Zhang Hailong still has this courage, and he also knows that the other party will not kill him.

With that said, Zhang Hailong took out an exquisite business card case from his body, took out a business card from it, and handed it over with both hands.

Li Zedao glanced at him, took it over, and put it in his pocket casually.

"They..." Zhang Hailong pointed to his younger brothers who were still motionless until now, and he shut up before finishing his sentence, because his younger brothers could move again, but although they couldn't move, they They could hear Zhang Hailong and the other party clearly, and they knew that even if they had a knife or even a pistol in their hands, they were not opponents at all, so they all looked at the three of them with fear in their eyes, and then put the knife down resentfully. And the pistols were quickly put away.

"Let's go." Li Zedao waved his hand and said.

"Wait..." Li Zedao looked at Zhang Hailong's back and said.

The latter stopped, turned around, and looked at Li Zedao calmly.

"For the sake of Zhang Hailong, I will provide you with a piece of information for free." Li Zedao said, "The Yamaguchi Group has already cooperated with Dongtu. I think there will be big movements soon."

Zhang Hailong was taken aback, nodded, and said sincerely: "Thank you." Then he took people away, and before leaving, a man in black took off his clothes and squatted down to wipe off the blood dripping on the ground.

"Going away?" Shadow asked quietly.

"Let's go." Li Zedao patted her little head and said.

"Damn, I almost suffocated to death, you idiot, your body smells so stinks..." Shadow looked up, a face with rainy pear blossoms.


For the next two days, Li Zedao, Shadow and Nanji all stayed in Lao Wang's family hot spring hotel. When Lao Wang hadn't found the best time to "soften the persimmons", the only thing they could do was wait.

Because of meeting Zhang Hailong, the shadow has been in a bad mood, without the usual irrational squabbling, and is distracted at every turn. Both Li Zedao and Nanji understand that in her heart, she actually cares about this father very much. After all, what happened back then The matter may not be Zhang Hailong's fault, after all, he was seriously injured and lost the ability to protect the poor mother and daughter, and maybe, he was also frantically looking for the whereabouts of his woman, but he couldn't find it.

During this period, there were also a number of armed gang fights, which happened in the middle of the night, in nightclubs, bathing centers, casinos and other places involving gangsters, and even people died.

Of course, if you die, you will die. It’s not a good bird anyway, and Li Zedao also knows that it is impossible for Qingyun to be broken up like this. After all, he knows that after his reminder, as long as Zhang Hailong is not stupid, there will definitely be guarded against.

"Qingyun collided with Shan-kou." Old Wang said, "Besides, there are many new faces in the Shan-kou group. Today, five or six of their sites were smashed."

"Dong Tu has made a move." Li Zedao nodded, and things were pretty much as he expected. The Yamaguchi group has long wanted to get rid of Qingyun's big trouble, and now that Dongtu has become a partner, it is natural for Dongtu to take the lead in dealing with Qingyun. Dongtu's group of people are bloodthirsty masters. , it is normal for Qingyun to suffer.

"That's right, this is what the islanders like to do the most. In that war, it was the Chinese people who killed the Chinese people a lot of the time, and they were hiding behind and picking up ready-made ones." Old Wang said angrily. .

Li Zedao smiled wryly and didn't say anything. He didn't know how to comment on this kind of matter, and he didn't want to comment.

"By the way, have you found the trace of the soft persimmon?" Li Zedao asked while looking at Old Wang. He knew that Lao Wang must have obtained accurate information, otherwise, he would not have come to him in such a hurry.

Lao Wang nodded and said, "Fortunately, I have been following this wicked rich second generation for two days, and I finally got some useful information."

Li Zedao regained his energy all of a sudden: "Say it."

"According to information, this Katsuta Taro is going to Tokashiki Island tonight to have dinner with some important friends. There is a very good cruise ship called 'Niso', which is exactly Nisso's property. The place for dinner is on the cruise ship." Lao Wang said.

Li Zedao narrowed his eyes slightly and nodded, this is indeed a good time to "squeeze soft persimmons", and Li Zedao still knows Katsuta Taro very well, he knows that this is a complete pervert, and he can find a place for dinner A restaurant is fine, why go on a cruise ship?

Damn, it must be the kind of extravagant party that makes people nosebleed! So Li Zedao felt that he should sneak into the cruise ship to see the beauties... No, no, just pinch a soft persimmon!

After returning to the room, Li Zedao talked to Nanji, and Nanji also felt that this was an excellent time to make a move. After all, it was only a few days before visiting the Jingying Shrine, so I really couldn't wait.

"I'll go out with Nanji for a while, you just stay here and watch it if you have nothing to do... Ahem... If you like the movie, don't run around." Li Zedao looked at the shadow and said.

Shadow rolled his eyes, and said very displeasedly: "Damn, don't think that the talented girl is a brat... Can I go too? I'm very good..."

"Isn't it just the watch that discharges?" Li Zedao murmured in his heart. This kind of trick can indeed make the opponent unprepared, and it can play a great role in the master's fight, but the shadow itself is too weak. A master, even if she has a watch, will die a miserable death.

"No!" Nanji refused, with an unquestionable tone, "You wait here obediently for us to come back."

Shadow still listens to Anji's words very much, so although he is emotionally conflicted, he finally agrees, but only puts forward one condition.

Her big eyes fell on Li Zedao maliciously, and she said such a sentence that Li Zedao almost vomited blood: "Let the big fool take off his pants and let the talented girl spank his ass a few times, and I won't go."

Nanji glanced at Li Zedao, and there was an extra dagger in his hand, and his tone could not tolerate rebuttal: "Take off your pants."


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