The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1060 Someone is Watching

"Bang!" With a muffled sound, Zhang Xiaoqiang's head was stunned, and blood gushed out of his nose.

But he gritted his teeth tightly, and without saying a word, he desperately used his body to block Chen Xiaoxue, preventing her from being hurt even a little bit, while Chen Xiaoxue was simply frightened and let out bursts of screams. Terrible crying.

"Damn, big fool, do you have compassion? Do you have a sense of mission? Do you have the awareness of a soldier? Didn't you see that our compatriots are being bullied?" Shadow scolded while looking at Li Zedao , motioning him to rush to save people.

"Didn't you say you want those four people to fight for a while?" Li Zedao rolled his eyes, speechless.

"Yeah, but they are so stupid, they only hit the man and not the woman, damn it, I'm so mad at this talented and beautiful girl!" Shadow put his hands on his hips, very upset.


Li Zedao carried the electronic product extorted from Katsuta Taro, walked over slowly, and said flatly in the island language: "Stop."

The four men in black saw that someone dared to jump out to take care of this matter, and asked them to help. They all looked up fiercely at the moment, but when they saw the somewhat familiar face, their expressions changed drastically. of.

Isn't this person the Huaxia man who knelt down when Master Lian Shengtian saw him?

Then, they looked at each other in blank dismay, and finally moved their feet away from Zhang Xiaoqiang's body in resentment, and they didn't even dare to get angry casually.

Several of Nisuo's security guards were injured, the manager Kang Chuanji's neck was wiped off, and even Master Shengtian was scolded as a pig, but in the end Master Shengtian knelt down in front of him in front of so many people, With such a respectful attitude, it's no different from how I treat my own Lao Tzu.

So these four bodyguards didn't dare to mess around anymore, they dared not show any disrespect to this man, let alone do anything to him.

"Go back and tell Shengtian, just say that I took these two people away, and don't trouble this woman in the future." Li Zedao said lightly.

"Yes." The four bodyguards nodded respectfully and said, then turned and left without delay.

Zhang Xiaoqiang struggled to get up from his girlfriend, looked at Li Zedao with blood on his face, and said, "I recognize you... Thank you..." Then he quickly reached out and lifted Chen Xiaoxue who was lying on the ground in a panic. Helped him up.

Chen Xiaoxue was obviously also frightened,

His body was trembling non-stop, and one foot was still wrapped with a bandage, so he couldn't stand at all, and his body was tightly leaning against Zhang Xiaoqiang.

And she also knew that this kid was her biggest reliance now, if he patted his butt and left, she might be hunted down again, and she would definitely not be so lucky next time.

So, she tried her best to raise her head and looked at Li Zedao and whispered, "Thank you."

Li Zedao couldn't feel any sincerity from her "thank you", and he even saw a trace of imperceptible hatred from her seemingly pitiful eyes. Naturally, he knew that this woman who was not innocent at all He didn't feel that he saved her, and even felt that the reason why she fell into such a fate was because of himself.

However, Li Zedao didn't intend to make them feel grateful to him for saving these two people, so he said flatly: "Find a place to bandage the wound yourself." Then, he turned and moved away.

"Hey...wait..." Chen Xiaoxue shouted, damn it, why did you just leave like this? What if they come back again?

"Is there anything else?" Li Zedao asked back.

"Damn it, we won't help even if there is something else to do." Shadow came over, grabbed Li Zedao's arm, and looked at Chen Xiaoxue with a displeased face, "Besides, our fool saved him... If they beat you, We'll applaud."

"..." Chen Xiaoxue smiled awkwardly, and the ruthless look in the depths of her eyes flashed past.

Zhang Xiaoqiang was also full of embarrassment, and immediately said apologetically: "What happened before... I'm very sorry... Thank you for saving me and my girlfriend."

"You're welcome." Shadow waved his small hand, with an old-fashioned look, "Young man, actually your biggest shortcoming is not that you are cowardly, but that you are too blind." As he spoke, he glanced at Chen Xiaoxue provocatively.

"Too blind?" Zhang Xiaoqiang looked a little dazed.

Chen Xiaoxue smiled awkwardly, and cursed viciously in her heart: "Damn you, bitch, one day my old lady will tear your stinky mouth apart."

"She was joking with you." Li Zedao said with a smile, "Hurry up and find a place to bandage."

"Damn it, I'm not joking if you're a beautiful girl today." Shadow pouted, looking swollen.

"Thank you, I don't know where you live? Tomorrow I will definitely come to thank you." Zhang Xiaoqiang said.

"Forget it." Li Zedao smiled, "Besides, you've already thanked me, so that's it, they shouldn't dare to trouble you anymore, but it's better to go back to China as soon as possible, to be safe."

Zhang Xiaoqiang nodded, he also felt that it would be safer to return to the Congress earlier: "I will return to China sooner, thank you." He bent slightly and let Chen Xiaoxue go up.

Chen Xiaoxue didn't feel sorry for her man who was bleeding from wounds, so he climbed up without hesitation, causing Shadow to roll his eyes again, thinking that this man could be blind in front of him, didn't he really know This woman has actually cuckolded him? Or is it that he loves cuckolds by nature?

Zhang Xiaoqiang thanked Li Zedao again, then turned around and left with difficulty.

"Damn, that woman is too shameless, just like some big fool." Shadow looked at their leaving backs and said angrily.

Li Zedao had the feeling of being shot while lying down, and said angrily, "How can you compare her to me? You are insulting me!"

"No, this genius girl insulted her." Shadow glanced coldly at Li Zedao and said, "This genius girl dares to swear on your character, the number of men she has slept with is definitely not as many as the women you have slept with There are many!"

"..." Li Zedao vomited blood and fell to the ground, unable to refute.


"Zhang Xiaoqiang, your mother, you walk more steadily, I'm dying of pain." Chen Xiaoxue said with a look of anger.

"Ah, I'm sorry, Xiaoxue..." Zhang Xiaoqiang gasped for breath with a distressed expression on his face, and then tried his best to make himself walk more steadily.

"Where are you taking me? I don't want to go to the hospital or anything. What if they sneak behind and finally catch up?" Chen Xiaoxue asked angrily, her eyes were full of evil spirits, Curse those three damn Huaxia people for being hit by a car!

Zhang Xiaoqiang thought for a while and said, "I have an uncle who lives in an island country and seems to have opened a family hot spring hotel? My mother told me when we were leaving and gave me the address..."

"Then go find him!" Chen Xiaoxue scolded, "Zhang Xiaoqiang, you are an idiot, you have relatives in the island country and you don't know how to join him?"

"This... I only met him once when I was very young, and now I meet him, I'm afraid I don't know him anymore, and... I'm sorry, aren't I?" Zhang Xiaoqiang was a little embarrassed and embarrassed.

"Then just watch my old lady die of pain and cold." Chen Xiaoxue scolded, tears came out, "You said you love me, so you lied to me."

This strange woman has long forgotten at this moment, who desperately took her to the hospital, and who protected her well under the ground, although she also has blood on her body now, but the blood actually flowed from Zhang Xiaoqiang's body from.

Zhang Xiaoqiang was a little flustered: "Xiaoxue, I really love you...I'll take you to my uncle's place, it should be safer there."


"Go away?" Katsuta Taro was a little disappointed. Originally, he thought that this woman appeared pitifully in front of Li Zedao. Li Zedao would save her no matter what, right? It's just that he was saved, but he was saved, and more. He originally wanted to see if he could use this woman to deal with Li Zedao, but he didn't expect Li Zedao to leave it alone after saving her. This is really irresponsible.

Of course, in the hospital, another man appeared and even desperately turned the woman away from the hospital. This scene was beyond Katsuta Taro's expectations.

"Forget it, keep following." Katsuta Taro ordered.

Two hours later, Katsuta Taro received a call again: "Master Katsuta, I saw those three Chinese people also entered the family hot spring hotel."

"What?" Katsuta Taro stood up, with a surprised expression and more ecstasy. God helped me too, I thought this matter might be done like this, but unexpectedly, they actually entered the same hotel, so the two parties must have met again.

"Continue to observe the movement." Katsuta Taro said.

"Yes, master."


Li Zedao, Nanji and Shadow drove back to Pharaoh's Hot Spring Family Hotel. After getting out of the car, Li Zedao narrowed his eyes, and then looked towards the alley not far away seemingly unintentionally.

"Who is it? For Old Wang or for you and me?" Nan Ji narrowed his eyes and asked in a low voice.

The other party's ability to hide and monitor is too incompetent, so naturally they can't escape the eyes of Li Zedao and Nanji.

Li Zedao shook his head: "I don't know... But he is not a great person, and he probably has no value. Ignore it for now and see if there are any big fish coming."

Nanji nodded, not saying anything.

"Fool, Sister Nanji, what are you mumbling about?" asked the shadow following.

Li Zedao looked back at the shadow and said with a smile, "Oh, I'm reading poetry to your Nanji sister... Ah, heaven, earth, how can you be so beautiful..."

"Get out!" Nanji's tense and cold face suddenly stretched out, and he couldn't help being happy.

"Stupid!" Shadow had black lines all over his face.

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