The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1058 Why do you want to provoke

Katsuta Taro's face became stiff again, and he whispered: "I will!"

The voice contained infinite humiliation and helplessness.

Katsuta Taro couldn't figure it out, why did this bastard know Kogoro Mori? How could Mori Kogoro pass the video to him? Didn't he say that he would not let the video spread? The liar!

Then Katsuta Taro remembered the incident that happened two days ago that was enough to cause a sensation in many forces in the world. This bastard's master, the Hand of God, has now surrendered to the island country, and he even stole the snake's head from China and dedicated it to him. His Majesty the Emperor, as his apprentice, is this bastard planning to become an islander now?

But no matter what, he must not be provoked. Mori Kogoro might be better off talking. After all, the person Mori Kogoro really wants to deal with is Ito Junichi of the Ito family.

But this guy is different, he is a mad dog, a mad dog that will bite you to death!

Well, if Taro Katsuda knew that Mori Kogoro was Li Zedao, and Li Zedao was Mori Kogoro, he would probably vomit three liters of blood and die?

"Don't worry, as long as the video is not published, it's easy to ask for money or something." Katsuta Taro said.

"Since you've said it all, then you should worry if I don't want it." Li Zedao said, "Buy me an island."

"Island?" Katsuta Taro narrowed his eyes, and then thought that this guy seems to have a lot of women, and he has a big business. In addition, his master has already betrayed Huaxia and became the guest of the emperor of the island country. He is an apprentice. Ten out of ten have been affected too, right? So such an island is needed.

"Yes, the island." Li Zedao said. Li Zedao's move is indeed making some arrangements for his future life, and he doesn't necessarily have to live on that island, but he is prepared for any danger, right? Besides, he doesn't need to spend money, and he doesn't need to spend his time to buy anything, don't want it for nothing.

"No problem." Katsuta Taro agreed straight away. For the Katsuta family, buying an island is really too small a matter, and he is not afraid of the other party's request, but he is afraid that the other party will not make a request.

"Thank you." Li Zedao smiled.

"...Haga!" Katsuta Taro cursed in his heart.

Of course, their whispers seemed to others to be a very intimate exchange.


A staff member packed up the laptop, game phone and music listening equipment that Shadow wanted, and Li Zedao reached out to take them, looked at Katsuta Taro and said with a smile: "I'm going first, let's have dinner together sometime."

"Okay." Katsuta Taro nodded with a respectful expression.

After watching Li Zedao swagger away with the two women, Katsuta Taro kept the smile on his face, looked back at the secretary and said, "Take care of the matter."

"Yes, master." The secretary nodded.

After Katsuta Taro returned to his office in this building, the secretary of Katsuta Taro glanced at everyone and said loudly: "As you can see, they are good friends of Master Katsuta, and those who have a good relationship Kind of, even, he is still Master Katsuta's teacher, he was indeed joking just now, of course, there were indeed some misunderstandings, and now the misunderstandings have been resolved."

As he said that, the secretary glanced at Kang Chuanji, who was standing there clutching his neck, with a fluctuating expression.

Kang Chuanji felt the other party's eyes, and his heart trembled again. He knew very clearly that he was dead, because the reason why the Chinese man made a big fuss was all because of his unreasonable provocation first. .

The rhetoric of the beautiful secretary is actually very bloody and untenable, but everyone still chooses to believe it, because they racked their brains and really couldn't think of a better set of rhetoric to explain what happened. It is said that this Chinese person is too arrogant and willful, but Katsuta Taro respects his friends or teachers too much, otherwise, how could he be allowed to beat people here and even force Nisso's employees to shout "Katsuta Taro What about the words "It's a pig"?

What's more, Katsuta Taro was the last one to come out, and he knelt directly. This can't be faked!

As for those policemen who came aggressively and left in despair, that would be a better explanation. When they first received the call to the police, they really thought that there were three Chinese men committing crimes in the Nisso Building, so they hurried to the police and rushed over. Katsuta Taro When they saw that the police were alarmed, they naturally had to stand up and refute the rumors, so they left in despair.

Well, this explanation is simply reasonable and impeccable!

The beautiful secretary sent the injured people lying on the ground to the hospital, and asked the cleaning staff to come over and clean up the blood on the scene. Soon, the place was restored to its original state, as if nothing had happened Like... oh, Chen Xiaoxue, who fell down the stairs and dislocated her ankle, was also found by the staff and sent to the hospital.

Of course, the staff only thought that she was an ordinary guest and rolled down after accidentally stepping on the air, and they didn't even think that she was the instigator of the farce on the second floor.

And Li Zedao, Nanji and Shadow also saw Chen Xiaoxue who was lying there pitifully when they left and went downstairs. After seeing these three people, Chen Xiaoxue's distorted face due to pain was already full of The terrified look, will they think that they smashed their faces like hitting those security guards? Will they take a knife and cut themselves in the face a few times?

But what Chen Xiaoxue didn't expect was that the three of them didn't seem to see her, and they left without even looking at her, as if she was a stinky mouse that everyone hated.

As for Kang Chuanji, he didn't go to the hospital either. On the one hand, although his injury looked horrific and sounded more horrific, it was actually not that serious at all. Moreover, the beautiful secretary asked him to change it first with a look of disgust. A pair of trousers, and then went to the office to find the young master... Kang Chuanji peed in fright. The expensive trousers on his body were wet and smelled like urine.

After changing a pair of pants, Kang Chuanji tremblingly came to Katsuta Taro's office door, and knocked on the door.

"Come in." Katsuta Taro's voice came from inside.

Kang Chuanji felt a little more at ease, because Taro Katsuta's voice sounded calm, and he didn't have the expected murderous aura.

Then, he opened the door and walked in, looked at Katsuta Taro sitting there, swallowed, calmed himself down and said, "Master Katsuta."

"Your injury...are you okay?" Katsuta Taro stood up, walked towards him, and asked.

"...Oh, it's okay, it's okay." Kang Chuanji was taken aback for a moment, and then his heart was filled with emotion. Master Shengtian is really a good person, and he was so shocked that he cared about him so much. ah.

"Are you all right?" Katsuta Taro asked, and while speaking, he had already walked up to him.

"It's really all right, just a small injury." Kang Chuanji was both moved and terrified, and nodded, not daring to have more communication with Katsuta Taro in his eyes.

Katsuta Taro shook his head and said, "Hachi, I'm really sad to hear you say you're fine, and my mood is even worse..."


Then Katsuta Taro made a sudden move. He hugged Kang Chuanji's head with both hands, and hit Kang Chuanji's lower abdomen fiercely with one knee.

"Bang!" His body bent like a shrimp, kneeling and paralyzed on the ground, his face turned black and purple, like severe food poisoning.

One hundred Katsuta Taro added up, it is impossible to beat Li Zedao into a dead dog, but it is still very easy for one Katsuta Taro to beat up such an employee who dare not have any resistance at all.

Therefore, Katsuta Taro simply regarded this Baga as that bastard Li Zedao, and beat him up fiercely.

As if going crazy, he kicked this body one foot after another, turning a deaf ear to Kang Chuanji's wailing and begging for mercy.

It wasn't until he was out of breath, and it seemed that he was struggling to lift his feet with a heavy weight, that he sat down on the sofa, panting heavily.

The secretary came over very gently, wiped the sweat from his forehead with a white tissue, and then brought him a cup of coffee with the flavor that Katsuta Taro liked the most.

As for Kang Chuanji, he has already turned into a dead dog.

After Katsuta Taro took a sip of coffee, he stared at Kang Chuanji with cold eyes and said, "Tell me, why did you provoke him? That woman really stole a pair of earphones? Baga, he bought ten such buildings with his assets That's an easy thing to steal one of your earphones?"

Kang Chuanji raised his head with great difficulty, looked at Katsuta Taro with horror in his eyes, did not dare to hide anything, and briefly explained what happened.

"Chen Xiaoxue... Where's that woman?" Katsuta Taro asked, his eyes full of murderous intent.

"I...I know, but, young master, don't worry, I will definitely not let that bitch go..." Kang Chuanji said quickly.

Katsuta Taro ignored him, but clapped his hands. Soon, two men in black came in, nodded to Katsuta Taro and said, "Master."

"The wolfdog raised by the housekeeper is in heat." Taro Katsuta pointed to Kang Chuanji and said.

"Yes, master." The man in black said, they understood Katsuta Taro's meaning, and then grabbed Kang Chuanji and were about to drag him out.

"No, Master Shengtian... Please..." Kang Chuanji's expression changed drastically, and he begged for mercy.

One of the men simply punched him on the head, knocking him unconscious, and then dragged him away from the office.

"Use the fastest speed to find that woman named Chen Xiaoxue." Katsuta Taro said in a cold tone, "I want that bitch to mate with a pig..."

"Yes, master." The beautiful secretary nodded respectfully, turned and left.

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