Antarctica has been to the island country more than once to perform missions before, and he is quite familiar with the island country, so there is no need for Lao Wang to send someone to take him there.

Until after getting in the car, Li Zedao's face was full of resentment and grievance. In order to prevent the shadow from following, Li Zedao resolutely took off his pants, and then... the shadow expressed disgust, saying that you are a fool, you have a long butt It's so ugly and then the watch is aligned to discharge directly.

Can you imagine what it's like to be hit by an electric current in the ass?

"Okay, why don't you just electrify it?" Seeing Li Zedao looking like he was dying, Nanji was a little speechless.

"Why don't you just shock it?" Li Zedao was even more aggrieved, tears welling in his eyes, "Then take off your pants and let me try shocking too."

Nanji's pretty face flushed slightly, she rolled her eyes at him, and said coldly: "If you want to die, you can try."

"I'm sorry." Li Zedao apologized decisively, and then quickly pinched out the unhealthy picture in his mind.

"Puchi!" Antarctica was suddenly happy, like a lily that was about to bloom.

"It's fun!" There was rare tenderness in her already cold eyes, "I'll try it sometime."

"Get out!" Li Ze said with black lines on his face.

Nanji started the car, stepped on the accelerator, and the car drove forward quickly. After driving to a remote place, the two took out the two noodles made by the dark group gang and put them on separately, so Li Zedao simply became The young and handsome version of Kato-sensei, while Nanji became the innocent Ozawa-sensei.

Of course, it’s just a little acquaintance, but no matter how you look at it, the two of them have now become authentic islanders, and the fluent island language is even more perfect, so basically they can be counted as It is flawless.

Nanji glanced at Li Zedao, curled his lips: "You look so wretched."

"You look so coquettish..." Li Zedao laughed back.

"Get out!" Apart from being depressed, Anji felt a little shy, and even had this kind of inexplicable excitement.

"I love you!" Li Zedao looked at Antarctica and said very seriously.

"..." Nanji trembled, and almost drove the car into the green belt.

Li Zedao laughed heartlessly,

Very proud.

Nanji immediately went into a rage, parked the car viciously, then grabbed Li Zedao by the neck, and pressed him against the car door so hard that Li Zedao's handsome face came into close contact with the car glass and was directly deformed. One hand even gestured under Li Zedao's crotch, and said coldly: "Do you believe that I will electrocute you to death?"

On her wrist, she wore a watch, a watch that could discharge electricity.

Li Zedao was so frightened that his face turned a little pale, his butt was electrocuted, and he could bear it somewhat, but his second child was electrocuted... Li Zedao directly admitted with a shiver, "I'm sorry..."

"Louder." Nanji shouted.


"Not this sentence."

"...I love you..." Li Zedao shouted loudly.

Antarctica smiled with a sweet face.

"I love you too," she said, in a voice only she could hear.


The Nisso is docked on the coast of Tokashiki Island, not too far from DJ City, and they will be able to arrive there before evening, so that they can sneak in before Katsuta Taro and the others arrive, and Katsuta Taro and the others did not arrive Before, the defense on the ship was undoubtedly the weakest.

The night is about to fall, and the afterglow of the setting sun covers this open beach. The whole picture looks very quiet and beautiful, giving people a dream in a fairy tale, and the legendary Nesso is quietly docked there.

"It's so beautiful." Nanji said. Women are more or less sentimental, and the violent and cruel Nanji is no exception. Now she is more and more likely to show the attitude of a little girl. Of course, this attitude can only be shown in front of Li Zedao, but in front of the enemy, She is also the Antarctic who cut off the enemy's head without frowning.

Li Zedao smiled and said, "It's really beautiful."

At this time, although it is cold winter, there are still many winter swimmers. A large number of women in swimsuits are walking around on the beach, which is picturesque.

Li Zedao looked at those people, then at Nanji beside him, and finally decided decisively that the effect would be better if Nanji wore such a bikini.

Of course, he also knew that it was impossible for Nanji to wear that kind of bikini, because she had many scars on her body, and it was said that the scars were military medals, so Nanji didn't want to talk about getting rid of those scars, but after all, she was Girls, naturally don't want others to see those scars.

Of course, except for Li Zedao, Nanji knew that Li Zedao didn't care about those scars on her body.

At the moment, Li Zedao and Nanji turned into two couples who came to the beach for a walk. The two walked hand in hand on the beach, approaching the Naniso little by little without a trace, and then seemingly inadvertently observed down.

"There are only a few people on board, and they are all lazy, and the sky is about to get dark, so it's not a big problem to sneak in. We can go up from the south." Nanji whispered in Li Zedao's ear, her skills were not as good as Li Zedao's , but she is more professional and good at lurking than Li Zedao.

Li Zedao nodded, expressing his agreement, and then his lips moved over, imprinting a big mouth on Nanji's face.

"Don't make trouble." Nanji gave Li Zedao a blank look, a little shy, but more sweet.

"Just make trouble!" Li Zedao chuckled and pointed to his cheek.

"Get out!" Nanji cursed with a smile, but also tiptoed, and his lips imprinted on Li Zedao's face.

At this moment, Li Zedao's cell phone vibrated, and a text message came in. The text message was sent by Lao Wang. He said that there was a message from his eyeliner. It will arrive in about an hour.

An hour is enough!

After replying a message to Lao Wang, Li Zedao and Anji continued to walk in front of the Nisso, seemingly aimlessly. A few minutes later, the sun completely set, and the night opened, and then Li Zedao and Nanji quietly came to Nisuo The south side of the ship, it is very easy to sneak into the Nisuo.

The two carefully felt the movement on the boat, and they probably knew that there were less than ten people on board, and none of them were considered strong. These people should be the people who are usually responsible for maintaining and guarding this luxury cruise ship.

With the skills of Li Zedao and Nanji, these people who are busy with their own affairs on the cruise ship will naturally not be able to find them. In the end, the two sneaked into the interior of the cruise ship. This is a large space with complete entertainment facilities. If Tian Taro wants to invite friends to dinner or even have a sex-party, it can only be done here, and it can't be directly on the deck, right? Unless, they want to be surrounded by tourists shaking on the beach, that's another matter.

So after entering this place, Nanji pointed to a locker, and the two got in.

The locker is not big enough to accommodate two people. However, the two of them have done more intimate actions. Naturally, they will not be disgusted by such an intimate contact. On the contrary, both of them have a somewhat stimulating feeling.

And through the small gap in the door of the locker, you can probably see what's going on inside and outside.

Nanji gave Li Zedao a look, signaling him not to mess around, and immediately showed the quality of a top special soldier, even breathing in a low and even manner.

Li Zedao smiled and thought to himself, although he likes to play tricks, it also depends on the occasion? The prime minister also suppressed any breath in his body, breathing evenly and evenly, even if a master appeared in a while, it would be difficult to find two people hidden in the cabinet.

At that moment, Li Zedao looked through the gap without blinking his eyes to observe the movement outside, afraid that some idle crew member would come to open the locker for something, and there might be a leak trail of danger.

Fortunately, until Katsuta Taro and his group came over, no waiter came to open the cupboard to get things.

Of course, during this period, there were non-stop waiters coming in, placing plates of covered food, red wine, and tableware on the table one by one.

The reason why Katsuta Taro knew that he was coming was because there were obviously noisy footsteps outside, and the hull was shaking slightly. Obviously, the waiters on board had all gone to greet the guests.

So Li Zedao's eyes widened, he really wanted to see how many scantily clad women Katsuta Taro would bring in... Uh, no, no, how many friends he would bring here for dinner.

Although Antarctica couldn't see the situation outside, she didn't have any impatient thoughts. She had experienced this kind of infiltration many times, but it was the first time that she had such a peaceful mind like today.

Nanji doesn't feel that she is the kind of person who needs to be protected, but in front of Li Zedao, she just wants to be protected and cared for by him, even if it's just verbal protection and caring, she will feel a sense of elation in her heart.

Finally, after a little commotion, a group of people walked in.

Under the ambiguous warm lighting, Li Zedao clearly saw a man and a woman enter first. The man was about forty years old, with a tired expression, as if he was recovering from a serious illness, and the woman was the second. At the age of ten, he is radiant.

Then Li Zedao's pupils shrank instantly, and his heart was pulled even more suddenly, because he was too familiar with this man's face, who was it not Yoshitake Ito? But, it's not right, because Ito Yoshitake is not that old at all, he is about the same size as himself, less than twenty years old, and the guy in front of him who looks basically the same as Ito Yoshitake is over forty years old at first glance.

Therefore, Li Zedao concluded that he was not Yoshitake Ito.

But who is it not Yoshitake Ito? Yoshitake Ito's father? But, again, Li Zedao had met Ito Yoshitake's father, who was the leading teacher at that time, Ito Shinichi.

But Shinichi Ito doesn't look like this.

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