The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1082: Battle Begins

Damn it! Li Zedao cursed inwardly, no wonder there was no response from the headset and no signal from the mobile phone, it was because the signal was completely blocked.

At the moment, I secretly smiled bitterly in my heart, I'm afraid that Antarctica and Shadow outside are going to be in a hurry, right?

Then, Li Zedao also knew that the earphones inside were specially made and would not be affected by this signal*.

Li Zedao glanced at these wretched guys, and found that only the leading guy named Hojo Division was wearing a headset, thinking whether to kill this guy and take his headset away? I heard this headset and got some inside information.

At this moment, Li Zedao vaguely heard a few muffled noises from the northwest corner, it was gunshots! His brows were slightly frowned, could it be that someone sneaked in and was discovered?

At the same time, a man's roar sounded in the headset of Hojo Division, and then he turned his head and glanced at everyone, and roared angrily: "Baga, Qingyin told me through the headset that a woman climbed over the wall sneaked in, and shot and killed a few of our samurai, everyone hurried over with me, let's go to support."

woman? Over the wall? The corners of Li Zedao's eyes twitched a few times. Could it be Antarctica?


Michiko Katsuta just wanted to say that she would ask Hirobumi Ito to turn off the signal first, and when she made a phone call to repeat Kogoro Mori's words, Hirobumi Ito walked over quickly.

When he came to the front, he nodded and said, "Master, we found an infiltrator who shot and killed several of our samurai. Now Qingyin is leading people to chase him down. However, it's not the Moori Kogoro who infiltrated before, but a smuggler." woman with a face."

Junichi Ito's expression didn't change, and he continued to drink tea. Ever since he became the palace secretary of Jinguo Shrine, there have been eight hundred infiltrators if not one thousand, Jun Ito has been used to it for a long time.

Moreover, he didn't think members of Yanhuang or the Shenlong organization would choose to infiltrate during this period of time. After all, it was broad daylight, so it wasn't a good time to infiltrate at all, so he had to choose the dark and windy night, right?

Since she is not a member of the Shenlong group, let alone Yanhuang, Ito Junichi can't arouse too much interest, even if that woman has already killed several guards.

Michiko Katsuta subconsciously said, "A woman? Could it be..."

Jun Ito glanced at Michiko Katsuta: "Do you know who it is?"

"Yes, master, it is very likely that it is Mori Kogoro's younger sister.

"Michiko Katsuta quickly nodded and said, "In addition to Mori Kogoro, there was also his sister who sneaked into the boat to threaten Michiko. It must be because we destroyed the camera and turned on the signal*, and she couldn't contact her brother, so we broke into the boat." Come in now. "

Mori Kogoro's...sister?

Ito Junichi continued to drink tea, his old face was a little hot.

If what Michiko Katsuta said is true, then the so-called inference he just made in his heart that no one can find fault with it will be completely overturned. After all, if Kogoro Mori and Takeo had already escaped If so, then his sister would have no reason to barge in and die.

what happened? Where did he hide if he didn't escape?

"How's your skill?" Ito Junichi asked.

"It's about the same as Michiko..." Michiko Katsuta said with a nod. She was embarrassed to say that she was knocked out by a punch. On the boat that day, even though I was attacked by the other party, I still avoided her first blow. After that, the weird method she used was as if her fist would release a strong electric current, so that I suddenly I was stunned.

How could the human body release such a strong electric current? So Michiko Katsuta guessed that she must have the kind of tool that can release electric current on her body.

In other words, if the two of them did not cheat, Michiko Katsuta would not feel that she would lose to the other party.

Ito Junichi didn't say anything, and continued to drink tea calmly.

He is well aware of Michiko Katsuta's skills. Although this woman is extremely slutty, she is still very talented in martial arts, and her skills are not inferior to those of the members of the Imperial Palace Samurai Corps. The spies, even the members of the Huaxia Shenlong organization, as long as they are not a pervert like Yanhuang who come in person, they still have the capital to fight.

But this kind of skill can't catch Ito Junichi's eyes, so the so-called younger sister of Mori Kogoro who is about the same skill as Michiko who broke in now can't fall into Ito Junichi's eyes.

But slap in the face, isn't it? First, Kogoro Mori who sneaked into the shrine could not be found, and then his sister broke in and even killed several guards! So although he was drinking tea calmly, Junichi Ito was still angry.

Putting down the teacup, looking at Hirobumi Ito, he said calmly, "One hour, Kogoro Timori and that woman's head will come to see me, otherwise, you will apologize by harakiri."

"Yes!" Ito Hirobumi nodded with a serious expression.

"You too." Junichi Ito looked at Michiko Katsuta again.

"Yes!" Michiko Katsuta also had a serious expression on her face, but she felt secretly bitter in her heart, feeling that she was really unlucky, and couldn't help cursing the old Baga man from choking to death after drinking tea.

To her great disappointment, Junichi Ito stopped drinking tea, but stood up and walked into the house.


Nanji hid behind a rock with a stern expression, holding a gleaming dagger in his left hand and a pistol in his right hand.

With a gun in hand, the world has me!

So Nanji knew that she was temporarily safe now, and those guys knew that they had guns in their hands, and they knew that their marksmanship was not bad, so they didn't dare to get too close, and would only curse angrily over there.

Scold, anyway, it is they who waste saliva and thirst, not themselves!

Besides, Anji knows that she still has a big move, which is the button gun given by the shadow. She has seen the power of this gun before, a small one can blow up a car to pieces , let alone these guys.

However, Antarctica never thought that he would break in, so he only carried two such buttons with him*, unless at a critical moment, for example, if he couldn't hold on anymore, then... let's die together! Even, if you can blow up that shit soul-suppressing society, it will be even more profitable.

Nanji gritted his teeth, with a trace of determination on his face!

Then, the pores all over her body suddenly stood up, an instinctive reaction from the danger.

"Whoosh!" A gleaming dagger pierced from top to bottom.

The body of the woman in the traditional kimono of the island country is extremely soft and enchanting, as if there is no bone in her whole body.

In this way, she appeared elusively behind the big rock used as a rockery on the back of the South Pole, and then jumped up high, over the stone that was too high for a person, and the dagger in her right hand was facing from top to bottom. Antarctic's head, Tianling Gai, pierced it.

Nanji can even feel the sound of Riren cutting her hair, and the slender weapon tip is about to be inserted into the scalp...

At this critical moment, Nanji reacted, she turned her head suddenly and at the same time swung the dagger in her hand upwards, facing the dagger that was piercing her Tianling Gai.

"Kang Dang!" The two daggers slashed together fiercely, shooting out sparks.

At the same time, Antarctic rolled on the spot, and then a carp stood up straight, staring at the woman standing on the rock with cold eyes.

Michiko Katsuta, the woman who was stunned by her wristwatch that night and made herself so sick, she completely subverted her outlook on life, values ​​and worldview!

Sure enough, Li Zedao's judgment was correct, this woman's strength should not be underestimated, and she was no longer inferior to her.

While Nanji was staring at each other, Michiko Katsuta was also sizing her up. Although this woman covered her face, judging from the cold eyes she showed, it was the woman who attacked her on the boat that day. Goro's sister is undoubtedly.

If she hadn't rebelled again, Michiko would naturally have to respectfully call her "master" when she saw her now, and she would call her "sister" later, but now, she just wants to kill this woman and make Maori small Goro to kill!

So, she jumped down from the rock gracefully, raised the knife in her hand, and bullied the opponent again! Of course, she was also secretly paying attention to prevent the other party from cheating and then being electrocuted again.

Antarctica is not a master who likes to talk nonsense, so he raised the dagger in his hand and greeted him. So soon they were fighting together, and every shot was a big killer move, as if they would not give up until they killed each other.

Then, the battle quickly entered a fierce state, and it was almost impossible to fight, but no one could do anything to anyone.

Nan Ji wanted to stab to death this lewd woman in front of her that a man would want to fuck, and besides the reason that she made herself extremely disgusting, she found three more reasons why she hated this woman in front of her. Yes, she is an islander! As a soldier, I am far more sensitive than others to the fact that the islanders have caused great harm to the Chinese people decades ago.

Second, this obscene woman even used a dagger, and she insulted her favorite weapon.

Third, this woman didn't even wear underwear under her kimono, and those two deep-water guns were playing over there... Damn it, poke it!

Of course, Michiko Katsuta also had the same idea, wishing to stab this cruel woman to death, damn it, she dared to shock herself!

So the two did everything they could, but it was a pity that after a hard fight, neither could do anything to the other, and then the two separated, looking at each other with unfriendly expressions, and continued to fight together.

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