The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1064 Weird Screen

When she saw that the good door was now split into four or five, Chen Xiaoxue's heart was full of surprise, thinking that the battle was really so fierce that even the door was broken?

But when she looked inside, she was dumbfounded, and the mobile phone in her hand, which had already started the camera function, fell to the ground quite simply.

It's not supposed to look like this, is it?

When Kang Chuanji asked herself to add aphrodisiacs to her food, Chen Xiaoxue agreed straightforwardly. She really hated these Chinese people to death, especially that little bitch and that damned... Asshole, she really wants to see what it's like for them to flirt like cattle in front of her, and she doesn't mind acting as a cameraman to film that scene.

As for the aphrodisiac, it was given by Kang Chuanji before, and the two of them also took it when they started the war, but the effect of this medicine is really strong, one is enough for two people to take four times, that is to say, every time A quarter of a pill per person at a time is enough to turn a chaste woman into a slut, and it's enough to turn an impotent guy into a macho.

So Chen Xiaoxue poured all the remaining five pills into the braised pork. It can be said that the amount of medicine given was already large enough.

When she guessed that the effect of the medicine was about to take effect, Chen Xiaoxue found an excuse to leave. She knew that the man was very violent. Maybe he would beat herself up before the effect of the medicine fully took effect. That would not be a tragedy. up? Besides, she forgot to bring her mobile phone. Without a mobile phone, how can she shoot that kind of exciting blockbuster?

However, what she saw now was not the scene of four men and two women mating like livestock, but two dead men with their eyes bulging and blood on their necks.

There is also a man from an island country, and most importantly, he still holds a knife that is bleeding blood in his hand.

So Chen Xiaoxue was completely dazed, she didn't know what happened, and she didn't know what she should do now, should she scream and turn around and run, or kneel down and beg for mercy?

have no idea! I really don't know... I don't have such experience, do I?

"Chen Xiaoxue?" The man narrowed his eyes and looked at Chen Xiaoxue a few times, and asked in blunt Chinese.

"...Yes...Yes..." Chen Xiaoxue nodded her head hard, her body was trembling violently, and she might be in danger of sitting on the ground at any time.

"You don't have to be afraid, I won't kill you." Sakuragi Takumi said.

Don't kill me? Chen Xiaoxue felt relieved, should she say thank you?

"You have been a great help,

So Master Shengtian will give you what Cheng Ruo gave you. "Sakuragi Takumi said, "Now, you come with me. "

Chen Xiaoxue was taken aback for a moment, and hurriedly nodded and said, "Thank you...thank you..." He already understood in his heart that Taro Katsuta not only wanted the handle of those damn Chinese people, he also wanted kill them! Of course, it’s good to kill, it’s good to kill!

Chen Xiaoxue's heart that was always on her mind finally dropped a little.

At that moment, Chen Xiaoxue limped behind this murderous man, walked out of the family hotel, and then she saw a few men in black throwing a few torches in, and soon, this century-old man The family hot spring hotel has been caught in a sea of ​​flames.

What Sakuragi Takumi didn't know was that as soon as he walked out of the hotel, Li Zedao entered the hotel again from the other side of the hot spring hotel with Nanji and Shadow, who was completely in a state of confusion.

The most dangerous place is the safest place, and Li Zedao knew this truth well, so after he escaped, he led those people hiding nearby into a circle and came back again.

But what Li Zedao didn't expect was that the other party was so frenzied and poured gasoline, and even threw a few fires in, so it was very straightforward, and the place had already turned into a sea of ​​flames.

"Now... are you going to become a roast suckling pig?" Li Zedao had a bitter expression on his face, his breathing became short of breath, and that kind of desire was about to occupy his entire nerves.

The faces of Nanji and Shadow, who were held under his armpit, were already full of painful expressions, and even the seven orifices of Shadow, who had been poisoned more deeply, began to bleed, but they couldn't move, their mouths were wide open Yes, but they couldn't say anything, because Li Zedao simply sealed their acupoints.

Li Zedao knew that the situation was critical. If these two hot women were not detoxified, they would die of bloody blood. Now it is on fire, and the fire is getting bigger and bigger. There is no place for him to do this kind of thing. ah!

Escape again? It's just that time is running out, let alone, if it is discovered, there is really only a dead end!

what to do? Li Zedao was really anxious, if it wasn't for his lack of time, he would have slapped himself a few times, he really hated himself, why should he be soft-hearted towards such a woman? Why don't those who know that the other party has bad intentions be more vigilant?

"Ahem..." A burst of thick smoke hit Li Zedao, choking him into a cough, and his eyes hurt unbearably. How much he wished that there would be a heavy rain now, and the downpour would instantly extinguish the fire...


Li Zedao was overjoyed, he didn't care about the thick smoke billowing in front of him and was already angry, he hugged the two girls and rushed over.

Finally, with a sound of "Plop!", he jumped into the hot spring pool with Antarctica and his shadow!

Then Li Zedao put the South Pole by the pool first, and then hugged the shadow very simply... This poison is relatively deep, so it needs to be treated first! And Li Zedao can't waste any time, because Antarctica is still waiting for him.

The fire, the thick smoke, the hot spring pool stained red with blood, the sound of "cracking..." when the fire engulfed the wood, and the scene by the pool formed a very strange picture.


"No one was found?" Katsuta Taro frowned after hearing the report. According to Ito Takumi, he gave Li Zedao a knife, and even his knife was poisoned. Within half an hour, without an antidote, he would definitely die from the poison. However, his people Taking the burning hotel as the center point, they searched in all directions for several miles, but they couldn't find any trace of Li Zedao and the two women.

"Yes, we found bloodstains and footprints along the road to the northwest, but when the bloodstains reached a grove, they disappeared." A man in black reported, "We immediately surrounded the grove and went to search , but no trace of them was found."

"It must be in the woods, find it for me!" Katsuta Taro said with a gloomy face, "If it doesn't work, let's set fire again and burn that woods down!"



The hotel was on fire. I don’t know if it was because no one saw it and didn’t call the police or because someone called the police but the fire truck broke down halfway, so there was nothing to burn in the end, and the fire gradually became smaller. At that time, the fire truck never arrived.

In the midst of the fire, Li Zedao didn't know how many times he had been in the emergency ambulance. When the two of them had no more strength to struggle and collapsed beside him with contented faces, it proved that the aphrodisiac in their bodies was exhausted. clean.

The physical strength of the two women was exhausted, and they were too sleepy to open their eyes. At the same time, Li Zedao also saw that the scary redness and pink bumps on their bodies had subsided, and now they have returned to their original appearance. Creamy and fair like snow, that is to say, the aphrodisiac ingredients in their bodies have been completely excreted.

Immediately sat up, looked left and right, and found that the surrounding fire was still not small, the smoke was billowing, and the visibility was extremely low. In addition, the two women were exhausted, and it was basically impossible to go out. So, one by one. Pick up these two people, put them in the pool, and let them soak in the hot spring, so that their physical strength can be restored as soon as possible.

As for the shocking wound on his chest, it stopped bleeding a long time ago, and even the wound showed signs of healing. For this kind of wound, Li Zedao, who has a strong body self-healing ability, never took it seriously.

Nanji opened his eyes first, and he didn't dare to meet Li Zedao in his eyes.

"How do you feel?" Li Zedao asked with concern.

"It's okay, it just are too hard." Nan Ji felt his lower body, frowned and said.

Li Zedao smiled wryly: "In order to help you detoxify as soon as possible, is it easy for me? Besides, it's not me who uses force, but your own force, okay?"

"Get out! You still have to find a way to see how to tell the shadow about this." Nanji looked at the shadow with her eyes closed, and looked at her tired face, feeling a little distressed.

Li Zedao also looked at the shadow, and said: "She will understand... Besides, she has long missed me, but I protected myself very well and didn't give her any chance."


"Damn it, big fool, you're the one who misses you." Shadow opened his eyes, stared at Li Zedao with unfriendly eyes and cursed, even grabbed a pair of pants floating there, and threw them at Li Zedao.

Those were her underpants, which were torn off by Li Zedao and thrown there casually.

"..." Antarctica felt like being shot while lying down.

Li Zedao reached out and grabbed the trousers that Shadow threw over, and smiled wryly: "Okay, the truth is that I've been wanting to sleep with you but you haven't given me a chance, okay?" He knew just now that Shadow had woken up, his eyes still Secretly opened a small gap to look at him, so I said that on purpose.

"Okay my sister, the truth is like that!" Shadow said angrily, then frowned, and grinned, "It hurts... Damn, big fool, come here, this genius girl promises not to let you go!" You're freaking out!"


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