The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1074: Duke Wang Zi Kojiro

The Prime Minister of the island country, also known as the Prime Minister of the Cabinet, referred to as the Prime Minister, the Prime Minister, or the Prime Minister, is the highest head of the island’s cabinet and the actual head of government of the island country, leading the operation of various administrative agencies. Once nominated, it is nominated by a resolution of the National Assembly, and formally appointed by the emperor of the island country.

The emperor of the island country is the nominal head of state and a symbol of the island country. In fact, he does not have much real power.

Because the family energy behind Katsuta Taro and the others is huge, Koizumi Ichiro has to rely on the support of these families if he wants to secure his position, so although Koizumi Ichiro is the prime minister, he has no airs, and Katsuta Taro and the others also I paid the greatest respect to the Prime Minister, and the two sides talked happily.

And the topic this time is basically inseparable from the construction of the country and people's livelihood, so everyone said with reverence that you are really a person who bows down for the future of the island country and the better tomorrow of the people of the island country and die as soon as possible Good Prime Minister.

Li Zedao listened, covered in goosebumps, and couldn't help slandering secretly, these people are really hypocritical, they look like dogs on the surface, but they are full of men and women who are thieves behind their backs, just take Katsuta Taro as an example, just From the fact that he got together with his sister and even his mother, it was enough for him to be struck to death by lightning dozens of times.

Then, another convoy drove over mightily, and His Majesty the Emperor Hirohito of the island country arrived!

Immediately, Koizumi Ichiro hurriedly led people to greet him, welcoming Emperor Hirohito's arrival.

Li Zedao's eyes hidden in the sunglasses shrank slightly, because he saw a guy wearing a traditional Japanese kimono but with a Chinese face getting off the car following Empress Hirohito , it was the blue-eyed foreign man who pretended to be the master under the guise of a master, dedicated the snake's head to Huaxia, and even expressed in a high-profile way that he would visit the Jinguo Shrine with His Majesty the Emperor.

Li Zedao's eyes hidden under the sunglasses glanced at this guy with a faint murderous look, and quickly moved his eyes away. He was afraid that he would rush over if he couldn't hold back, peel off the other person's face, and then His face was smashed, and he used the cruelest punishment he knew one by one, and asked him to honestly explain what happened to the master.

At the same time, the fake Wang Zi glanced at Li Zedao who was disguised as one of Katsuta Taro's attendants, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, and followed Emperor Hirohito as if nothing had happened. Later, he came to serve as his entourage.

Emperor Hirohito, who had no real power, seemed even more amiable. He shook hands with Koizumi Ichiro and Katsuta Taro, who came from his big family and big consortium, and talked with them one by one, and introduced Wang Zi to everyone.

Everyone has already heard about this patriotic Wang Zi who "knows current affairs is a hero" from the previous news.

Knowing his identity and energy, they were even more shocked. To be honest, even if they saw the legendary Hand of God now and saw him respectfully following Emperor Hirohito, they still felt like they were dreaming. Feel.

"This is Duke Wang Zi Kojiro, who is also the prince's teacher." Emperor Hirohito said.

Wang Zi Kojiro? Duke? The prince's teacher? Li Zedao's brow hidden under the sunglasses was even more tightly wrinkled, bastard, isn't this guy insulting Master enough?

Everyone's faces were slightly moved.

You know, in the island country, under the emperor is the title of prince of the royal family, and below that is the title of duke, marquess, earl, viscount, baron, etc. Outside of the royal family, the duke is already the highest level. Chinese people of island nationality are simply unheard of, and it can even be said to be appalling!

Besides, he also became the prince's teacher.

But when they thought of the weight of the words "Hand of God", they felt that there was nothing wrong with His Majesty the Emperor's doing this. Even if you have already done this, you are probably insulting others.

If you are not at that level, you will never know what the words "Hand of God" mean. It is stronger than the Rothschild family or the Luciano family that controls the mafia. In addition, there are some ancient European The family of the island country, or the Ito family of the island country, no family dares to challenge the hand of God easily.

But now, the hand of God has surrendered to the island country. This is simply... God bless my big island country!

Katsuta Taro felt extremely uncomfortable. He was crushed to death by that bastard Li Zedao now, and the Hand of God was not only the Duke, but even the prince's teacher. He still has a fairly high status and will win widespread respect, and as his apprentice, won't he also say that a rising tide will raise all boats?

Baga, I look down on traitors the most! Li Zedao, I support you to assassinate your master. If you are a traitor, I will despise you to death.

While cursing the other party inwardly, Katsuta Taro felt that the matter of buying the island should be implemented as soon as possible, otherwise who knows if he is upset in his heart and will do something bad in secret? Aside from the fact that he has the video in his hand, from the point of view that his master is the hand of God, he can't be provoked anymore. Now that God is later canonized as a duke and becomes the teacher of the prince, he can't be provoked even more up.

Soon, more than a dozen people came out of the Jingguo Shrine. The head of the Jingguo Shrine was the sword demon Junichi Ito, and behind him were the security personnel who were responsible for guarding the safety of the place. staff member.

Li Zedao glanced at the dozen or so people vaguely, but he didn't see Michiko Katsuta.

Also, the status of women in the island country is actually not high, so it is impossible for Michiko Katsuta to appear here on such an important occasion.

At that moment, Li Zedao's eyes fell generously on this so-called number one master in the island country, and he began to size him up. Because Ito Junichi is a very powerful existence in the island country, he naturally received a lot of attention when he appeared, so Li Zedao's aboveboard scrutiny does not seem abrupt, but quite normal.

Of course, Li Zedao knew that although the other party's eyes fell on Emperor Hirohito as soon as he came out, he didn't even take a look at his position, but judging from what happened last night, he might have been focused on him for a long time .

In other words, Jun Ito knew himself from a long time ago, but this old guy was too good at acting, or he was afraid of making trouble, so he just regarded himself as a very ordinary bodyguard, and didn't even want to take a second look.

This is an old man who is about the same age as Lao Wang. He is not tall...Genetic problems, islanders are all short in height, so Junichi Ito's height is considered to be above the average level in the island country, and he is wearing a traditional black kimono in the island country , looking solemn*, with small eyes, but exuding a faint spirit.

Li Zedao also noticed that there was a piece of software hidden in his waist, which seemed to be his usual inseparable weapon.

"It's so ugly!" Li Zedao gave this island country's number one master such a pertinent evaluation in his opinion.

At that moment, Junichi Ito came to Emperor Hirohito, nodded and bowed, with a very respectful expression, and said, "His Majesty the Emperor."

"Teacher, there is no need to be so polite." Emperor Hirohito said quickly. When he was the prince, Ito Junichi was his teacher, responsible for preaching, teaching and resolving doubts, and also taught him some swordsmanship, but Ito Junichi did not teach it seriously, and Hirohito, who is the prince, did not talk too much He wanted to learn it, so his current swordsmanship was not even a show.

However, the teacher is a teacher after all, and when we met, Emperor Hirohito had to call each other a teacher.

Jun Ito nodded, greeted Prime Minister Ichiro Koizumi, then looked at Wang Zi, nodded and said, "Hello, Duke Wang Zi Kojiro."

"Hello, Master Ito." Wang Zi smiled and nodded in response.

When the two of you look at me and you, you can see the meaningful smile in each other's eyes, full of passion.

Li Zedao's eyes narrowed, why does it feel like these two people have known each other for a long time? In other words, Jun Ito knew that Wang Zi was a fake?

While his thoughts were surging, Li Zedao had to take his attention away from them, because at this moment, the voice of the shadow came from the hidden headset hidden in his ears.

"Big fool, this talented girl is ready, and she can keep their surveillance images in a static state at any time. If you pass by any invisible camera, they will not be able to catch your trace... Oh, this genius is beautiful! The girl knows that it is inconvenient for you to speak now, so she specifically grants you no need to answer."

Grace? Li Zedao really couldn't laugh or cry, he had the urge to pat this chick's ass.

"Big fool, if you can't beat it, don't be so stupid as to die with the other party or something. Damn, you forcibly took away the virginity of this talented and beautiful girl. If you die, who is this talented and beautiful girl going to take responsibility for?" ?”

Li Zedao was slightly moved, he felt full of concern from Ying Ying's words.

"If you die, wouldn't the handcuffs and leather whips you bought just now be useless? I don't want to abuse the corpse..." Afterwards, the poor girl forced Li Zedao to buy a new set from an adult goods store.

"I'm Ou..." Li Zedao's face was darkened, and the emotion he had just finally felt was directly fed to the dog. It seems that in the future, you only need to listen to the last sentence of this poor girl's words.

"Big fool, I'm afraid that you will be lonely and empty, so I will play some music for you, okay? Oh, if you don't speak, I will take it as your agreement..."

Promise your sister, Li Zedao was speechless, please, it's not convenient for me to speak now, okay?

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