Although it is very clear that the other party is from Huaxia, the chief inspector named Liang Jingui yelled this sentence in the island language.

First, he doesn't understand Huaxia, so it is simply impossible for him to shout this in Huaxia.

Second, for Liang Jingui, saying this is just passing the scene. The Mumu Police Department has specially explained that these three people are all Chinese radicals. They are trying to launch a terrorist attack in the Nisuo Building. You can find Opportunity to kill him, as for what if the bullet hits the hostage directly, it can only be considered that the hostage is unlucky, but because the three terrorists from China were successfully killed in the end, when the time comes " Words like "Huaxia" and "terrorist" are enough to attract most of the attention, and no one will pay attention to the dead hostages at all, will they?

However, as soon as he finished speaking, a police officer quickly ran over and whispered in his ear: "Chief Inspector of Liangjin, Mumu Police Department is looking for you."

Meguru Police Department? Liang Jingui was taken aback, did the Mumu Police Department forget to explain something? Immediately picked it up and picked it up.

"Liangjingui, bring people back immediately. There are no Chinese radicals, no terrorists." On the other end of the phone, the voice of Mu Mu Police Department was aggrieved and deep. Obviously, he was dying suppressed his anger.

Liang Jingui was dumbfounded, and glanced at the terrorist who looked at him with a strange smile: "Mumu Police Department, this..."

"Baga! They were making a movie, apologize, and get out of here quickly!" Mumu Police Department yelled and hung up the phone.


Liang Jingui's expression has become extremely exciting, and at that moment he forcefully squeezed out that kind of friendly smile on his face, and nodded to Li Zedao, but because his facial expression was too stiff, the smile looked Seems so mean.

Then he nodded to Li Zedao, and said apologetically, "I'm sorry to bother you..."

After speaking, he turned around and left in despair with the policemen who had come over with a murderous look.

"..." Everyone present was dumbfounded. They looked at each other in blank dismay. They all looked at the scene in front of them in astonishment, and couldn't believe what they saw.

The police... why did they apologize? Why did you leave? Isn't he a terrorist? Didn't you see those security guards lying on the ground who couldn't get up? Didn't you see that the terrorist's knife is still on Kang Chuanji's neck? Even Kang Chuanji's throat has been cut, and now the blood is still coming out?

Seeing everyone staring at me stupidly,

Li Zedao, who thought he was thick-skinned, also felt a little embarrassed, so he put the dagger off Kang Chuanji's neck, and said with a smile: "Actually, that was just a joke just now. ..."

"..." Li Zedao spoke the island language this time, which is not quite a standard island language, but it is enough for everyone to understand, so everyone just felt that the thunder was rolling, and there was a feeling of being struck several times. He said that was just a joke? He said it was for entertainment? Breaking down people's noses is called entertainment? Is kicking a person's balls broken for entertainment? Even wiping someone's neck and forcing him to say such shocking it entertainment?

Do you think we are idiots?

If it wasn't for the fact that things were too weird, and that the other party was full of force, no matter what he said or did, even the police would have to laugh and apologize before leaving, everyone would have wanted to beat him up.

"Really, in fact, Katsuta Taro and I are good friends, very good friends." Li Zedao said with a smile.

"..." Everyone looked at this delusional terrorist with idiot eyes. You said Katsuta Taro is your good friend? What are you kidding? If you were a good friend, would you force Kang Chuanji to say that?

Katsuta Taro is a pig... There is a good chance that this statement will make headlines, right?

Li Zedao's face was full of smiles, and he even waved his hands: "Taro, hello, long time no see."

"..." Everyone was dumbfounded, because they really saw Katsuta Taro approaching, with a happy face.

He waved as he walked: "Zedao, my good brother, why didn't you come to see me immediately after you arrived in the island country? You don't treat me as a friend too much."

At this moment, Kang Chuanji burst into tears, Baga, what happened to him? Why don't you understand at all?

Chen Xiaoxue in the crowd was so frightened that her face turned green. After thinking about the consequences she might encounter next, her crotch suddenly became hot, and she immediately peed in fright.

He swallowed his saliva immediately, and after seeing that no one was paying attention to him, he turned around quietly, and then walked forward like a person who had nothing to do. When he reached the stairs, he directly increased his speed and fled down quickly.

However, a tragedy happened. The boots she was wearing had high and thin heels. She had to be careful when walking, and she was going downstairs at such a fast speed, so she simply sprained her ankle. of……

"Ah..." With a scream, she rolled downstairs.


"Haha, didn't this come to look for you?" Li Zedao threw away the dagger in his hand, and greeted him with a smile.

The two equally slender hands were tightly held together, and then... the smile on Katsuta Taro's face froze instantly.

Because, when his hand was held together with the opponent's hand, the opponent's hand instantly turned into hot steel, and immediately, a wave of ferocious and incomparable force rushed towards his palm crazily.

"Plop!" Katsuta Taro's knees went limp, and he knelt down in front of Li Zedao with no strength.

Li Zedao quickly bent down to help, and said reproachfully: "Taro, although I have taught you the principles of life, you can't think that I am your teacher just because of this. Why do you want to be a teacher like this? Besides, this is not popular now. "Get up, get up, get up."

"..." When everyone saw this scene, they were even more stupid. Even some people with weak hearts just felt dizzy, and then passed out directly... In just ten minutes, something happened. Things that were more shocking and unbelievable really made them unbearable, and even made them doubt life.

Of course, there are also girls who are already obsessed with it. They really believe Li Zedao's nonsense. They really think that Taro Katsuta respects teachers too much, is too educated, and pays more attention to etiquette than ordinary people. Moreover, his kneeling posture is really handsome, he really deserves to be a popular lover in the island country, the lust-obsessed object of many women!

It's a pity that Taro Katsuta is suffering so much that he can't express it now. His right hand is still held by Li Zedao, and an irresistible force surges in continuously, pressing him so hard that he can't move his body or speak. Even breathing became extremely difficult. He lowered his head, his face full of thick beads of sweat was already twisted into a ball, it hurt so much, so fucking painful, he couldn't help screaming out of pain.

But he didn't dare, because once he screamed, he wouldn't be a popular lover, and his status in the eyes of fans would be severely reduced; he didn't dare to let his bodyguards come over and shoot this guy to death, after all Those bodyguards may not necessarily be his opponents, besides, he is Kogoro Mori's friend, he is the master's friend, and he also has the video sent to him by the master in his hand.

That video was a fatal blow to Katsuta Taro, the entire Katsuta family, and Nisso, a multinational super group. Therefore, he could only support himself hard, and he could only watch this damn shameless The guy over there borrowed his own prop to sing a one-man show there alone.

Li Zedao bowed slightly, holding the palm of Katsuta Taro with one hand, and holding his left arm with the other hand, as if trying to pull him up, and said: "Taro, your heart I took it, but we are about the same age, so we still call each other brothers..."

As he said that, Li Zedao let go of Katsuta Taro's hand, and cursed in his heart, mother, don't think I don't know that you have already greeted the police, and want the police to shoot me and beat me into a hornet's nest... kill you!

Katsuta Taro stood up, endured the pain, quickly put the hand that had turned red, purple and even deformed into his pocket, and then forced a smile on his face and said: "I listen to you This way please."

"Two beautiful ladies, please." Katsuta Taro looked at Antarctica and the shadow, and made another gesture of invitation. Looking at these two women, one cold and sexy, the other petite and lolita, she cursed inwardly, the good Chinese cabbage was kicked by a pig.

"Excuse me... can I...can I take this laptop?" Shadow was very embarrassed, "Oh, yes, there is also the game controller, and I also need a top-notch music listening device. "

"...Of course, you can take everything here." Katsuta Taro said with difficulty.

"Really? Do you want money?" Shadow looked surprised, his big eyes blinked, "I forgot to bring money out."

"...Of course there is no need for money." Taro Katsuta twitched the corners of his mouth, then looked back at his secretary and said, "Have someone pack up what this beautiful lady wants."

"Yes!" The female secretary nodded.

"This way please." Katsuta Taro nodded again.

"Haha, Taro, you are too polite, but we happen to have something to do, so we have to go back first." Li Zedao said with a smile, then leaned his head over and whispered in his ear, "Be a good pig, Don't be like a mad dog trying to bite me all day long, if you have something to ask for your help occasionally, don't shirk it, otherwise I won't publish that video."

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