The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1039 The Unexpected Phone Ringtone

When he came to him, the old man opened the door of the back seat and got in.

"It's done." He looked at the eccentric girl beside him and said, and then expressed his worry, "But, is that kind of * really so powerful?"

Earlier, the little girl put five things that were about the size of a coin in his hand, and told him that this is a *, a very powerful *, the old man's eyes straightened, indicating that you thought you were a member of the Shenlong organization What does an elite I don't know* look like?

That's right, this old man is Lao Wang. The eccentric girl next to him is naturally the shadow, and Antarctica is also there, sitting in the driver's seat with a cold expression, as if she didn't hear the question raised by Lao Wang like.

What happened was like this. Li Zedao called and said that the Yamaguchi group and Dongtu set off to attack Qingyun Building, so they hid in this alley and told some of their plans.

So Antarctica, Shadow and Pharaoh set off, and Shadow gave Pharaoh five coins, asking him to find a chance to stick one on each car.

So Lao Wang pretended to be a sick old man, passed the alley, and successfully glued the gun to the body of the five vans.

However, he couldn't believe that this kind of bomb, which was too small to be small, would have such power that it could blow up all the people in the car to death.

"Damn it, you are doubting the creative ability of this talented girl." After the shadow spit out a bubble, he was very dissatisfied and murmured, without any intention of respecting the old and loving the young.

Of course, she has long been unhappy with Lao Wang, who told him that the other Lao Wang is a traitor? The most important thing is, you are so ugly and old, you have the nerve to be called Lao Wang?

In the shadow's heart, only one person is qualified to be the old king.

Old Wang's eyes widened slightly: "You made the *?"

"She is the elite backbone of the R\u0026D department of the dark group." Nanji said simply.

So Lao Wang's eyes widened. He originally thought that this little kid who had no other advantages other than good looks came here for an internship, but he didn't expect that she was the elite backbone of the dark team. God, how old is she?

Shadow ignored Lao Wang, weighed the remote control in his hand, and showed a devilish smile on his face, thinking to hell, although this talented and beautiful girl hates him to death, but... hmph, you guys go to hell anyway Bar!

Then, she handed the remote control to Lao Wang: "Come on,

This talented and beautiful girl dare not kill people. "

"..." Old Wang was speechless, but he also took it, then stared at the alley, and suddenly pressed the button on the remote control.

In an instant, "Boom...boom..." bursts of muffled sounds came out of the alley, and then the flames shot up into the sky, illuminating the entire alley.

Old Wang's eyes widened. Sure enough, he underestimated the power of this kind of gun too much.

Nanji started the car as if nothing happened, stepped on the accelerator, and left the scene.


"You... what are you doing?" Zhang Hailong, who was slumped in the chair, was full of blood and oil stains, his face was full of horror, looking at this He Xiaoyue who gave him a very strange feeling now , asked in a weak voice.

Yes, he felt very weak, his body couldn't summon any strength at all, his eyes were fighting desperately, they might close at any time, and they were the kind that couldn't be opened once they were closed.

Moreover, his seven personal bodyguards, his fifty or sixty brothers were all the same, they were all limp there, and in the whole hall, except for He Xiaoyue, no one could stand up.

He Xiaoyue smiled nervously, picked up the paper towel on the table, wiped her hands gracefully, and said, "I didn't do anything, I just added some extra things that shouldn't be added when cooking soup in the kitchen, don't worry , If you can’t kill people, it will make you exhausted, but, in this case, if the Yamaguchi group and the people from Dongtu come here, what do you think will happen?”

Everyone's hearts sank suddenly. If they really came to kill them, it would be like a group of wolves rushing into a group of sick sheep. What the sheep can do is to try to raise their heads, In exchange for seeing if I can die with dignity.

Xiongxiong is Xiongxiong, so Zhang Hailong has completely calmed down at this time, looked at He Xiaoyue and said: "What do you want to do?"

"What am I going to do?" He Xiaoyue stared at Zhang Hailong sharply and shouted, "You don't know what I want to do? Once something happened to Xiaoyang, I told you, we have to save Xiaoyang, no matter what, We have to save Xiaoyang, otherwise he will really die..."

As she said that, He Xiaoyue's eyes turned red, and the eyes full of hatred and viciousness gave people an extremely terrifying feeling.

"But what do you say, you bastard who talks about loyalty and courage all day long? You say he's dead, you say he's dead... Damn it, you're the one who died!" He Xiaoyue said sharply roared, "Okay, if you don't save me, I'll save you! I'll save you!"

"Did I save him? I'm in a hurry, I'm trying to find a way..."

"Fart your mother!" He Xiaoyue yelled, then grabbed a plate of food on the table, and slammed it on Zhang Hailong's face, Zhang Hailong was so dazed that his eyes were almost dizzy. I can't open it.

After smashing, He Xiaoyue glanced at the dozens of people lying on the ground, and then pointed to Zhang Hailong, "Have you seen that? Your boss is actually a hypocritical villain. The so-called loyalty is in his eyes." It's just a tool to buy people's hearts, brother, if something happened, if the other party is a soft persimmon, your elder brother will rush over to pinch it, but if the other party is a giant, then I'm sorry, that brother is dead!"

"Oh, by the way, do you know how he became the big brother Qingyun?" He Xiaoyue's face was full of nervous smiles, "Haha, I know, when the big brother Sun Chong was sick in bed, He Zhang Hailong forced the palace, so he sat in this position. After that, he couldn't wait to kill Sun Chong, haha...Of course, even if Zhang Hailong didn't do anything, Big Brother Sun would not live for a few days, haha..."

"..." He Xiaoyue's words were like thunder, and the ears of dozens of people present were stunned, so that their ears were buzzing.

Zhang Hailong, who tried to open his eyes, was even more ashamed. He knew that even if He Xiaoyue had no intention of killing him tonight, Dongtu and the Yamaguchi group would not come in tonight, and Zhang Hailong would not be able to continue When Qingyun is the boss, even he will be punished according to the strictest gang rules, because he committed the most taboo in the gang rules, which is to murder his elder brother!

He Xiaoyue's face turned cold again, and she stared at Zhang Hailong like a knife, as if she wanted to cut off his body piece by piece: "I have been with you since I was a teenager, how much I used to love you!" You, someone curses, I curse back, someone kills you, I will take it for you, but what about you? You fucking treat me as a tool, a tool that is easy to use, you need me, wave to me, no need Yes, just kick it away, you still rape other women in front of the old lady, you have sex with other women and then take it home! Don't think that I don't know that the little bitch sitting next to you is Your bastard..."

Li Zedao, who pretended to be weak, was dumbfounded, mother, you can insult your husband, but don't insult me, this is too much!

But Li Zedao thought about it seriously, and he really felt that the whole Zhang Hailong was very inhuman. On the surface, he was loyal and righteous, but in fact he was a scumbag, and he was simply the representative of Yue Buqun in reality!

"Zhang Hailong, I will give you two paths now." He Xiaoyue regained her domineering elegance, "First, I will call the Yamaguchi group and tell them the situation here, and then I will pat Leave ass, don't care about anything; second, sign this document and transfer all Qingyun's properties to my name."

He Xiaoyue took out a document from her bag and put it on the table: "You choose."

Zhang Hailong gritted his teeth, stared at He Xiaoyue with vicious eyes and said: "Call it, you call the Shan-kou organization quickly, I don't believe it, we are dead, you vicious woman will be angry Road? The Yamaguchi group will definitely line up to kill you bitch..."

He's breaking the pot and smashing it. Anyway, if he can't live anyway, then everyone will die together. If I can't live, no one can live.

"Have you all heard that?" He Xiaoyue said with a smile, "Your boss, your elder brother, would rather I call than give Qingyun to me in exchange for your lives."

Other curses began in the hall.

"Zhang Hailong, I didn't expect you to be such a person..."

"I'm an idiot, don't let me move, or I will hack you to death..."

"Zhang Hailong, from now on, you are no longer my boss, but my father-killing enemy..."

"Zhang Hailong, from now on, you and the seven of us will break the bond between you and us!" Ah Zhong, one of the seven brothers who said this, stared at Zhang Hailong with cold eyes.

He is the eldest of the seven brothers, and what he says represents the meaning of the other six brothers.


"Haha... they're all dead... they're all going to die together..." Zhang Hailong roared with all his strength, "Also, He Xiaoyue, you bitch, I curse you and others*, I curse you to die ..."

Then there were more scolding voices one after another. If everyone was not limp and unable to get up, they would have rushed over and chopped Zhang Hailong into a meat paste.

He Xiaoyue sneered: "I'm afraid I will disappoint you, I will live a good life."

As soon as the voice fell, the phone rang abruptly.

"Ah, I'm sorry, it's mine. I forgot to turn off the ringtone." Li Zedao stood up with the phone in his hand and said shyly.

"..." He Xiaoyue looked at this bastard in disbelief, as if she had seen a ghost.

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