The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1081 Unlucky Antarctica

Because the person who sneaked in could not be found through those invisible cameras at all, and the other party was likely to use those cameras to escape, so Ito Hirobumi decisively had the installed invisible cameras removed one by one.

Someone even turned on the signal *, so that the bold guy lurking here could completely lose contact with the outside world.

Of course, the communication headsets between these internal security personnel are specially made and are not affected by this signal*, so messages can still be transmitted between each other.

At the same time, a group of several people searched under the big trees that could hide people with live ammunition, but they searched all the trees, but in the end they couldn't find anyone in any tree. shadow.

Well, let alone a human figure, in this kind of cold weather, I didn't see a single fly or ant.

Not only that, but Takeo couldn't be found either. That guy was so dead that he didn't see anyone alive.

Ito Hirobumi really wants to vomit blood, that Yaga Mori Kogoro, is he a master at playing peek-a-boo? Do you know that it is a very immoral behavior for you to hide in someone's house like this? Be careful we call the police!

"Master, are you sure he is hiding in a certain big tree?" Ito Hirobumi looked at Michiko Katsuta and asked respectfully. This stunner is the master's woman in name, that is his master's wife, so although he offends her several times in his heart from time to time, he is still very respectful on the surface.

"Yes." Michiko Katsuta nodded with certainty. She didn't think it was necessary for Mori Kogoro to lie to her. Besides, if it wasn't hidden in a certain big tree, why couldn't so many cameras capture his trace?

"However, we couldn't find any trace of him." Ito Hirobumi nodded and said, "Could the other party have escaped from the shrine?"

Michiko Katsuta thought for a while and said, "You let people continue to search, and I will report to the master."

"Yes, Mistress." Ito Hirobumi nodded and said.


Nanji never thought that he would be so unreasonably unlucky. He just jumped down from the wall with high-voltage electrical equipment carefully. As soon as his feet touched the ground, he was immediately looked for by Kogoro Mori. The security personnel who traced and removed the hidden cameras placed around it by the way were discovered.

"Baga, someone sneaked in..."

"Ba ga ba qua,

It's a flower girl..."

"Quick, stop her..."


When these people saw that it was a woman who sneaked in, she was a woman with a good figure although her face was covered, and she immediately surrounded the South Pole like a chicken blood.

Nanji didn't say anything, found a direction where there was no one, and ran away, but secretly complained in his heart.

She originally thought that even if there was no shadow guiding the outside, sneaking in should not be a big problem. After all, a few minutes ago, Li Zedao just threw out the safe with the snake's head on this wall. No one was there, but why was she discovered as soon as she jumped off?

What was she sneaking in for? In order to help Li Zedao deal with the sword demon Ito Junichi, but now, I'm afraid it will hinder Li Zedao, right?

While Anji regretted that he was still careless, he continued to flee forward desperately.

"Bang!" There was a gunshot behind him, and someone fired.

An extremely strong sense of danger suddenly burst out from Nanji's heart. She turned her head on the basis of her experience, and the next second, the bullet whizzed past her ear very dangerously, making her ear There was a hot burst of pain, which was already scratched by the heat of the bullet.

Even though Antarctica has experienced life and death several times, and it is common to shuttle through the hail of bullets, she still couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat, and her head exploded just a little bit.

At the same time, the other party's yelling voice came from behind: "Baga, if you don't stop obediently, I will shoot."

Nanji almost couldn't help but turned around and grabbed the dagger and rushed over. Damn, are you so shameless? He's already uttering such nonsense even after he's already shot.

While Antarctica continued to flee forward like a headless chicken, he took out his pistol and fired a few shots back without looking back... Do you think you are the only one with a gun? I have it too!

Normally, Antarctica doesn't like to use firearms, but that doesn't mean she doesn't use them, nor does it mean her marksmanship is bad! Every member of the Shenlong organization has something they are best at, but even if they are not very good at it, they are better than ordinary special forces.

For example, Antarctica is not good at firearms, but it is easy and enjoyable to hit a perfect score of ten rings casually, but the speed of shooting is not as fast as Li Zedao's.

"Bang! Bang! Bang..."

Without even looking at it, Nanji emptied all the bullets in the gun, and even casually threw the pistol that had already been emptied of bullets back as a concealed weapon.

Those who pursued were frightened by the shots from Antarctica. Although they didn't aim and shoot indiscriminately at all, it was even more difficult to dodge this way.

So the bullets were shot into the bodies of three people very simply, two of them were unlucky, one was shot in the chest, one was shot in the head, and fell to the ground directly, the other was shot in the thigh, and one staggered fell to the ground.

In addition, the pistol thrown by Antarctica as a hidden weapon at the end also hit a guy on the forehead very simply, directly hitting him dizzy for a while, and the front teeth were knocked out very simply.


"Baga... I was shot..."

"Baga... bitch... kill her... kill her..."

The few remaining people were enraged by Nanji's actions, and immediately took out their pistols, aiming at Nanji's back and shooting fiercely.

"Bang! Bang! Bang..." Suddenly, there was a loud gunshot.


Michiko Katsuta came to the small courtyard where Junichi Ito lived. At this time, Junichi Ito was sitting there under the eaves, drinking tea.

Ito Junichi is lustful and also likes tea, but he has a habit, or eccentricity, that is, he only drinks tea made by himself, as for the fact that since he drank the tea made by himself, he finds that the tea made by others is really hard to swallow Or because he is afraid of being poisoned to death, only he himself knows.

"Master." Michiko nodded.

Junichi Ito looked up at her and asked, "Have you caught someone?"

"No, master." Michiko looked a little flustered, "Bowen has asked people to search all the trees that can hide people, but they haven't found any trace of that person, and they haven't found any trace of Takeo either. But I'm afraid that Kogoro Mori will use Those cameras escaped, Bowen had people dismantle those cameras one by one, and turned on the signal*."

Junyi Ito listened, but there was no special expression on his face. He continued to drink tea, but his mind was surging.

There is probably only one explanation for this situation. The other party has long known that his whereabouts have been exposed, and knows that there is no chance to kill himself, so when Michiko called him, he did not hide in any big tree at all, but It has already escaped.

Junichi Ito, the number one wise man in the island country, doesn't think that his apprentices and his subordinates are pigs, and they can't even find an enemy who sneaked in. In addition, the area of ​​Jinguo Shrine is not too large, and there is no such thing as easy to hide If you want to find a living person in a place like this, it is even more easy. Even if an expert like yourself sneaked in, I am afraid that he would have been caught out long ago.

Mori Kogoro is better than himself? What are you kidding?

So the only explanation is that the person who sneaked in realized that things had failed and fled here decisively.

As for Takeo... Well, he was actually with that Moori Kogoro, just like Katsuta Michiko, he also had a clue to be caught by that Moori Kogoro, who told Mori Kogoro that Katsuta Michiko was again Betrayed, his traces have been mastered, and finally he escaped with Mori Kogoro.

This kind of inference is reasonable, and no one can find fault with it!

Junichi Ito silently praised himself over there, and Michiko Katsuda was even more panicked. God knows what this old guy who is calmly drinking tea is thinking as if nothing happened?

At this moment he is still drinking tea leisurely, who knows if he will directly come over with a sword and cut himself in two in the next second?

At this moment, Junichi Ito stopped drinking tea, and frowned slightly.

There are gunshots!


Li Zedao wandered behind a few people, and together they looked for the Moori Kogoro hiding under a big tree. Because he was wearing the same uniform clothes as them, and the mask on his face was taken off, and his original appearance was restored. Of course, out of guilty conscience, Li Zedao touched the tree pole with his hand and then touched it. On my own face, I make myself look a little dirty, and I also try my best to make my smile a little more wretched.

In this way, when Li Zedao shouted "Wait for me..." and trotted towards these people, these people really regarded Li Zedao as one of them... Although his His face seemed a bit unfamiliar, but the one who smiled so wretchedly must be a compatriot, so no one doubted him, it was just that he was temporarily transferred from some team to look for the traces of Mori Kogoro.

They even asked Li Zedao if they found any suspicious persons.

Li Zedao said in his heart, yes, yes, I am! Then he shook his head to indicate that he hadn't found anything.

At the same time, Li Zedao also learned from their conversations that in order to prevent Mori Kogoro from escaping through the cameras, those cameras are being removed one by one, and the signal* installed in the Jinguo Shrine has been turned on.

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