The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1075 Infiltrating

"Oh...**... oh... quick... oh..." The voice was charming and savage, and the soul-sucking voice came over, and then there was the sound of "papa...pupa...".

Li Zedao's calf went limp, and he almost fell to the ground. I'll push your ass, is this music? Don't insult the sacred word "music", okay?

"Wangwang..." The sound of the dog barking came next.

"Damn..." Li Zedao's stomach twisted for a moment, and he almost couldn't hold back and quickly found a trash can to vomit! I have known Yingying for such a long time, and I have seen Ying sitting there staring wide-eyed at the deduced human-dog battle on the computer screen more than once, but Li Zedao still cannot accept such a scene until now, he really does not understand, facing a When I was a dog, how could I have such an interest? Don't you think it's disgusting?

He really wanted to yell and tell Shadow to turn off his voice quickly, but Li Zedao found out very sadly that it was not convenient for him to speak at all.

At the moment, I can only endure the sound from the headset with pain and joy, and at the same time, I follow everyone and walk forward slowly, and come to the pool on the left, take some water with a ladle, and sprinkle it on the left and right hands respectively. on, then rinse your mouth.

This is a rule that even His Majesty the Emperor and Prime Minister Koizumi Ichiro must abide by.

After doing this, Li Zedao followed the others into the Jinguo Shrine.

The voice of the shadow came from the ear again: "Big fool, the beautiful girl saw you today, damn it, you still wear glasses, you look more like a big idiot."

"..." Li Zedao had the urge to take off the earphones that were stuffed in his ears and crush them, but he also understood that Michiko Katsuta had also placed a miniature headset in a hidden corner of this place. The camera is on, in other words, if it wasn't for the shadow to find out the clues, once he came in, his every move after that would be under the nose of others.

"Damn it, that bastard with the old Wang's face actually wears a kimono? Fuck it, does he think he's an islander? Damn it, I'm so mad at this talented girl..." Shadow saw Wang's face through the surveillance video. Azusa, and immediately began to curse, "Big fool, pull out your knife and stab him to death..."

"Oh, the beautiful girl who is talented today is just talking, don't be impulsive, you idiot."

"I'm so excited about your sister!" Li Zedao wanted to cry, motherfucker, can you just shut up for a while? Do you know that my ears can't take it when you mutter like that?

The bodyguards who came in were asked to stay outside temporarily, while the others, led by Junichi Ito, entered the town spirit shrine to pay homage.

Before entering, Katsuta Taro gave Mori Kogoro a vague and complicated look. To be honest, he was very conflicted in his heart now. He hoped that Jun Ito would kill this guy, but he was also afraid that this guy would kill him. Can play dirty, for example, the video exploded after he died?

After watching the group of people go in, Li Zedao walked towards a staff member, and asked in a proficient Japanese language with an accent of Kansai, "Sir, where is the bathroom?"

"Sir, go ahead and turn left." The staff nodded and said very politely.

"Okay, thank you." Li Zedao nodded, walked forward, then turned left, and walked into the bathroom located there.

Li Zedao didn't enter the bathroom because he wanted to do something secretly, but because he was really in a hurry to pee, and wanted to pee a bit before talking.

When he walked to the clean and clean urinal, Li Zedao opened his belt, took out the dick, began to hiss, and then let out a soft breath.

"Ah, big fool, you stinky and shameless, you actually booed in front of a girl, damn it, it made her face blush and her heart beat wildly..." Shadow's voice came over in a panic.

"Uh..." Li Zedao was really startled by the sudden voice, his body trembled and he urinated on his own hand, and at the moment he was depressed, anxious and disgusted, and hurriedly stuffed the thing back into his crotch to go.

Then came the voice of the shadow who was very disgusted in the headset: "Ah, big fool, you are so disgusting, you pissed on your own hand... Damn, if you don't wash it a few times, don't even think about touching the beauty of this day!" The Antarctic sister of the maiden... oh, now you're nobody around, you can talk."

Li Zedao wanted to kill the shadow, so he ran to the sink with a dark face, turned on the faucet to wash his hands, and said in a broken voice, "Is there a camera in this toilet?"

As he spoke, he glanced left and right in the bathroom, but did not find the camera. It is conceivable that Michiko Katsuta is very professional in this area. The camera she installed is not so easy to find out. .

"Yeah, it's lucky that there is a beautiful girl with this talent, otherwise you would be live broadcasting peeing in front of everyone..." Shadow asked for credit.

"Piss your sister..." Li Zedao was about to collapse, "Do you know that you might be scared out of your wits if you are so scary? You will be the one who suffers then, do you know that?"

"Why is it the talented and beautiful girl who suffers?" Shadow's puzzled voice came over.

"..." Li Zedao despises or despises, you are not that kind of pure person at all, okay?

"Also, why didn't you say it earlier?" Li Zedao's voice was full of resentment.

"You didn't ask again." Shadow took it for granted, and then snorted coldly, "Damn it, that bitch's mind is so 'vicious', she even wants to peek at you, maybe even wants to Copy the surveillance video and sell it for money, otherwise why would you even install a camera in the bathroom... However, it seems fun to watch you pee, and it turned out to be standing..."

"Nonsense!" Li Zedao said with two black lines on his forehead, "They...can't see me peeing?"

"Nonsense, of course I can't see it!" On the other end of the phone, Shadow rolled his eyes. Damn, you are a beautiful girl today... oh, and sister shadow and other sisters or sisters' personal items, only we can watch you pee, how can others?

"They just saw you walking into the bathroom." Shadow said, "Then the genius girl started to act immediately. They couldn't see you in the bathroom. In the next situation, which camera did you appear in? , they lose control of that camera while the others are fine."

"That is to say, they will only think in horror in the end that I disappeared mysteriously the moment I entered the bathroom?" Li Zedao asked while feeling the shadow's superb means.

"Yes, when they can't see you on the surveillance screen, they can only think that you will fly into the sky and disappear mysteriously. At that time, hehe, it will be fun."

"Indeed, it's become more fun." Li Zedao's eyes became cold.

"Big fool, don't talk, a staff member is going in to pee." Shadow reminded.

In fact, there was no need for the shadow to remind him, Li Zedao had already heard faint and almost inaudible footsteps coming from outside, so it was conceivable that the person who was about to come in still had some skills.

Li Zedao continued to wash his hands as if nothing had happened, and then pretended to look back after hearing the sound of someone coming in, only to see a man in a black uniform walking in. Li Zedao knew that this uniform was the security guard responsible for the safety of the Jingying Shrine In other words, the person who came in was the security personnel here, and he might even be a member of the Ito family, or an apprentice of Junichi Ito or something.

At the same time, Li Zedao also keenly noticed that after the other party saw him, his eyes narrowed, and then he nodded as if nothing had happened, as a greeting.

I already understood in my heart that this person most likely knew that he was going to do bad things when he entered the Jingying Shrine, and he was even responsible for monitoring his whereabouts, but because the surveillance video was destroyed by the shadow, he mysteriously disappeared in the It's in the bathroom, so come and have a look.

Li Zedao smiled, nodded in response, then turned around and continued to wash his hands.

"Big fool, be careful..." Shadow's exclamation came suddenly.

At the same time, a silver light flashed behind Li Zedao's back, overflowing with saber aura and killing intent.

Before the blade reached, the strong wind had already cut through the person's clothes, causing burning pain on the body, as if being scorched by a long pillar of fire.

Before the shadow exclaimed and reminded, Li Zedao had expected that the other party would probably attack, but he didn't expect the other party's attack to be so fast. Just as he had reacted, Ren He Dao had already arrived.

"It's a pity, you are still too weak!" Li Zedao sighed in his heart, and at the same time, he thrust his right hand back.

Last come first! Before the opponent's knife slashed his neck, Li Zedao's hand was accurately stuck on his throat, and then he exerted force with his fingers.

"Crack!" The creepy sound of bone breaking sounded, the man's neck had already been snapped off by Li Zedao, his head was softly pushed aside, his eyes were wide open, the horror and The unbelievable look has not had time to recede.

Li Zedao loosened his hand, and the corpse fell limply to the ground.

Li Zedao didn't even look at it, and continued to wash his hands.

Shadow's fearful voice came over: "Damn it, you idiot, you're almost scaring this talented girl to death, do you know that?"

Li Zedao said with some embarrassment: "Don't you think this is cooler?"

"Kuyou sister, go to hell!" Shadow scolded.

Li Zedao said with a smile: "Okay, you can close your eyes first, because I'm going to change into this guy's clothes, pretend to be a security guard here, and start playing."

"Damn it, go to hell, it sounds like a genius and beautiful girl really wants to see you...Hey, can you take off your panties? Sister Nanji wants to see..."

"Get out!" Nanji's very depressed voice came over.

"Of course take it off."

"Pervert..." Shadow's small face was full of shyness, but his eyes widened even wider.

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