Looking at the building engulfed by the fire, feeling the rushing heat, the face of Antarctica was full of violence: "Old Wang..."

"I'm afraid I've already been buried in the flames." Li Zedao's voice was low and bitter, and his face was sad. After getting along for a few days, Li Zedao expressed his utmost respect to this warm and hospitable old king and to this dedicated veteran.

"The other party will not leave anyone alive." Li Zedao said.

"Damn it!" Nanji gritted his teeth, and his face was even more ugly.

Shadow's small face had a touch of sadness, she actually didn't like that old man, she didn't like that he was Lao Wang, how could he be Lao Wang? In Shadow's heart, only he can be Lao Wang! And he scolded Lao Wang, although he was right, every bloody Chinese would scold, let alone this veteran, but Shadow was very upset, she did not allow others to scold Lao Wang, even though Lao Wang really Be a traitor, really a traitor!

But for the sake of the delicious food he cooks and the delicious soybean milk he boils, Shadow still regards him as a kind grandfather in his heart.

"Damn it, it must be Chen Xiaoxue, that bitch must have secretly drugged the food!" Ying Ying's face flushed with anger, and tears welled up in his eyes, "She must have killed Old Wang, She also set the fire..."

Li Zedao stood up from the water, revealing his muscular body and the wound on his chest.

"Damn it, you idiot, what time are you still in the mood to show off your rib-boned figure, it's so ugly..." Shadow's eyes widened, "What's wrong with your chest?"

Looking at the long wound on his chest, the two women were stunned. Although the bleeding was no longer there, the wound was too long. From the chest to the belly, it looked so shocking.

"Who did it?" Nanji's eyes were red, his heart twitched, he wanted to reach out and touch his, but he was afraid of touching his wound.

"When I escaped with the two of you in my arms, I was ambushed and stabbed, and almost died." Li Zedao smiled wryly, and briefly explained what happened.

He knew that these two women only knew that they were drugged, that the hotel was burned down, and that they were taken to the hot spring pool by Li Zedao and raped. They really didn't know, because at that time, their minds had long been occupied by that overwhelming desire.

Antarctica and Shadow were both stunned. They never thought that when they fell into a state of confusion, the situation would be so dangerous.

If it weren't for Li Zedao's sense of reason, they would have died by now.

"Damn, you idiot, are you in pain?" Shadow said with tears in his eyes.

"It didn't hurt like the time you bit me." Li Zedao laughed.

"...Damn it, go to hell, it hurts you so much, this genius girl will ignore you." The shadow breath grabbed a piece of black clothing floating on the water, and threw it directly at Li Zedao.

Li Zedao reached out to catch it, and threw it back to Nanji: "Here, your underwear."

"Get out!" If it weren't for the fact that he was a wounded person, or because he felt that he should maintain a sad and angry mood, Nanji wanted to shoot this shameless guy to death!

Of course, knowing that Li Zedao's body self-healing ability is extremely perverted, it's not too much to worry about.

"It's very likely that the medicine was given by Chen Xiaoxue." Li Zedao narrowed his eyes, "But the person who ambushed me was definitely not Chen Xiaoxue's person. If that woman had that much ability, she wouldn't be chased like It looks like a dead dog, and when I took you out of the hotel for the first time, I was chased by some men in black for a while..."

Looking at the thick smoke billowing in front of him, Nanji's face was full of murderous intent: "Katsuta Taro!"

"The only thing I can think of is him." Li Zedao said, "Otherwise, it has been at least an hour since the fire started, why the fire truck hasn't come yet? It's just that some people don't want the fire truck to come, Katsuta Taro naturally has that kind of energy."

"What now?" Antarctica asked.

"Find a place to rest first." Li Zedao said for a while, "Although our surname Li certificates and the like have been burned, but fortunately, I carry the mask with me. Although I was hacked, one of the masks It was cut in half, but there was a spare, so that plan could go ahead..."

Nanji's expression was bitter, and he was very annoyed: "My mask is placed in the room, and now I'm afraid it will become a pile of ashes."

Shadow looked at Li Zedao pitifully and said, "You idiot... everything is burned?"

Li Zedao smiled wryly: "It must be gone."

"My fox tail, my leather whip, and my handcuffs!" Shadow's small face was raised forty degrees, and his small face was full of sadness, paying homage to the burnt thing.

"..." Li Zedao had black lines on his face. Your sister, among the things that were burned, which ones are the least important, okay?

"Although the fire engine didn't come, the police didn't come, but who knows if they will come in a while?" Li Zedao said, "So, if you regain your strength, we will leave now, but I can only wrong you to put on wet clothes first. gone."

"It's almost there." Nanji said very simply, "Turn around, I'll get dressed." There was a shadow, and she felt embarrassed.

"That's right, don't take a peek!" Shadow said viciously, "If you dare to take a peek, I'll goug out your eyes...Pervert, return the panties of the genius girl."


Soon, the three of them walked through the fire in their wet clothes and came outside. Li Zedao and Nanji are physically strong, so although they felt cold, their reaction was not that strong, but the shadow was no longer good, and they were so cold that their bodies shivered. Even though Li Zedao hugged her and held her tightly in his arms, But the sound of her teeth clashing could still be heard.

Li Zedao and Nanji were afraid that the shadow would be frozen, so they didn't dare to stay here for a while, so they hurriedly called He Xiaoyue while running forward, but He Xiaoyue's phone was turned off, so they called again. He Xiaoyang made a phone call, fortunately, He Xiaoyang answered the phone very quickly.

"Mr. Ha..." He Xiaoyang's respectful voice came over. To be honest, if it wasn't for the fact that the other party is so strong, has an official status, and is his own savior, and even the savior of the entire Qingyun, He Xiaoyang would have wanted to catch him back, and then put that fierce The aphrodisiac was forcefully poured into his mouth, and finally he threw it on the old sister's bed.

"Something happened to me, you send a car to pick us up right now." Li Zedao was not polite, and said very simply.

When He Xiaoyang heard that something happened to the other party, he also became anxious: "I'm going to call my younger brother."

Li Zedao had a black line on his face: "It's not a fight, a car will do... Try to make it as big as possible, turn up the heating when you drive over, and then send a few sets of dry clothes... Bathrobes and cotton coats are fine. .”

Although he didn't know what the other party was up to, He Xiaoyang hurriedly found some clothes, then drove a car, set off, and drove towards the route Li Zedao said.

Of course, he is now the boss of Qingyun, how can the younger brother feel at ease when the boss goes out alone? Therefore, the "virtuous" seven brothers followed closely behind in a car with a few younger brothers.

Ten minutes later, He Xiaoyang vaguely saw two familiar figures running towards him. He immediately stopped the car, honked the horn, jumped out of the car, and opened the door of the car.

"This is... what's wrong?" He Xiaoyang saw that Li Zedao and Nanji were all wet, and Li Zedao was actually hugging a strange girl who was also wet in his arms.

The girl's body was trembling violently, she was afraid she was going to be cold.

That's right, the temperature in DJ City is below zero, and if you get soaked, you can turn into a popsicle if you stay for a long time, so it's no wonder it's not cold.

"I fell into the water." Li Zedao replied casually, then put his shadow into the well-heated car, and looked back at He Xiaoyang, "Where are the dry clothes?"

"In the co-pilot's position." He Xiaoyang said.

"Let's change our clothes." Li Zedao said, and then jumped into the RV with Nanji and closed the door.

He Xiaoyang felt it was a pity, why wasn't the old lady who fell into the water and curled up in his arms?

Li Zedao said while helping Shadow change his clothes, "Hurry up and change into dry clothes, don't freeze."

Nanji nodded, the ink was gone, and she quickly took off her clothes in front of Li Zedao. Her physique was not as abnormal as Li Zedao after all, and now she was so cold that her body began to shiver.

Li Zedao looked at the shadow whose face was as pale as paper, with dark circles around his eyes, and his body was trembling. He was very distressed, this little girl was already so cold that he was in a daze.

Then, Li Zedao rubbed his hands violently to make his hands warm, and then quickly wiped the shadow's body. Only by rubbing her body warm in this way can the cold air be forced out as soon as possible. There will be no sequelae or anything.

"Big fool... Damn... Pervert..." Shadow slowly opened his eyes, seeing Li Zedao's hands frivolously touching his body, there was already a hint of shyness in his eyes, his voice was waxy and sweet, "Is it big?"

"Big sister!" Li Zedao couldn't complain, when is it, and are you still in the mood to discuss this?

"It's bigger than sister Antarctica." Shadow was very proud.

"...shut up!" Nanji, who had already put on a warm bathrobe, said with a dark face, then looked at Li Zedao, "You change your clothes too, I'll do it."

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