The Ultimate Student in the City

Chapter 1085 The Township

Michiko Katsuta knows now, no matter what, Junichi Ito and Kogoro Mori must die, otherwise she will definitely die in the end!

However, the balance in her heart is still more inclined to Ito Junichi, and she still hopes that Ito Junichi will die. In this way, she may continue to wander around the world with this handsome guy who really makes her heart thump. The life of the gods and couples is just like that of Yang Guo and Xiaolongnv.

It's just that what Li Zedao said next directly stunned her head, as if her head was hit hard by that woman again, and she almost fainted.

"I want you to burn the Zhenling Society," Li Zedao said.

"What... what?" Michiko Katsuta felt that her current tone and expression showed great disrespect to her master, and she explained cautiously while being horrified, "Master, Michiko is not trying to refute your decision, Michiko I just think... You didn't sneak here to kill Ito Junichi to avenge the Mori Ichidou style? Why did you burn the Zhenlingsha?

"Is this Ito Junichi's home?" Li Zedao asked.

"...Yes, master." As the palace secretary of Jinguo Shrine, Junichi Ito has been guarding here for many years, so it is not an exaggeration to say that this is his home, and it can even be counted as his. Belief!

"Junichi Ito also set fire to my house back then, and now I set fire to his house too. It's fair, isn't it?" Li Zedao's face was already full of hatred.

Baga, what a ghost! Michiko Katsuta almost spat out several mouthfuls of blood. I thought to myself, can your broken house be the same as the Zhenling Society? Burning the Zhenling Shrine is tantamount to burning the Jingguo Shrine with a torch, which is equivalent to destroying the beliefs of many islanders. At that time, there will be great turmoil in the entire island country, okay? Members of the right are going crazy, okay? Even if they know that Michiko did this, they will torture Michiko to death, and the Katsuta family will also be implicated, okay?

Baga, have you considered these? Can't you just think about Michiko?

Michiko Katsuta really wanted to turn around and leave, back into Junichi Ito's arms, although Junichi Ito was not as young as Kogoro Mori, nor as handsome as Kogoro Mori, and he couldn't wander the world with him, but at least he didn't have to follow him To do this kind of shitty thing that hurts the womb will become a sinner of the nation.

But she didn't dare, she couldn't even beat that woman, let alone add a Mori Kogoro now.

So, all she could do was try to say something to make this crazy guy give up such a crazy idea, and then she said cautiously: "Master,

Michiko thinks..."

"Baga! Michiko, I'm not discussing with you." Li Zedao interrupted Michiko Katsuda's words impatiently, looking at the other person as if he was looking at someone dead, "I found out as soon as I sneaked in. I have been exposed. If I hadn't killed a man and put his clothes on my body, I'm afraid I would have been beaten to death by now, so I have to wonder if you have betrayed me?"

"Master..." Michiko Katsuta's expression was terrified with just the right amount of grievance, as if she had been wronged. But in my heart, I was stared at by the other party's terrifying eyes all over the body. It turned out that this guy had doubted himself for a long time, Baga, since he doubted, why did he answer his phone and lie to himself that he was hiding in a certain big tree? ?

The liar! Men don't have a good thing, Baga!

"You don't need to explain!" Li Ze said with a cold face, and didn't give Michiko Katsuta any chance to explain.

Now is the time to fight for acting skills, is there any reason why you can't lose the chain? So Li Zedao's current expression is really in place.

And seeing these two people acting over there, the Antarctic stomach is distorted with their frank and outspoken personality, it's really disgusting.

"Any explanation you have now is pale, and it does not prove that you have not betrayed me!" Li Zedao said, "So, I will give you a chance to prove your innocence, that is, burn down the Zhenling Society with a torch! Of course Well, I can kill you now, and then I set fire to it myself! Junichi Ito killed my whole family, and set fire to it, which is equivalent to destroying my faith! Now, I want to burn his faith too !"

"You, choose yourself!" Li Zedao said ruthlessly.

Then, Nanji was very cooperative, and already had an extra pistol in his hand, and the muzzle was aimed at Michiko Katsuta's... chest! If you want to poke but can't, then cum!

Michiko Katsuta's small face turned pale instantly, and she said with a panicked expression: "Master, Michiko knew she was wrong. Michiko will definitely obey the master's order and burn the Zhenling Society to prove her innocence."

Go to his Baga's national belief! It's not as important as your own life! So, what Michiko Katsuta wants to do most now is to quickly set fire to that place.

"Okay, after Ito Junichi is killed, I will take you to roam the world!" Li Zedao's expression softened, and he threw out a few sweet dates.

Nanji almost couldn't hold back, and pointed the gun that was originally aimed at Michiko Katsuta at Li Zedao, a bitch. Although he knew he was acting, why was he so upset?


A few minutes later, Michiko Katsuta and Li Zedao appeared at the Zhenling Society. Li Zedao's head was slightly lowered, looking like a qualified follower.

Antarctica is not suitable to show up because of its dress, so it is temporarily hidden. Since most of the security personnel have been fooled by Li Zedao to go to the southeast corner, Antarctica does not have to worry about being discovered for the time being.

At the same time, Li Zedao had already learned about Junichi Ito's so-called big move from Michiko Katsuta, and Michiko Katsuta had an affair with Junichi Ito, Shinichi Ito, and Yoshitake Ito, the core figures of the three generations of the family. So even if she is not a core figure at all, she still knows something.

It turns out that the Ito family has left behind the unique skill "Sword Twenty-Three". Only the core figures of the Ito family are qualified to practice this sword technique. Of course, not just anyone can practice it. will.

Sword Twenty-Three is known as the sword that cuts heaven, earth, people, and self. Wherever it passes, not a blade of grass grows. The person who uses this sword will let his soul out of his body, making it the most lethal spiritual sword.

Moreover, this sword twenty-three does not belong to the sword of the world. The sword user becomes benevolent if he is not an adult. When he kills the opponent, he will also die because of it!

However, Yoshitake Ito is a rare genius once in a hundred years, and his talent in martial arts is astonishing. When he was practicing this sword technique, he modified it himself to eliminate the hostility that existed in this sword technique. Therefore, when he used this sword technique to kill in Huaxia, he would not have lost his life, but he was still injured by this sword after all.

As for how the swordplay will be performed and what will happen, such as strong winds, lightning and thunder, she is not very clear.

Seeing Michiko Katsuta approaching, the security personnel hurriedly nodded and said, "Mrs. Gong Si..."

All the security personnel of the Jinguo Shrine are divided into several teams, and the captains of each team are Ito Junichi's apprentices, such as Ito Hirobumi, who was headshot by Li Zedao, Hojo Tsukasa, and Qingyin, so when they see Michiko, they will Respectfully address the other party as Mistress, but the other personnel are not Ito Junichi's apprentices, so when they meet Ito Junichi, they will respectfully call him "Miyaji-sama", and when they see Katsuda Michiko, they will naturally call the other party "Miyaji-sama". .

Michiko Katsuta nodded, and said with a solemn expression: "Hurry up, I just saw a suspicious person running towards Zhenpin Pavilion. It should be Kogoro Mori. According to information, this person is a fanatical leftist. Molecule, I am afraid he is going to destroy the treasures inside, the Lord Palace Secretary said that whoever can kill him will be rewarded."

When those people heard it, they had no doubts about him. Although their focus was to protect the Zhenling Society and keep strangers away, was Mrs. Gong Si a stranger? Besides, the most important thing now is to catch the Mori Kogoro who was lurking in, and absolutely not let him destroy the treasure inside, so after nodding to Michiko Katsuta, these people hurried towards the Treasure Pavilion. The direction rushed over.

"Master, please." Michiko Katsuta looked back at Li Zedao, said respectfully, and then led the way.

Li Zedao nodded, then followed her into this ghostly place!

Isn't it just a ghost place? What is the Zhenling Society, which pays homage to many dead souls, if it is not a "ghost" place?

After walking in, Li Zedao only felt that the blood flowing on his body began to surge. The statues enshrined on it, the photos of those bloody war criminals, every scene made him feel angry!

Back then, each of these people's hands were covered with the blood of the Huaxia people! From the First Sino-Japanese War, to the Northeast War, to the All-out War of Resistance... How many Chinese people were killed by these executioners in this sacred and vast land of China? countless!

But now, these heinous war criminals are enshrined as heroes after their death. The specter of militarism has always hovered over the island country, affecting generations of young people in the island country.

They have been instilled and educated since they were young, and they regard aggression as a just war, and treat the people of other countries as human beings to help them create happiness and create the so-called common prosperity!

Li Zedao clenched his fists, and the corners of his mouth showed an extremely cruel look... Do you want to continue to enjoy the love and affection of your people? Enjoy the incense of your own people? Then... let your people burn you with a fire, and bless you, you will gain eternal life in the fire!

"Let's do it, Michiko!" Li Zedao's tone was not the slightest bit warm, as if a ghost was killing him.

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