He Xiaoyue took a look at Li Zedao's face, he was very young and handsome, with a little childishness, and then she laughed at herself for her wild thoughts.

This is a child, a child whose childishness has not faded away. If he hadn't lost his fertility back then and had a child, he must be this old now, right?

How could such a child mean something? Besides, how could he know what he was doing?

However, Zhang Hailong cared about him very much, and anyone with a discerning eye could tell, that is to say, this child was not what Zhang Hailong himself said at all, but a cousin of his.

He is... his son, who was born after leaving a romantic debt somewhere... a bastard!

There was a hint of resentment in He Xiaoyue's eyes, and he quickly put away this emotion, and said with a smile, "Is it delicious? Are you asking Mama Zhang to get two?"

"No, Aunt Cousin, I won't be able to eat delicious food after a while." Li Zedao said with some embarrassment, and then looked at the pot of pork ribs and corn soup, "I still want to drink the soup made by my auntie after a while."

"At that time, you should drink more." He Xiaoyue said with a smile, the smile had the inexplicable weirdness that others couldn't see.

"Okay, I'll drink more." Li Zedao responded with a smile, and there was also an indescribable weirdness in the smile that others couldn't see.

Under the careful preparation of Zhang Ma and He Xiaoyue, the dinner was very sumptuous, but because of the special period, after all, I was afraid that the Yamaguchi group and Dongtu would never come if they jointly killed Qingyun here, so no wine was prepared.

In fact, Zhang Hailong explained to Li Zedao in secret embarrassment that there is no wine, and I will have a drink with you later. Li Zedao said that the first thing I don't like is white wine, the second thing I don't like is red wine, and the third thing I don't like is beer.

So Zhang Hailong said, I don't like drinking either.

Hitting people doesn't slap people in the face, so Li Zedao didn't bother to expose his uncredible lies.

Seven tables were opened, Zhang Hailong, He Xiaoyue, Li Zedao, and seven brothers Zhong Xiao Ren Yi Li Zhi Xin sat on the chair, and the other Liu tables sat fifty or sixty men in uniform in black. Brothers on sentry, the other members are here.

Of course, after the eldest brother said a few words and made a toast, they had to leave the banquet and return to their seats.

Li Zedao glanced at the Seventh Brother sitting next to him,

I think it's a bit interesting. It's been a long time since I came in, and I haven't heard any of the seven brothers speak, or I haven't seen the seven brothers talk to anyone. It's a typical boring gourd.

"Because of special circumstances, I didn't prepare wine. When this crisis is over, when we smash the Dongtu group who betrayed their ancestors, when we beat the Yamaguchi group to the ground, we are eating meat , Drink a lot." Zhang Hailong stood up and said confidently, as if it was an easy task for Mie Dongtu to beat the Pashan-Kou group.

He couldn't help but be full of confidence. After all, there is a ruthless person like Li Zedao here, and the Huaxia Kingdom stands behind Li Zedao, which means that the entire Huaxia Kingdom is behind Zhang Hailong to help him. If Dongtu can't be destroyed, then he simply You can commit seppuku, but you just have no face to come out and mess around.

These people who came out to hang out were easily infected by their boss's emotions, so the gloom on everyone's faces subsided a little, and they became more confident.

"Now, I will replace the wine with soup, and offer a toast to all brothers." Zhang Hailong said, holding up the bowl of soup in front of him.

This is pork ribs and corn soup, which is exactly the pot that He Xiaoyue cooked.

Seeing that the boss brought up the bowl, everyone had already filled the ribs and corn soup, and then also stood up and took up the bowl.

"Respect brother! Cheers!" Zhang Hailong said imposingly, raised his head and drank the delicious soup in the bowl.

"Brother toast, cheers!" Everyone howled like hungry wolves, and then drank the soup in the bowl with great momentum.

He Xiaoyue didn't drink it, she just held the bowl of soup like this, watching the group of people drink the soup like an idiot, then she laughed, not as big as a big sister, laughing so fast I couldn't breathe, I laughed so hard that tears came out.

Everyone looked at the sister-in-law who was laughing like crazy over there, with dumbfounded expressions on their faces, not knowing what happened.

Zhang Hailong looked at his wife who had never been so gaffe, his eyes turned cold all of a sudden.

"Enough!" he said, his tone unmistakable.

"Haha...not enough, not enough, because...haha...I am so happy, my mother is so happy..." He Xiaoyue continued to laugh, and then she made a movement that was enough to scare everyone's eyes , she threw the bowl of steaming soup viciously at Zhang Hailong's face.

"Crack!" Zhang Hailong didn't expect He Xiaoyue to dare to do this at all. She was splashed straight when she was unguarded.

The hot soup splashed on Zhang Hailong's face, and Zhang Hailong's whole face instantly became hot. The greasy soup stuck to his face, hair, eyebrows, and nostrils, and then the liquid quickly slid down and flowed to the corners of his mouth. Finally, it spread to the neck, and then his expensive suit was also greasy, and the white shirt was spotted with spots, which was very messy.

Zhang Hailong did not wipe off the soup stains on his face, but stared at He Xiaoyue sharply, and asked word by word: "Are you... crazy?"

"I...grass...mud...horse!" He Xiaoyue replied word by word with equally sharp eyes.


"Bang!" With a muffled sound, the empty bowl in He Xiaoyue's hand slammed on Zhang Hailong's forehead fiercely, making an intimate contact. The bowl broke, and Zhang Hailong's forehead was also broken.

His eyes widened in an instant, and then his body swayed, and he fell heavily on the chair.

"Clatter...crack...bang..." The noise resounded throughout the banquet hall. The dozens of people, including Zhongxiao Renyi Li Zhixin and Li Zedao, either collapsed on the ground or were directly pressed against the chairs. Even on the table, the entire banquet hall is already in a mess.


In a dark alley a few hundred meters away from Qingyun Building, five vans parked here quietly, and there were four people sitting in each van. These people were either playing with the pistols in their hands, or Playing with the machete in his hand, or staring straight at the screen of the mobile phone in front of him, what is shown on the screen is the love story co-starred by the island country's national treasure goddess Ozawa-sensei and another national treasure-level male god Kato-sensei Action movie……

From the "ah... oh... uh..." voice coming from the mobile phone, one can tell how intense this scene is.

In the first car, a bearded man stared at the mobile phone screen with undisguised lust in his eyes, and then said in very broken English: "If you can sleep with this woman ,that's great……"

"Tay...Mr. Lewis..." Musashi Kojiro called out the name in English with great difficulty while holding the mobile phone, cursing inwardly, "Baga, a Chinese pig is a Chinese pig, the name is so ugly, You see, how noble and classy Musashi Kojiro is.

But Musashi Kojiro had to respond to him. After all, Taylor Weiss was under Aishan and was known as the number one soldier in Dongtu. Thirty-two Chinese people were hacked to death by him with a machete. Now Dongtu and the Yamaguchi group It's in the honeymoon period.

For example, now, preparing to launch an attack on Qingyun Building, one-third of the elite fighters who brought him to the island country from Aishan were sent here.

When Musashi Kojiro gave He Xiaoyue the medicine, he didn't expect her to fascinate everyone in the building, but as long as Zhang Hailong is fascinated by the seven shitty loyal, filial piety, benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom and faith, the rest of the people Hasn't he become a Chinese cabbage that is allowed to be hacked and killed by a group of Chinese pigs like Dongtu?

"I'm afraid I will disappoint you, because this woman was involved in an incident. The Ito family, the number one martial arts family in the island country, threatened to kill her, so she has gone into hiding."

"Oh, that's a pity." Taylor Weiss looked frustrated.

Kojiro Musashi already had a wretched expression on his face: "Mr. Taylor Weiss, you don't need to be depressed, because our island country not only has Mr. Ozawa, but also Mr. Xiaofan, Mr. Xiao Cang, who is not inferior to Mr. Ozawa, and you can take it." Go down to Qingyun headquarters, after arresting Zhang Hailong, I will ask the team leader to find these men and women for you."

"Really?" Taylor Weiss was overjoyed.

"Of course, these sluts don't dare to disobey the meaning of the Yamaguchi-gumi." Musashi Kojiro said.

At this moment, "Kaka..." The sound of clogs stepping on the ground sounded.

Musashi Kojiro looked out through the car window, and saw an old man in a kimono and clogs passing tremblingly, stopping from time to time while walking, and then bent over and coughed violently twice.

"Hachi, old guy, get out of here." Kojiro Musashi cursed, sticking his head out of the window. If it weren't for the fact that he is an islander, and also because of his old and crooked appearance, Kojiro Musashi would have gotten out of the car and beat him up.

"Ahem...I'm sorry...this...let's go..." The old man was startled, coughed, apologized, and tried to speed up, passed the five vans, and then left the alley.

"Baga, damn old man!" Kojiro Musashi scolded annoyedly, then looked back at Taylor Weiss and said with a smile, "I still have a movie starring Mr. Xiao Cang in my phone, you can see Mr. Xiao Cang's The figure is even more attractive than Mr. Ozawa..."

On the other hand, the moment the old man walked out of the alley tremblingly, his body that had been playing around suddenly straightened up, and his aura had changed. It was no longer the original sickness, but From top to bottom, there is a kind of sharpness that cannot be concealed.

Then, he walked towards a black car parked not far away.

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