The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1040 Who Are You?

"You...haven't you already had the soup?" He Xiaoyue pointed at Li Zedao, her heart shaking. While everyone was eating the soup, she also focused on this bitch. She clearly saw that this bitch drank more than half of the bowl and even licked his lips. It looked very delicious.

So now he should be like everyone else, collapsing there with no strength at all, why is he acting as if nothing happened?

"Drink it." Li Zedao praised, "The taste is really good, even if you accidentally added some extra seasoning, the taste is still excellent."

" did you do it?" He Xiaoyue tried hard to calm herself down.

"Haha, He Xiaoyue, you bitch, he is not what you think at all, he is my illegitimate son, he has a great background, you are dead, haha, you are dead..."

Li Zedao stood up without being poisoned, which made Zhang Hailong very surprised, and even more proud, after all, the two of them are "partners", aren't they?

"Shut up!" Li Zedao glanced at Zhang Hailong with dissatisfaction and said.

What a fart you are, if you weren't the shadow's father, I would have beaten you up long ago.

"..." Seeing Li Zedao's bad attitude towards him, the smile on Zhang Hailong's face froze instantly.

Li Zedao picked up the phone, and soon, Nanji's cold voice came from the phone: "It's all settled."

"Okay, thank you for your hard work, go back and give me a massage." Li Zedao smiled, even he didn't realize it, his smile was a bit wretched.

"Get out!" The phone was hung up.

Li Zedao touched his nose in embarrassment, this woman is too ignorant of fun, um, go back and have a good sex, but after thinking of the dagger in Nanji's hand, Li Zedao felt uncomfortable, but it's okay, so The Antarctic, which doesn't understand the taste, is very good.

Li Zedao put the phone in his pocket and turned around, only to find that a pistol was aimed at his forehead.

"Who the hell are you?" He Xiaoyue shouted while holding the pistol firmly in her hand, staring at Li Zedao with sharp eyes.

It can make Zhang Hailong attach so much importance, but it is not Zhang Hailong's illegitimate son, and when he told Zhang Hailong to shut up, Zhang Hailong really shut up and didn't dare to say a word, and even looked ashamed, just like this little fart It's like the kid's bad attitude towards him will kill him!

What does this mean? It shows that his background is really great,

It's so big that even Zhang Hailong is afraid. As for his uncle Zhang Hailong, maybe he just wants to hide his identity and so on, so he is acting.

He Xiaoyue remembered the scene in the kitchen again. The kid seemed to have said those words unintentionally. Did he say that on purpose? What does he know?

He Xiaoyue was in a state of confusion, she thought that the situation was completely under her control, she thought that she had the final say here, and whoever she wanted to die would have to die, but only now did she realize that he was simply teasing her.

The others also stared at Zhang Hailong, his nephew, in astonishment. Everything that happened tonight was beyond their expectations. It was so exciting that their hearts couldn't stand it anymore.

Li Zedao said with a smile: "In the past, there were a few people who pointed guns at me, and then they all died."


"I'll count to three. If you still point the gun at me, I will get angry. Once I get angry, even if you are a woman, a woman who is not bad looking, I will hit you." Li Zedao laughed Said.

So the eyes of everyone looking at Li Zedao changed again, listen, listen, how do you think this is so pretentious and awesome, and what's even more awesome is that he said this with a gun pointed at his head The words came!

As a result, these people all had the urge to kneel down and worship this kid... If it wasn't that they couldn't move at all now.

I have to say that there are many things in this world that require talent, such as pretending to be aggressive!

These gangsters of Qingyun usually pretend to be aggressive by taking off their clothes to reveal the arms of the green dragon with the left pattern and the white tiger with the right pattern, holding a gleaming machete in their hand, and then blushing and yelling at someone with a thick neck Believe it or not I beat you and believe it or not I beat you so hard your mother wouldn't recognize you guys fucking fuck... that's what it usually does when you're in conflict with other gangs.

Therefore, such a technical pretense like Li Zedao really opened their eyes. They wish they could act like this in the future. Of course, the premise is that their foreheads are not pointed at by guns.

Li Zedao didn't know that his actions had already captured a large number of fans, but started counting with a smile:


He Xiaoyue's complexion changed drastically, which was wonderful, and the hand holding the pistol trembled involuntarily.


He Xiaoyue's hand holding the pistol tightly hangs down, she doesn't think this little kid is scaring her to play a joke on her.

"Let's go out and talk." Li Zedao said, and walked straight outside.

"..." He Xiaoyue didn't say anything, and she didn't go out as he asked. She was even hesitating in her heart whether she should raise her pistol and shoot him in the back now.

"You can shoot, if you can bear my anger." Li Zedao said without turning his head.

"..." He Xiaoyue resolutely dispelled that thought, this is a monster, he can read your mind, he is very clear about what you are thinking, such an enemy, He Xiaoyue's My heart is full of powerlessness.

And everyone looked at Li Zedao with admiration. What kind of courage and ability must one have to dare to throw his back completely to the enemy like this.

Li Zedao shrugged his shoulders and continued: "Don't worry, I just want to chat with you. I'm not as tasteless as that movie, Musashi Koji, or something... Ahem, you just need to understand."

After finishing speaking, Li Zedao put his hands in his pockets, and walked in with a lazy look.

He Xiaoyue's heart trembled suddenly. Seeing Li Zedao's back, his face changed wildly. He really knew something. He let out a deep breath, and then walked out behind him.

Of course, Li Zedao spoke very vaguely, so everyone couldn't understand what he was talking about, and they could only watch the two leave helplessly.

Zhang Hailong's face was full of ashes, he knew that if even this Hutch abandoned him, then he would really be dead this time.

When He Xiaoyue came outside, she saw Li Zedao put on the gauntlets, looking at the night scene outside. The night scene of DJ City is charming. Of course, it also hides a lot of dirty transactions for evil.

In fact, not only DJ City, but everywhere, there is a lot of darkness under the neon lights.

Standing here, you can clearly see that a few hundred meters away, there is fire, and you can faintly hear the sound of police sirens.

He Xiaoyue looked at this little kid who was always smiling, but the kind of fear he brought to her was not as good as that of Musashi Kojiro, she took a deep breath, then walked over, imitating him In that way, both hands were on the cold stainless steel handrail.

"Look in that direction." He was so hungry that he pointed to a place where there was a fire a few hundred meters away.

He Xiaoyue didn't understand what he wanted to do, so she followed what he said, looked over, and didn't know where the fire was, but it didn't seem to be her business, right?

"Ten minutes ago, five vans exploded in an alley in that direction. There were a total of forty or fifty people in the five vans. After the explosion, no one survived." Li Zedao seemed to be talking to himself. He said as if, "Oh, by the way, one of the deceased's name seems to be... oh, I remembered, it was Kojiro Musashi, it is said that he was a bullshit samurai of Inoue Kenji, the leader of the Yamaguchi group."

He Xiaoyue's eyes widened, she was in a dumbfounded state.

According to the previous plan, when she transferred all of Zhang Hailong's property to her own name, she would call Musashi Kojiro, and then Musashi Kojiro would lead people into Qingyun Building, that is to say, He Xiaoyue had I knew that Musashi Kojiro had already brought people to ambush near the building, but I didn't expect...

He Xiaoyue twisted her neck with difficulty, looking at this immature face, her eyes were full of horror.

He knew what happened in the movie theater, he also knew that he was poisoned, and he even killed more than forty people brought by Musashi Kojiro...

"I didn't do it." Li Zedao said.


"My companion did it." Li Zedao continued.

"..." He Xiaoyue was speechless, if someone dared to talk to him like that before, she would have slapped him in the face and let the people under her kill him.

"Who... are you? Are you... following me?" He Xiaoyue summoned up her courage to ask, and at the same time felt extremely ashamed. After all, such a shameful thing that happened in the movie theater was found out.

At first, although she was coerced, but in the end she broke the pot and fell, and she simply enjoyed it, and it is undeniable that although Musashi Kojiro's thing is not big, it is most likely that she took medicine beforehand, so It was hard enough and long-lasting, so in the back, because Zhang Hailong didn't touch her for a long time, her body was already hungry and thirsty to a certain extent, and she gradually changed from passive to active.

"I'm Hatch. Of course, I'm not your cousin." Li Zedao said, "My real identity is actually that the Chinese government sent me to the island country to carry out a mission... Well, you might understand it better if you say it's an agent. For one thing, it doesn’t matter if I tell you the mission to execute, just kill Dongtu.”

"Above? Agent? Kill Dongtu?" He Xiaoyue understood immediately, and then took a slight breath, no wonder Zhang Hailong would attach so much importance to him.

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