The corner of Chen Xiaoxue's mouth curled up in a strange way, she nodded, then stood up with difficulty, supported the wall, and slowly left the room.

Li Zedao glanced at Chen Xiaoxue who was leaving, and the corners of his eyes twitched inexplicably. He already had a bad feeling in his heart. He always felt that something was wrong, but he didn't know what was wrong. .

"Sister Nanji, the beautiful girl is drinking alcohol today? Otherwise, why is it so hot?" Shadow touched his small face that was starting to heat up, his eyes were almost dripping water, then he took off his coat and only wore a pair of White T-shirt.

"Hot... I seem to be a little hot too." Nanji also touched his little face that was starting to heat up. It was a little strange that he always felt very hot, and the hot feeling became more and more intense, "I and you both Didn't drink, did the heater turn up too much?"

"Yeah, Uncle, it's so hot. Is the heater turned up?" Zhang Xiaoqiang panted lightly, but he simply propped up the tent under his crotch, which made him feel ashamed and want to die.

You know, when she was with Chen Xiaoxue, she never seemed to be this powerful, why is she like this now? And it must not be discovered by other people, otherwise you must lose your life?

Old Wang also felt that his old face was very hot and sultry, and the thing on his crotch even protruded out of his own head. You know, he didn't feel that way for at least a year.

Then, as if remembering something, his face changed wildly, and he looked at Li Zedao, but he saw that Li Zedao was also looking at him with somewhat frightened eyes.

Yes, when Shadow murmured that it was hot and took off his jacket, Li Zedao looked at her face with some doubts, then looked at Antarctica, and found that the two of them can no longer be described as hot, more precisely Say it's spring - the tide is surging! A thin layer of sweat beads appeared on the foreheads of the two of them, and their bodies were constantly writhing, as if there were bugs crawling inside their bodies.

Then, Li Zedao was surprised to find that he also started to get hot, and his face instantly became extremely ugly.

Drugged! And it was that kind of strong aphrodisiac!

Li Zedao vaguely knows that his body can now resist many poisons that are enough to kill you, but for some reason, it can't defend against aphrodisiac drugs. Maybe it can be explained in this way, this kind of drug is not poison at all, so there is no need for it Go defensive.

As for whether this is the case, Li Zedao is not in the mood to think too much now, he only knows that things are very serious now!

Li Zedao is no stranger to this drug at all, he has been recruited twice,

The first time he got the trick, he was confused and gave his precious one to Bailibing for the first time, and the second time, Yang Xueer secretly drugged the milk. That time, his life almost died like this. up.

He looked at Zhang Xiaoqiang, and finally his eyes fell on Lao Wang, and found that they had also been recruited, but Chen Xiaoxue left. Seeing her like that, she was not hot at all, so things were about to happen. She was really sneaking in the dishes. It's a mess, she only got a small piece of dried bamboo shoots and roasted pork on that plate?

So Li Zedao wanted to give himself a slap in the face. He knew that Chen Xiaoxue was not pure or even vicious, and he knew what kind of devil she was thinking about trying to get revenge. Why didn't he just knock her out?

"Hoohoo... Damn, it's so hot... I'm so hot that I'm a genius girl..." Shadow started to feel confused, and felt his whole body was burning like fire, as if there was a caterpillar crawling inside his body Every squirm gave her an indescribable pleasure from the inside out, but with the arrival of this pleasure, she felt a strong desire in her body. She didn't know what was wrong with her, but She really wanted to hug the big fool and hug him hard.

The same is true for Antarctica, but what makes her different from Shadow is that she is not an untouched girl after all, so after the feeling that her body urgently needs a tough and thick filling, she already has a horrified expression on her face.

"Aphrodisiac?" Three words popped out of her mind suddenly, and then she looked at Li Zedao with a sense of spring in her eyes.

However, involuntarily, her body trembled inexplicably, and her face became more and more hot. Even, if she didn't have such a semblance of reason, she would have wanted to pounce on Li Zedao, and then ruthlessly peel off his clothes down.

"What... what should I do?" Old Wang watched Li Zedao bite his lip fiercely, so that he could clear his mind and not be invaded by the kind of desire that was like overwhelming mountains and seas. In fact, he now has the urge to pounce on the South Pole and the shadow.

As soon as the words fell, Zhang Xiaoqiang had a complete seizure.

Roasted pork with dried bamboo shoots is his favorite dish, so he naturally took the most medicine. In addition, his physical and mental qualities are poor, so now he has fallen into a state of almost madness. Not caring about face shame or anything, he pulled his clothes desperately.

What was even more frightening was that he knew what he was doing, but he did it involuntarily, and then he rushed towards the South Pole sitting opposite him.

"Bang!" There was a muffled sound.

Old Wang's big hand grabbed his head suddenly, and then smashed that head on the table abruptly, this impact directly knocked Zhang Xiaoqiang into a stupor, but his body was still twisting wildly involuntarily.

Then came the shadow, this little witch had already thrown her whole body on Li Zedao's body, then stretched out her small mouth, and kissed Ye Qiu's face, neck, eyebrows, and carelessly.

After all, Antarctica is a top-level special soldier, and he slapped himself very simply, so that he was briefly sober, but his eyes were wild and confused, his voice was hoarse, the rosiness on his face became more and more intense, and the skin on his neck and skin Also started to have little pink bumps.

"I...soon...can't take it..." She looked at Li Zedao and said with difficulty.

"Old Wang, take care of yourself..." Li Zedao roared in a low voice, stood up immediately, and directly clamped the desperately wriggling shadow under his armpit, and put his other arm around Nanji, who was also about to fall into a state of confusion, and then Being hugged by Li Zedao like this, his body twisted involuntarily, and his thigh wrapped around Li Zedao's thigh like an octopus caught eight times.

Then, because he ate less, and his physique and self-control were excellent, Li Zedao, who was still sober, ran towards the door. He just wanted to find a place to help these two women and himself. The fire is extinguished, otherwise, they might die!

As for Old Wang and his nephew Zhang Xiaoqiang, Li Zedao couldn't care about whether Old Wang would end up with Zhang Xiaoqiang in the end.

"Bang!" With a muffled sound, Li Zedao kicked the door open and was about to run out.

At this moment, the knife flashed and hit Li Zedao's forehead.

Li Zedao was frightened into a cold sweat for a moment, and at the same time he hurriedly turned his head back, his body suddenly backed up, and retreated into the box again.

However, after being poisoned by that kind of poison, Zhou's skills were affected after all. In other words, apart from thinking about those *things, his brain's reactions in other aspects were a little slow, and he was holding a woman in his arms. To be honest, they were all wriggling desperately, and their hands were still touching his body to eat tofu.

In addition, the guy ambushing outside was not a vegetarian, and he attacked suddenly.

Therefore, in the blink of an eye, although Li Zedao escaped the fate of having his head chopped off, his chest was cut into a deep gash by the sharp blade after all. He was about to be disemboweled, and blood spurted out all at once.

But this knife also made Li Zedao's mind even clearer. He couldn't care less about who the person who gave him such a knife was, so he retreated without any stagnation. He went straight to a window and broke it. He went out, fled desperately forward, and then jumped onto the wall, disappearing there in an instant.

A man wearing a traditional kimono, wearing white socks, and holding a bloody martial arts knife walked up to the window that was smashed by Li Zedao, and looked at his fleeing back with a look of shock and regret. .

He knew that even if the other party was hit by that aphrodisiac drug, even if the other party was still hugging a woman in one hand, even if he slashed his chest fiercely by surprise, he would definitely not be able to catch up with the speed of the other party. Come on... this Chinese person is very strong!

Turning around immediately, I saw two men, one old and one young, hugging each other, desperately gnawing at each other's face, frowning slightly, muttering: "It's disgusting."

Then come to the front, raise the knife and drop it!

"Pfft!" The pupils of Pharaoh and Zhang Xiaoqiang instantly widened. There was a faint bloodstain on each of their necks, and then the bloodstain became bigger and bigger. The next second, blood spurted out. Then, the two The people hugged each other and fell to the ground, they were already too dead to die.

Then he took out his mobile phone and made a call: "Master, the other party is very powerful, and he ran away with two women, but I slashed his chest severely, and my knife was poisoned, at most, After half an hour, the medicinal properties will kick in."

"Really, that's really great, thank you, Uncle Takumi." A man's voice came from the phone, "I think others will find his body soon."

"Master Shengtian, don't be polite to me. I am the most loyal servant of the Shengtian family. This is what I should do." The man said politely.

The man's name is Sakuragi Takumi, a member of the Katsuta family, and a well-known sword master in the island country. Of course, he is naturally inferior to the sword demon Junichi Ito.

"Bang!" The sound of something falling on the ground sounded, Sakuragi Takumi looked back, and saw a woman standing there, her face was extremely dull, like an idiot.

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