The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1059 Pets line up

"Wait, I think that bitch has a bigger purpose besides mating with pigs." Katsuta Taro stopped the beautiful secretary, with an inexplicable glint in his eyes, "You let people Go after that woman, remember, don't kill her, but scare her and let her run all over the street, it's best to see if you can meet him..."


"Oh, my teacher." Katsuta Taro looked at the beautiful secretary's big eyes that seemed to be talking and asked, "Do you know what is his biggest weakness?

Before the secretary could answer, Katsuta Taro gave the answer: "It's a soft heart."

"Understood, young master." The beautiful secretary nodded and said.

"Then, help that wolf dog find another bitch." Katsuta Taro continued, "I have something that I need Kang Chuanji to do."

"Yes." The secretary nodded, turned and left the office.


Although Chen Xiaoxue rolled down the stairs, because the stairs were covered with thick and soft carpets, as was the floor, she didn't get hurt too much, but because the heels of the boots on her feet were really high and It was thin, so she simply dislocated her foot. The doctor had already helped her deal with it, and it was finished with a plaster bandage.

Chen Xiaoxue's family background can be considered well-to-do, and she has been coaxed to get used to it since she was a child. When did she suffer such a serious injury? So while the pain was so painful that tears were falling down desperately, at the same time, I hated those three Huaxia people in my heart, especially that little bitch and that bitch man! If that little bitch didn't seduce her boyfriend and call herself an aunt, how could such a beautiful girl with such a big heart take revenge on them?

That bitch man is even more hateful, why didn't he kill Kang Chuanji after such a commotion? Kang Chuanji died, so no one knew that the farce was actually caused by her little revenge.

Kang Chuanji's neck was smeared, several employees of Nisuo were beaten, and Taro Katsuta, the future helm of Nisuo, was scolded as a pig... Of course they won't settle accounts with that damn bitch, but they will Take it all on yourself.

The more Chen Xiaoxue thought about it, the more frightened she became. She felt that Kang Chuanji and the others would definitely find this hospital soon, so she had to leave this place quickly and find a safer place to hide.

At that moment, she gritted her teeth and got out of bed, when the injured foot touched the ground, the pain made her face contort quickly.

"Damn, damn bitch!" she cried, her voice sharp and vicious,

Then sat back heavily on the bed.

The injured part was so painful that I couldn't touch the ground at all, and the other foot was wearing high heels, so I couldn't jump at all. I wanted to take off the shoes, but it was freezing outside, so it must be frozen?

Besides, if they really came here, how could one foot escape?

Chen Xiaoxue's heart was ashamed, and she suddenly remembered that her useless boyfriend had arrived. Before he left, he carefully said that no matter what happened, remember to call him, and he would arrive immediately.

At that time, after Chen Xiaoxue heard this, she said mockingly, "Fuck you, when my mother was being bullied by that little bitch, you acted like a coward, how dare you say such big words?" Besides, you were already in Huaxia at that time, can you come over right away? Do you think you are Doraemon? idiot!

The worthless boyfriend just smiled awkwardly, saying that he would really get there as quickly as possible.

"Damn it, Zhang Xiaoqiang, if you don't come here immediately, you're going to die!" Chen Xiaoxue said to herself with a distorted face, and then gave her boyfriend a call. She knew very well that it was useless to make this call, but she didn't know what was going on in her heart, so she called.

"Xiaoxue..." The worthless boyfriend's voice sounded both pleasantly surprised and concerned.

"Zhang Xiaoqiang, didn't you say that no matter what happens, if you call you, you will rush over immediately? Something happened to me, and someone is going to kill me." Chen Xiaoxue scolded sharply, as if she had fallen into madness, " Bastard, come here, you should hurry over here..."

"Xiaoxue, where are you? I'll find you right now." The wimpy boyfriend was in a hurry, and hurriedly said, "I didn't actually leave, I just stayed in the hotel where the travel agency lived...Leaving you alone in the island country, we I was worried, so I stayed."

"..." Chen Xiaoxue was stunned.


Li Zedao, Shadow, and Nanji continued to wander around this Ginza, which is known as the world's three major luxury center streets. They didn't enter any stores, but just wandered around on the street.

Because of her father, and because there are many shadows and some memories of her mother here, Shadow's emotions are not high, but she just walked forward silently.

Li Zedao and Nanji silently followed behind this little witch. Seriously, no matter how they look at such a quiet shadow, they find it weird. They are still used to and like the shadow whose mind is full of unhealthy things all day long.

Shadow turned back, looked at Li Zedao and Nanji, with a big loss expression: "Damn it, the beautiful Honda girl suddenly remembered, it's a big loss."

"What?" Antarctica asked.

"That aunt." Shadow said with a displeased face, "You fell down there pitifully. You must have seen something wrong and wanted to run, so you rolled down the stairs, right? When we came out, the beautiful girl forgot to be there. I stepped on Zhang's face a few times, damn it, it's a big loss."

"..." Nanji was speechless.

"Well, this talented and beautiful girl is really too kind." Shadow sighed, self-criticism.


Li Zedao smiled and said, "Katsuta Taro will trouble her."

Shadow's eyes lit up in an instant: "Do you think that Katsuta Taro will be lined up, and then one after another, he will come forward to fuck him to a strong woman, and even let his family's cats, dogs, and snakes Ah goldfish are waiting at the party?"

Li Zedao and Nanji looked at each other in dismay, and both could see the black face of the other party who was stricken a little bit.

"Actually, the state of the shadow just now was quite good." Li Zedao said.

"Indeed." Nanji agreed.

At this moment, a disturbed voice came from the other side of the street.

Li Zedao, Nanji and Shadow looked forward.

I saw a man carrying a woman on his back. The expressions of the two were extremely tense, as if they were running forward desperately, and both of them were covered in blood. It was obvious that they were both injured. Behind him, there were four black-clothed island men chasing after him, cursing while chasing.

"Baga, you damn Chinese thieves, you can't escape..."

"Stop, you guys are actually stealing things, come back to the police station with us..."

"If we don't stop, we'll shoot..."

Then everyone understood that the man and woman were actually thieves, and they were actually Chinese, and the four people chasing them were plainclothes policemen.

But even if they knew they were thieves, no one would be too idle to help the police. After all, the members of Qingyun, a gang composed of Huaxia people entrenched in DJ City, often do that kind of burglary. Who knows Are this man and woman members of Qingyun? It's not wise to offend that kind of gang.

Li Zedao, Nanji and Yingying looked at each other in dismay, because the man and woman were familiar faces to them, and even the woman, Yingying was still expressing that once Taro Katsuta caught her, would it make people even All the pets in his family lined up to rape that aunt.

Yes, the panicked woman is Chen Xiaoxue, and the man is her useless boyfriend Zhang Xiaoqiang.

Indeed, Zhang Xiaoqiang did not leave the island country. After receiving Chen Xiaoxue's call, he immediately rushed to the hospital, intending to take Chen Xiaoxue to escape quickly. At this time, Katsuta Taro's people also came to find him.

Then, Zhang Xiaoqiang, who was usually very useless, became extremely brave, and escaped with Chen Xiaoxue on his back.

Hence the present scene appeared, Zhang Xiaoqiang was run desperately by Chen Xiaoxue in front, while Katsuta Taro's people pretended to be the plainclothes policemen who were catching thieves and chased after them desperately, moreover, they were about to catch up.

In fact, Zhang Xiaoqiang and Chen Xiaoxue did not run too far, because the hospital was nearby.

"I can't run too far, take a shot?" Nanji asked, frowning. That woman is really hateful, but that man seems quite innocent. Besides, she is a soldier after all. Seeing her compatriots being bullied in a foreign country, she has indescribable anger in her heart.

"It's definitely going to be shot. Our compatriots are being bullied. As a great soldier, how can we stand by and watch?" Shadow clenched his small fists, his expression was serious and angry.

"..." These words are indeed correct, but for some reason, Li Zedao just feels that such words coming out of Shadow's mouth are always indescribably weird. If you believe her words, you will never Can't help but doubt my IQ.

"Well, let those four people beat her up first and then save her." Shadow added.

"..." Li Zedao and Shadow looked at each other in dismay, both of them had expressions that I knew it was.

However, it would be good for this kind of person to learn a lesson and suffer a little bit.

At the same time, Zhang Xiaoqiang staggered and fell heavily to the ground. Chen Xiaoxue, who was being carried by him, was also thrown aside by him, but Zhang Xiaoqiang didn't care about the pain. Chen Xiaoxue tried her best to protect her under her body.

The four "plainclothes policemen" caught up with them, and punched and kicked them. The hard leather shoes on their feet kicked Zhang Xiaoqiang's back fiercely, and one even kicked Zhang Xiaoqiang's back. face.

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