The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1084 Crazy Idea

"A trick?" Li Zedao frowned, and his mind was already reminded of the scene where his father fought Yoshitake Ito on the garbage mountain that day.

That day, at the beginning, Ito Yoshitake was simply beaten into a dead dog. After that, his father suddenly became motionless, and then Ito Yoshitake remained motionless. The two were like a pair of good friends. You look at me and I look at you.

Afterwards, a bloody hole appeared out of nowhere in my father's chest, as if an invisible sword had stabbed fiercely into that place.

Immediately afterwards, Li Zedao thought of Yoshitake Ito whom he saw on the Nisso, old and weak, as if he had not recovered from a serious illness, and his original cultivation base that was as penetrating as himself was completely gone.

Combined with what Katsuta Taro said, the reason why he is old is because he took Onimaru, and the weak cultivation base is gone because of what sword technique he used, and he was backlashed by the sword technique?

So what kind of swordsmanship is Junichi Ito's so-called...unique move? If this is the case, then I really have to pay attention to it. After all, even Yoshitake Ito could kill his father when he used that big move, let alone an old monster like Junichi Ito. How about ninety-nine or eighty-one blood holes coming out of my body?

"So he suggested that I come in to help you, and Shadow found that the cameras inside were removed one by one, and the signal was also blocked, so I came in." Nanji said.

"In addition, I feel that he knows our every move." Nanji said solemnly.


Li Zedao's expression also became serious. According to his observation, Ito Junichi knew the guy who pretended to be the master, and he was very familiar with him. Otherwise, why would he look at each other affectionately when they met? What about the look full of passion?

Furthermore, since that guy dared to put on the face of the master and pretend to be the master, it means that he must know that something happened to the master, and Junichi Ito has a blue safety button that should belong to the master in his hand. In other words, Ito Junichi is also an insider.

It can also be confirmed from this that the relationship between the two is very close, but why did he do this? Why do you want to kill Junichi Ito so much?

What surprised Li Zedao the most was that his every move appeared under the opponent's nose?

He is the enemy? or a friend?

Li Zedao just felt that his brain was really not enough.

"What should we do now?" Nanji asked after sweeping the dozens of corpses on the ground.

She has become completely dependent on Li Zedao, and she doesn't bother to deal with these headaches and problems. She can do what Li Zedao says... Of course, if what he said is something she doesn't want to do, just let him go.

Now Nanji also understands that these people on the ground were killed by Li Zedao. He pretended to be one of them very well, but secretly shot coldly.

The guns used by Li Zedao have mufflers, and Li Zedao's shooting speed is fast and his movements are secretive, so these people don't know how they were shot until they died.

Then, she swept the kimono and was lifted up, revealing her white thighs. She glanced at Michiko Katsuta who was lying there in an extremely indecent posture. She knew very well that the punch she had just just punched this woman Just dizzy, it didn't take her life.

Nanji actually wanted to kill her, but when her punch hit the past, the woman whose skill was not inferior to her finally came to her senses and tilted her head so that Nanji's fist could not hit her temple superior.

Li Zedao also glanced at Michiko Katsuta on the ground, the corners of his mouth curled up a little strangely, and said, "You didn't kill her, did you?"

"Why? Can't bear it? Is it a pity?" Nanji asked coldly.

"Jealous?" Li Zedao teased.

Nanji glanced at Li Zedao coldly, not bothering to answer such an obvious question.

"There is nothing to be reluctant to part with. If you are not of my race, your heart must be different. Besides, this woman has already seen your face. Who knows if it will be a disaster if you keep it? I just think that if she is not dead, there is one thing. It is especially suitable for her to do it, and after she finishes it, it will be too late to die." Li Zedao's voice was cold, without any warmth, and looking at Michiko Katsuta on the ground was like looking at a dead person.

A soft heart saved Chen Xiaoxue's life before, which resulted in Lao Wang's death. Now, Li Zedao will not make the same mistake again!

"What's the matter?" Antarctica asked curiously.

"Burn the Zhenling Club!" Li Zedao said word by word, his voice was cruel and crazy.

"..." Nanji's expression moved.

"Don't you think it's more meaningful to let the islanders burn the Zhenling Society with their own hands?" Li Zedao said with a smile, a little nervous!

At that moment, Li Zedao walked up to the dozens of corpses, looked at Ito Hirobumi's eyes that were dying, stretched out his hand, and took off the special earphone next to his ear that the internal members used to communicate. A man's voice came: "Hey... Qing Yin... Can you hear it? What happened to the scream just now? Did you kill the woman who sneaked in? Hojo Division has brought people to support, and he also used other people Are you going to support... Hey..."

Li Zedao put the headset in front of his stomach, and imitated Qingyin's voice in ventriloquism and said: "No need for support, that woman has been subdued by Mrs. Michiko who rushed over. There was a gun battle with that woman just now, and several samurai were shot." , that's why there is noise..."

Then the imitated Ito Hirobumi's voice continued: "Listen up, everyone. The master said that within an hour you must go to see him with Kogoro Moori's head, or you will be asked to apologize by harakiri. Goro finds it out... I, Qingyin and Hojo Division are in charge of the northwest corner... You focus on the southeast corner... Everyone searched carefully, there is a high chance that person is hiding in the southeast corner..."


"Baga, let me find it, I must cut off your head..."


Various noisy voices came over.

Li Zedao didn't bother to pay attention to what these people were cursing in the headset, so he turned off the headset immediately, looked back at Antarctica, and waved his scissors hands proudly, indicating that it was done.

They are now in the northwest corner, and walking forward is the Zhenling Society, and what I just said, those people have to rush to the southeast? In this way, the corpses on the ground will not be discovered immediately so that their whereabouts will also be exposed.

In addition, Li Zedao wanted to play bigger this time, so he set the Zhenling Society on fire! So naturally more security guards had to be tricked elsewhere.

Seeing that he was so naive, Nanji twitched the corners of his mouth, but finally he couldn't hold back and smiled.

"Idiot." She said, but there was a lot of tenderness in her eyes.

After Li Zedao stimulated a certain acupuncture point on Michiko Katsuta's body a few times, the dizzy Michiko Katsuta woke up slowly, and then there was a familiar face in her eyes that once fascinated her to death , Then, her eyes widened instantly.

Hadn't she been punched by that damn strange woman who wasn't Mori Kogoro's sister? Why did he see the master when he woke up?

Immediately afterwards, she saw the strange woman, but the woman covered her face again.

There was another thump in my heart, did this strange woman also know Kogoro Mori? Is it his other sister? Also, if it wasn't for the sisters, how could their eyes be so similar, almost exactly the same.

Of course, who is this woman and what is the relationship with her master? For Michiko Katsuta, it is not important at all. What is important is that she cannot let her master know that she has betrayed her, so her Immediately, there was just the right amount of worry and doubt on his face: "Master...Master..."

Then, she noticed that Mori Kogoro was wearing the uniform uniform of the security personnel of Jinguo Shrine. It was because he made such a dress that he even mixed in with those people, so he was not found?

Baga, are those people blind? Even if he wears the same clothes as them, he shouldn't fail to recognize his handsome face.

"Are you okay?" Li Zedao asked.

"Oh, I'm fine, Master." Michiko Katsuta was very happy and moved, then looked at Antarctica, her expression began to be puzzled again, "She is?...Master, what happened?"

Out of the corner of his eye, he glanced at those people on the ground, and the corner of his eye suddenly jumped, Ito Hirobumi, Qingyin, they are all... dead? Mori Kogoro killed?

"She is my...another sister." Li Zedao said casually, "Seeing that she almost killed you, I stopped her. Of course, it was a misunderstanding, and she didn't know that you were mine."

Life is like a play, all depends on acting skills! Li Zedao felt that Oscar owed him a statuette.

"Master, Michiko didn't even know she was your sister." Michiko Katsuta was a little panicked, and quickly struggled to stand up, then bowed to Nanji with a sincere attitude: "I'm really sorry."

Nan Ji glanced indifferently at this woman whose acting skills were not inferior to Li Zedao, and didn't bother to respond.

"Michiko, there is one thing you need to do now." Li Zedao looked at Michiko Katsuta and said.

"Master, everything about Michiko belongs to the master." Michiko Katsuta expresses her loyalty while her thoughts are surging, "Even if Michiko is asked to die now, Michiko will not blink her eyes."

She thought that Mori Kogoro wanted her to lure Junichi Ito out or something. After all, his purpose of sneaking in here was to kill Junichi Ito to avenge his sect?

Nanji turned around, she couldn't take it anymore, she wanted to vomit, and she was even more afraid that she couldn't help but throw the dagger at her, and then said, you can commit suicide!

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